'I assure you, there is nothing amusing about that appellation.'
'Uh huh.'
'You are cheeky.'
'Yes, sir. Will you help me with my homework?'
'I will look it over for you when you have completed it. Again. If you have specific questions, I will endeavor to assist you in finding the answers.'
Harry sighed. 'Fine. Can I have my letters from Hermione and Ron?'
'When you have finished your work.'
'Don't you think I'd be more motivated to do well on it and not rush through, if I had them first, and was . . . less stressed out?'
Snape's eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair. 'I shall allow you one letter from each, my little Slytherin. And then you will finish your essays.'
'I hope that was meant to be a compliment,' Harry said.
The one eyebrow went up. 'Indeed.'
Aug. 3rd
Have you see the latest on the Cannons? Unbelievable, huh? I am going to go to a game this year if it kills me.
Harry put down the two letters Snape let him have, and tried not to think about Hedwig, or the birthday he'd missed, or any of it. His chest felt like someone was sitting on it, and he swallowed a couple more times before folding the letters carefully and putting them to the side. Then, as he'd promised, he picked up his quill and started in on his school work again.
A couple hours later, his eyes were too tired to make out his own scratches on the parchment, never mind Snape's corrections. He cleaned up his work and capped the ink bottle, then went to the sitting area and flopped into the settee with a sigh.
'Lupin asked if you were willing to meet with him again.'