
'Owl post at lunch,' Teddy said. 'Wonder who it's from.'

'My secret admirer, maybe,' Harry muttered, and Teddy laughed.

'They're getting bold, then.'

But it wasn't from a secret admirer. In fact, when Harry opened the envelope and took out a card, he had to read it through three times before he could believe the words.

'What's it say?' Teddy asked. 'Is it a clue?'

'It's from Professor Snape,' Harry whispered. He yanked a bit of the butcher paper off the top of the package, exposing just the end of a broomstick.

'Let me see,' Millie said, and grabbed at the card, so she could read it aloud, in a stage whisper. ''DO NOT OPEN parcel at the table, or everyone will want one, and I am not running a charitable organization here. However, Slytherin's Seeker does need a decent broom.' And it's signed 'Professor S. Snape.' Merlin's drawers!' Millie gaped at Harry. 'The professor sent you—'

'A Nimbus 2000.' Harry's voice was low and reverent as he smoothed a hand over the handle of the new broom, all he allowed himself to open of the parcel until he could be alone. 'I can't believe it.'

Teddy smirked, and kept his voice down, too. 'Well, he wants us to win, doesn't he?'

'Yeah, but . . .' Harry glanced up at the Head Table, just in time to see the professor turn his head away. A tinge of red infused the normally sallow cheeks. If Harry didn't know better, he would think Snape was embarrassed. For that matter, Harry was embarrassed, and he could feel his ears getting red. He had never received a gift for no reason before. And the only ones he'd gotten for cause was Hedwig, for his birthday, and some candy, for getting laid up in the Infirmary.

But what a gift this was!

Why would Snape give him a new broom? he wondered. Was it really just 'cause he wanted Slytherin to win the Quidditch Cup? Or was this another way of making up for being such a git before, to Harry? Whatever the reason, Harry was even more excited to fly again.

He wanted to try out his new broom right now.

Alas . . . Teddy gave him a commiserating look, and said, 'We've got Charms, Harry. In ten minutes.'

Harry sighed. 'Just enough time to run this back to the dungeons, I guess.'

'Don't worry. You have practice tonight, right?'

'Yeah!' Harry perked right up. 'Flint'll prob'ly wet himself, he'll be so happy!' He glanced at the Head table again, and this time caught the Professor's gaze. 'Thanks,' he mouthed, and smiled.

The Professor gave a curt nod, then rose from the table, gathered his dark robes around him, and billowed out of the room without looking back.

Harry watched him, bemused, but didn't think any more about the professor's motives then, not even that evening at practice, when he swooped and dove and flew like he was on fire. The broom was smooth, and fast, and perfect, and Harry had never felt better in his life.

TBC . . .

A/N: Thank you, readers and reviewers and those who are both, for your wonderful support on this story! Here on ff dot net, there are over a thousand people getting an alert for each new chapter . . . it's amazing! And wonderful! And supakewl! You guys are the best. Yep, each of you is the best. I think it involves time travel somehow. Or bunnies.

*Chapter 26*: Chapter 26

Better Be Slytherin! – Chapter 26

By jharad17

Disclaimer: Not mine. I imagine I'll get over it.

Summary: As a first year, Harry is sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor, and no one is more surprised than his new Head of House.


As Severus took a book of his own from one of the pockets of his voluminous robes, and settled back in his chair, he mused that there might be hope for him and the son of James Potter getting along after all.

To his utter amazement over the next several weeks, Severus was, indeed, able to 'get along' with Harry Potter, the Brat Who Continued to Surprise Him. During their nightly tutoring sessions, the boy was respectful and diligent about his school work, and Severus found himself grudgingly accepting once and for all that his preconceived notions about young Potter had been unjustified, and horrifically skewed. It was a discussion the two of them had almost a week after he gave the Brat the Nimbus that truly solidified things for him, though.

Potter had been hunched over an essay for Herbology for the better part of an hour, not looking up from his books or paper at all, as usual, while Severus corrected Fifth Year exams. The two of them generally spent two hours in Severus' classroom – or occasionally his office – each night, the first in independent work, and the second with Severus quizzing the boy on his readings or answering questions, usually about schoolwork, but sometimes they spoke about his nightmares or the attack of several weeks ago.

Severus found the schedule rather conducive to getting his work done, and to keeping an eye on the boy. Other than those two hours, Potter was generally with some of the other Firsties in their common room, or at Quidditch practice, which had been expanded to thrice a week. Potter was rarely, if ever, alone, and thus less likely to be attacked again.

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