Burke filled the extended silence that had fallen between them as she and Fridrik conversed. “What brings you to Washington?”
“Business,” Javier said, “in Seattle.”
Fridrik frowned.
“What kind of business?” Burke asked.
Javier hesitated. “Personal business.”
Burke gave a brief nod. “I see.”
Fridrik leveled a serious look on Javier. “We will permit you shelter, shifter, while you heal. But one false move that brings injury to any member of this family, and your life is forfeit. Are we clear?”
“No one in your family is in danger of harm by my hand, so long as I have no fear of injury by you or your kin.”
Heidi sighed. “I already said you’re under my protection. That should be enough. Now, come on.
Let’s get you off your feet and in bed so you can rest.”
Her fathers moved out of her way as she guided her patient into the house, but she didn’t make it through the door before Burke’s telepathic order came to her loud and clear.
She tried not to cringe.
“Isabela? Where are you?” Javier stopped in the foyer with a smile on his face, his gaze lowered to the trail of rose petals on the floor.
Were they from the bouquet he and his brother had sent to the hospital? Their first anniversary was this weekend, but the brothers had decided to gift their mate with something special each day leading up to the momentous occasion. Yesterday had been a box of her favorite chocolates. Today, two dozen peach-colored roses, again her favorite.
He closed the front door and followed the fragrant petals that lead through their living room and down the hall. Soft classical melodies, his wife’s preferred music, filtered through the house. The petals continued through the master bedroom, ending at the doorway to the master bath.
His smile turned into a full-blown grin. No wonder his mate hadn’t answered his call. She couldn’t, not when his brother had her pinned against the shower’s glass wall, his tongue in her mouth as they kissed with passion.
Javier cleared his throat and heard them chuckle.
“You’re late,” Juan muttered without pulling his lips from Isabela’s. His brother’s shirt was unbuttoned but still on his shoulders, the tails pulled free of his pants, which told Javier he hadn’t arrived too long after Juan, no more than a couple of minutes at the most.
“Traffic was a bitch.” He kicked away from the doorway and closed in on the couple.
“Rough day?” Juan peppered their mate’s face with playful kisses on the nose and cheeks.
“No, the usual. Mostly training exercises.” Javier waited for his brother to come up for air. “And you?”
“Drug bust...small operation, but got three in custody, and no one was hurt.”
“Good.” Sometimes he wished his brother had chosen to reenlist in the military like he had instead of pursuing a career in law enforcement, but Juan had a stubborn streak that rivaled his own. Truth be told, both careers were inherently dangerous. Javier’s helicopter accident last year was proof enough of that.
At least they both could serve from their nation’s capitol. Being apart from his brother and mate when on a mission was bad enough; daily separation for months on end would be torture.
Isabela gave Juan a quick peck and then turned her beautiful smile on Javier. “I want to thank you for the flowers.”
He pulled her free of Juan’s embrace and eyed her skimpy peach negligee. “I want to thank you for wearing that,” he said, making her giggle as he wrapped her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.
He loved coming home to her, kissing her, waking up beside her each morning.
To the soft beat of the instrumental music, he danced her out of the bathroom and to the bed.
His tongue dueled playfully with hers while he stripped her body of the silky fabric. He heard more than saw his brother kick off his shoes and felt Isabela’s fingers tug his zipper down.
After his pants slid down his legs, he helped her remove his shirt, sat and pulled her to stand between his thighs. Juan’s hands skimmed around her sides as Javier dipped his head to suckle from a plump breast.
She hissed softly and combed her fingers through his hair. He sucked harder, cupping her sweet ass and letting his brother cradle her breasts while he feasted.
Juan murmured sweet nothings to Isabela, which made Javier smile. She was perfect for them, soft, supple, a treasure he’d never dreamed possible.
Breathlessly, she said, “I—I can’t think—”
“Don’t. Just feel.” He fell back on the bed and snagged her by the hand to pull her down over him.
“But I have something to tell you both.”
“Hold that thought,” Juan said, moving behind her as she straddled Javier’s groin.
Javier smiled at Isabela, watching her expression transform as his brother entered her slowly. Her lashes drifted down. Her rosy, well-kissed lips parted, and his cock swelled. Hard and ready, he told his brother telepathically to hurry. He wouldn’t be able to wait much longer.
Just as his brother withdrew from her pussy to align his dick with her ass, she blinked at Javier as if awaking from a dream.
“I’m pregnant.”
Both brothers froze. Javier thought his heart would pound its way free of his chest. His mate had just given them the greatest gift he could ever hope for.
His cock poised at the precipice of paradise, he cupped her nape and drew her down for a tender kiss.
Having survived her fathers’ inquisition, Heidi reheated some leftover stew, paired it with dinner rolls and one of her favorite bottles of beer—which she kept hidden in the fridge so her brothers wouldn’t drink it—and went to check on her patient.
Setting the tray of food on her dresser, she approached the bed to see Javier was still asleep. Though he seemed peaceful now, he’d tossed and turned enough to kick off most of the covers.
She decided to let him rest. The meal could wait. She lifted the corner of one sheet and began to drape it over his body when he snatched her by the wrist and pulled her off-balance. With a gasp, she fell into his arms, his large hand at her nape, pressing her face toward his.
“Javier?” She pushed at the mattress, trying to squirm free without jostling his injured leg. “What are you doing?”