Turning back to the room, he decided to make the bed, and then he could get dressed. But he didn't know where his clothes were, hadn't seen them since he woke up. Maybe they were being laundered? Maybe he could ask Dappin for them; she probably knew.

It took a little while to make the bed, as it was almost taller than he was, but he finally got the pillows in order, and the quilts smoothed out and straightened. He was just reaching for another of those cloths when the door opened and Master Snape stood framed in the space.

'Good, you're up. Hungry?'

'Yes, sir, um, I mean, yes, Father.'

Harry's father actually smiled, and the darkness in his eyes softened. He was dressed in day clothes again, but none like Harry had ever seen. Like a housecoat, except longer and thicker, this one was dark green with black piping at the edges. 'Come downstairs then, and Dappin will have breakfast ready for us.' He waited in the hallway for Harry to follow him, and when Harry reached the door, he added, 'We'll need clothes for you, for the ceremony today. And in general, too, but especially for today.'

'Yes, Father, but, um . . .'

'What is it?' Father asked as they reached the top of the stairs.

'Clothes are expensive, and I'm not--'

'You let me worry about clothes, Harry,' his father said sharply, and Harry made himself nod.

'Yes, sir.' Harry hunched his shoulders. He'd made his Father angry, and they hadn't even done the ceremony yet.

The silence stretched on for a long moment, before his father spoke again. 'Let me help you down the stairs. That ankle shouldn't be walked on.'

Harry looked at the tall, lanky man who was going to be his father. He stood with his arms out, as if he expected Harry to go to him, but Harry wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, really. Biting his lip, he stood, undecided and still worried about what his father would do, now that he was angry. The man stepped toward him, and without even thinking about it, he backed away.

'Harry. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to carry you downstairs.' This time his voice was soothing, not harsh at all, and maybe a little sad. Feeling stupid and embarrassed, Harry turned his face away.

'Would you rather eat in your room?'

Harry nodded. 'Yes, sir. Please.'

'Very well. Go on back in, and I'll let Dappin know.'

'Yes, sir,' Harry said again, and returned to the room alone.


TBC . . .

A/N: Thanks to all my wonderful reviewers! You guys are wicked cool. And motivational! And deserve chocolate!

Didn't get to the ceremony in this bit. Sorry 'bout that. But it'll be in the next one. If you're having trouble getting the story on as they seem to have had protracted problems the last couple days, you can find it on Potions & Snitches, under my same user name: jharad17. Happy reading!

*Chapter 10*: Chapter 10

Whelp – Chapter 10

By jharad17

A/N at end

Disclaimer: Not mine, never was mine, never will be mine.


Severus paced the dining room, downstairs, wrestling his temper back under control. He wasn't angry with the boy, but with himself. What was he thinking to have towered over the lad, when the boy had obviously come to fear those bigger and more powerful than he? And the look of terror in Harry's eyes when Severus has moved toward him . . . it cut him to the quick.

Doubts swelled again about this course of action. He'd spent a restless night, pouring over all the ways this adoption could turn out horribly. He'd reminded himself, again, that he had no idea of how to raise a child, especially one with such a history as the Boy Who Lived. He'd anguished over whether he would truly be able to put aside his loathing for the child's natural father, and treat Harry as his own son. Would he grow to resent the boy, as his own aunt and uncle had done? And what of Harry? He had no idea what he was getting into. How could he, at so young an age? He was so quiet, fearful, and at the same time, almost stoic and resigned. It was haunting, really.

But the more his doubts swirled, the more he realized Albus was right. He could not let the boy go back to his relatives, even if he did hate the machinations of the elderly Headmaster that forced this other choice upon him. He wondered, though, what Albus was thinking, truly? Hadn't he loved Lily enough to take her only son into his family? Did it all come down to a former Death Eater and spy?

None of these thoughts were conducive to settling his temper, so Severus spent another few minutes emptying his mind. When he was ready, he called Dappin and told her to bring them breakfast upstairs in Harry's room.

'Then I will need you to go to Madam Malkin's in Diagon Alley,' he told her. 'Harry needs clothes appropriate for a formal ceremony today. Dress robes in blue. Have her put a Sizing spell on them and mark the cost down to my Gringott's account.'

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