But that Harry was now officially his son was perhaps the sole benefit of the whole mess, from Black's escape to his commitment to St. Mungo's. Even the Ministry knew now. Cornelius Fudge could not put his hands on Harry, and neither could Black, even if he was still legally Harry's godfather. He could not force Severus to bring Harry to see him.

Severus had promised that, if Harry wanted, he would let the boy see Black. So far, Harry had not shown the slightest inclination to do so, which suited Severus just fine.

But now, this letter from Lupin. He wondered what the werewolf wanted, in truth. What was he playing at, to suddenly emerge from the woodwork after six years of conspicuous absence? What was his angle?

It vexed Severus that he could not tell, from the letter, what Lupin really wanted. He doubted very much it was merely about renewing his relationship with Lily's son -- at least he had done the courtesy of not claiming Harry to be Potter's son. Yes, it was vexing, and Severus had several cutting remarks to send back by way of reply, starting with, 'You mangy cur . . .'

He sighed.

'You told Harry he could decide whether to see Black or not.' Molly's words, so close upon the heels of his thoughts, made him twitch.

'So I did.'

'Has he asked to?'

'Would you ask to go see your kidnapper? A man who terrorized you and stole you from your home?'

Twin blotches of pink appeared on Molly's cheeks. 'Has he?'

'If he had, I would have taken him to see that mangy mutt.'

A tiny smile played on her lips. 'You wouldn't have tried to talk him out of it? Suggested, perhaps, he put off such a trip for a week or a year?'

She knew him too well. It was exactly what he planned to do if Harry asked. 'The subject has not come up.'

'Lucky for you.'

He raised an eyebrow in her direction. Harry was traumatized by that man so badly he has spent the last six months clinging to me like a limpet. I daresay 'luck' has naught to do with it.'

Chastised, Molly's coloring darkened. 'No, of course not.'

'I will do whatever it takes to make Harry happy, to make sure he is cared for and to keep him from being hurt again. I will protect him and make sure nothing comes between us again. Ever.'

Red-faced and panting from exertion, Harry chose that moment to come running up to him. He threw his arms around his father and buried his wind-chilled face in Severus' warm robes. With hands under Harry's armpits, Severus swiftly lifted him into the air, then pulled him in for a hug as Harry grinned. 'Did you see me, Dad? Did you see me jump over Fang when he was starting to get up?'

'Of course, my little Seeker. You've got some good muscles there; maybe you should go for Beater?'

Harry laughed and shook his head. Beaming as Severus kissed his brow quickly, he squirmed until Severus set him down so he could go running off to his friends again.

Harry was his world. He was everything to him. The world be damned if anyone dared mess with them again.


Author's Note: I have not yet written a Harry's First Real Christmas interlude for the Whelp series, but I might be persuaded to do so . . .

With this extra long Chapter + Epilogue, Whelp II is done! For all who read and review, a heartfelt thanks & super snuggly hugs from Li'l Harry for coming along for the ride! I'll start Part Three in the next month or so. I'll be doing some work on my other two main stories first.

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