immediately it rolled back up onto its feet.

The driver’s-side door opened, and Philip stepped out, the streetlamp’s light reflecting in his mirrored shades. He marched grimly up to Long Face, undeterred by the gargoyle’s threatening hisses, and punched it in the face. Or rather, through its face. Philip’s fist, covered in blood and gargoyle brain matter, came out the back of Long Face’s head as if the gargoyle’s skull was made of papier-mache. Long Face stopped hissing, twitched a bit, then fell still.

I got up on wobbly legs. “You should be more careful. You almost hit me when you were aiming for the gargoyle.”

“Aiming for the gargoyle? Sure, let’s go with that.” Philip pulled his hand free from Long Face’s skull and shook the gore off of it. “Get in the car.”

I wasn’t about to argue with someone who could punch a gargoyle to death, so I went around the other side and got into the passenger’s seat. I shrugged out of my sopping wet trench coat and tossed it in the back. It didn’t help much. The rest of my clothes were wet, too, and I was still cold. “What are you doing here?” I asked Philip as he got behind the wheel. “How did you know where to find me?”

He started driving, following the access road. The light of his one working headlight briefly lit up Long Face’s body on the side of the road, then left it behind. “The cell phone Isaac gave you has a GPS chip inside it. I followed it until the signal died, and after that…” He paused and glanced at me. “Let’s just say you have a peculiar smell for a human. Spicier, like gumbo. Definitely not the same as everyone else’s. All I had to do was follow my nose.”

I lifted my arm and sniffed my armpit. I smelled like the Hudson River, but I had a feeling that wasn’t what Philip meant. First Ingrid had said my aura was wrong, and now Philip said my scent was wrong, too. Just more unanswered questions for me to obsess over instead of sleeping.

“You shouldn’t have come for me,” I said. “I told Isaac Reve Azrael was following me. I can’t go back.”

“It was his idea. Me, I think if someone wants to run off and get themselves killed that’s their prerogative, but Isaac doesn’t leave people behind. Ever.”

“He should have this time. He knows it’s safer for me to stay away.”

“Let me tell you something about Isaac Keene,” Philip said. “I was in the Towers the day they came down. The South Tower, the first one that fell. I was trapped for hours with the sun coming through a hole in the rubble above me and burning me alive. It was Isaac who pulled me out. He’d been there all day, rescuing people from the wreckage, never stopping, never resting. He didn’t care that I was a vampire, or that the only reason I was there was because I was feeding on a janitor when the shit went down. All he saw was someone who needed help. Isaac saved my life.”

“Yeah? Is that why you stuck around?”

“According to the laws of my kind, I owe him one hundred years of servitude in return, and I give it gladly. Isaac may have his flaws, but he doesn’t give up on anyone.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Flaws? I thought he was Mr. Perfect.”

“Oh, he has his flaws,” Philip said. “For instance, he won’t let me feed the way I want to, and that is a definite flaw. I haven’t had fresh human blood in over a decade. It’s unnatural. Do you know what happens to a rutting bull when he’s not allowed to mate?” He glanced at me. “You have no idea how close I came to tearing your throat out when we met. The smell of your blood…” He trailed off. I was glad not to hear the rest of that sentence. “You have Isaac to thank for keeping your throat intact. He gave you a second chance because that’s who he is. It’s what he does. He did it for me, and he did it for Gabrielle and Bethany, too. They have their own stories about how Isaac found them at their lowest points and gave them a purpose. He cares. In fact, he cares too much, and that’s his biggest flaw. It makes him weak. It will get him killed one day. Luckily, he’s got me around to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Isaac had surrounded himself with special people from the start, I realized, each with his or her own talent. He’d been putting this team together for a long time now. He’d been preparing all along to take up the fight, even if he didn’t know it.

Philip found an exit off the access road that brought us onto the Henry Hudson Parkway, where we merged with traffic heading downtown. I was starting to feel much better, almost fully recovered. Even my bones hurt less. The sun wasn’t up yet, but it was getting close as the black sky brightened toward gray. The headlights of oncoming traffic speared through the dark and reflected off Philip’s mirrored shades.

“Can you see in the dark with those glasses on?” I asked.

“I’m a vampire,” he said. “I can see in the dark with a blindfold on.”

“Do you ever take them off?”

He turned to me with a slight grin. I could see the tips of his fangs. “Trust me,” he said, “you wouldn’t want me to.”

Something in the tone of his voice told me to drop the subject.

He continued, picking up the thread of our conversation, “Isaac didn’t just send me to get you because you were in danger. He needs you, Trent. Just like he needs the rest of us. It’s all-hands-on-deck time. The question is, are you going to be a man and step up, or are you going to keep running?”

I sighed and looked out the window. “All I ever wanted was to find out who I am and where I came from. I snuck into a warehouse to steal a box because I thought it would get me the answers I needed, but instead it turned my world upside down. Made me question everything I thought was true. As if that wasn’t enough, now you’re asking me to help stop an unkillable million-year-old creature from waking up and destroying everything?”

“Welcome to New York,” Philip said. “You didn’t say no, so I take it you’re in?”

Outside the window, I saw the passing lights of the city. How much longer would those lights burn if Stryge got loose? How many thousands, millions of people would die? I already had too many deaths on my shoulders. “Fine,” I said. “I’m in.”

He dug his cell phone out of his pocket and tossed it to me. It was identical to the one Isaac had given me. “Isaac’s number is in the contacts. Call him and put it on speakerphone. We need to know what our next move is.”

Once again, Isaac’s number was the only one programmed into the contacts. I put it on speaker and hit the send button. A moment later Isaac’s voice filled the inside of the Escalade.

“Philip, tell me you found him.” He sounded harried, like he’d had a long night. That made two of us.

“It’s me, Isaac, I’m here,” I said.

“Trent! Thank God you’re all right.” He actually sounded relieved. That surprised me. I still wasn’t used to people giving a damn.

I filled him in as quickly as I could on everything that had happened since we last spoke: Reve Azrael’s ambush in the cemetery; the Black Knight’s plan to steal Stryge’s power, and mine; and the brewing gargoyle rebellion. He wanted to know if I was okay, and I told him I was fine, but that the Black Knight was pissed. “Right now, I bet every gargoyle in the Tri-State area is out looking for me,” I said. “Once the sun comes up it’ll buy us some time, but right now I’m more worried about Reve Azrael. She’s a lot harder to shake. She could be tailing me as we speak, or she could already be with Stryge’s body. Either way, I don’t like it. Tell me you found something useful in the books.”

“Nothing,” he said. “Unfortunately, the conspiracy to keep the location of Stryge’s body a secret was executed perfectly. We have a couple more shelves of books to look through, but I’m not feeling hopeful.”

“Reve Azrael isn’t the only one who knows where Stryge’s body is,” I said. “It stands to reason the Black Knight knows, too, or he wouldn’t be planning to steal Stryge’s power.”

“Are you suggesting we ask the Black Knight?”

“Actually, I was thinking maybe we should just hang back and let them kill each other.”

Isaac laughed, but it sounded weary, exhausted. “Believe me, I’m tempted, but it’s way too dangerous. Still, I think you’re on to something. The gargoyle that helped you…”

“Jibril-khan,” I said.

“Funny, it never occurred to me that gargoyles would have names. I always thought of them as animals,” Isaac said.

“You and everyone else. But they’re not. They’re a lot more complicated than anyone gave them credit for.”

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