The joy that shone in Harry's eyes and made his whole face glow was something Severus had never thought to see in his lifetime. 'Really? Oh, thank you, sir!'

Embarrassed by this display, Severus nodded curtly. 'It's time to go back,' he said. 'I have work to do. As do you, if I am not mistaken.'

Harry nodded, then sighed a little and crouched in front of the gravestone, where he traced his gloved fingers along the engraved letters that spelt his parents' names. Once again, Severus had to look away, lest his emotions overcome him. It had been ten years. Surely he should be over this by now.

When the boy stood, finally, Severus motioned for him to head back to the woods, where they would take the portkey he had prepared for their return trip. Lost in his own thoughts, he did not hear Harry's question, until the boy said, a little more loudly, 'Sir?'

'Yes, Potter?'

'I asked if my parents lived around here? I mean, I thought I saw other buildings outside the churchyard.'

'Yes, they lived in Godric's Hollow, the town which surrounds this church. It's a primarily Wizard town, and many renowned families live here, or used to.'

'Like who, sir?'

'The Dumbledores lived here for a time. And Bathilda Bagshot, author of A History of Magic,' he smirked down at the boy, 'which you are obviously familiar with. Or should be.'

Harry laughed. 'Yes, sir. Anyone else?'

'Think about it. Godric's Hollow.'

'Oh! Godric Gryffindor?'



Severus snorted a laugh. 'Indeed.'

It took them only a few minutes more to reach the spot from where they would portkey, and this time, Severus made a point of telling Harry he would hold his arm to make sure he didn't fall at the other end of their journey. He did not want a repeat of the scare he had given the boy when they had arrived here. He understood the cause, of course, but did not want to exacerbate the situation. Harry's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, but Severus pretended not to notice.

The return trip was uneventful, and they landed in Severus' office a moment later.

'It's nearly lunch time,' Severus said. 'You should have just enough time to change and make it up to the Great Hall to sit with your year mates.'

Harry nodded and started for the door, but he had not gone more than a step or two before he turned back. His eyes were clear and bright. Lily's emerald eyes. 'Sir? Thank you, for taking me to . . . to see them.'

Severus inclined his head. 'You're welcome.'

Harry licked his lips, almost avariciously. 'About those pictures . . .'

Severus raised an eyebrow, mouth curled in a semblance of a sneer. 'I will show them to you when I have received your essay, Potter,' he said. When the boy's expression grew crafty, he hastened to add, 'But mind this: I will know if you rush through it in order to get your reward, and if you rush . . . then you will have no reward.'

Harry's face fell, but he nodded. 'I'll do it right,' he promised.

'I know you will, Harry.' And he did. His previous essay was proof of that. 'Go on now. Your nutritional supplement will be awaiting you at lunch, as you did not see fit to eat breakfast.'

Harry's eyes grew wide, thinking, no doubt, that Severus had read his mind. But this time, he had not needed to; hearing the boy's stomach rumble hungrily all morning had been quite enough of a clue.

He smiled, giving nothing away. 'Go on,' he said again, and Harry fled.

Shaking his head slightly, he returned to his quarters and the hidden drawer in his desk where he kept his photographs of Lily. As he went through the small stack, he alternately cursed himself for making the offer to Harry, and cursed the Dark Lord for taking his Lily away. It had been years since he went through these pictures, and each one held a memory, for good or ill.

After an hour or so, he could take the trip through the memories no more, and went to work on his potions, the one thing guaranteed to make him lose himself. Some days, he wished he could lose himself forever.

TBC . . .

A/N: Thank you to everyone who continues to read and give support on this story! Happy Holidays, and Snapey hugs for all . . . I think he needs them.

*Chapter 31*: Chapter 31

Better Be Slytherin! – Chapter 31

By jharad17

Disclaimer: Not mine. I imagine I'll get over it.


Harry's eyes grew wide, thinking, no doubt, that Severus had read his mind. But this time, he had not needed to; hearing the boy's stomach rumble hungrily all morning had been quite enough of a

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