“Which term bothers you the most?”
“Preach having a penalty clause.”
“Not the part about not knowing who you’re going to fight?”
“Nah.” He crosses his arms over his bare chest. “I don’t need more than a day or two to learn a fighter’s moves.”
“Okay. How long do we have?”
“Two days.”
“What’s the rush? I thought you had at least two months after the fight this weekend before your next fight?”
“I do. But they want this signed before my qualifying fight this weekend. The deal isn’t a go unless I win, but they want it wrapped up before the weekend anyway.”
“Okay. Let me work on it.” I stand. “I should get going. I need to give my file a quick read before my afternoon deposition.”
Nico stands and grips me tightly against his body when I attempt to leave after a nice goodbye kiss.
“Twenty minutes.”
“I’ll be late.”
“I’ll be good.”
“I’m sure you would. But...”
My objection goes unheard when Nico’s mouth crashes down on mine. He kisses me long and hard with his naked muscles pressed up against me until my body defies my brain and succumbs to his demand.
An hour later I’m on my way back to the office, with Nico’s scent on my clothes and inside of me. I have a sneaking suspicion that Nico wanted it that way, knowing I was seeing William.
Chapter 30
I haven’t seen or heard from William since the night at the bar when Nico decided to out us as a couple by kissing me purposefully right in front of him. Now I’m going to sit next to him in an all afternoon deposition with Nico’s scent on me and my underwear still damp from our mid day romp. I should really be pissed off at Nico for being such a neanderthal, but I can’t help but smile when I think about him wanting to mark me as his. It’s archaic and adolescent and the man is turning me into a foe for the women’s liberation movement, but god damn it, the man may well be my kryptonite.
Our co-clients are here early, earlier than William, which is unusual. He is normally the first one to arrive for everything. I put our clients in one conference room and the opposition in another room and go back to my office to review my notes. Regina buzzes me from the desk to let me know that William has arrived and I go out to the lobby to greet him with a little trepidation.
Unlike last time, and every other time we’ve seen each other over the last few years, he doesn’t kiss me hello, not even a kiss on the cheek. He’s professional, but distant. Immediately I can tell that he doesn’t want to talk about anything but business. Even my attempt at cordial small talk when I greet him is met with resistance.
“How are you?” I ask, in an attempt to put a feeler out for how things are going to be between us.
“Fine. Are our clients here?” He’s not even going to reciprocate my polite banter to inquire how I am.
“Yes, they’re in the conference room. Do we need to put together a game plan before we start?” We work well together and it’s usually not necessary, but we always spend a few minutes talking before we meet with our clients. Go over strategy or pitfalls we want to review.
“No. Unless you’re not ready.”
So that’s how it’s going to be? I straighten my spine and stand tall. I can do impersonal with the best of them. “I’m ready.”
An hour into our deposition, the ice between William and I thaws. Twice, we both went to ask the same question at the same time. Then we both grabbed for the water pitcher at the center of the table at the same moment. Even opposing counsel got a kick out of how we can finish each other’s sentences. We really are good together. Or were, I should be thinking were.
We are almost ready to wrap up for the day and I watch William as he finishes up the last of his questions. He’s intelligent and well-spoken and undeniably handsome. Financially sound, stable, and dependable. I don’t know what was missing. William catches my stare as he turns to me to ask if I have any other questions to ask, and I become a little flustered at being caught admiring him.
We make our way to the reception area to see our clients out and Regina tells me she’s going to head out on time for a change. She has a hair appointment. I smile and lie when I tell her that I’m not that far behind her. Both of us know I’ll be here for hours more. William walks back to the conference room with me and we spend a few minutes talking about the case. There really weren’t any surprises, but I’m glad we have the chance to talk before he goes. He’s friendly and less guarded and we easily slip back into our usual banter for a while.
I excuse myself and head to the ladies’ room. When I get back to the conference room, William is almost done packing up both our files. I’d have to unpack it and reorganize my files if it was anyone else, but I’m sure that William packed it away just as I would have. We’re a lot alike, both methodical in our work habits. I still have to speak to him about Nico’s contract, but it feels almost awkward to bring him up.
“Umm. I have a fight contract for you to look at.”
William stops packing the case and looks up at me. He seems confused for a second and then recognizes what I’m referring to and nods.
I walk next door to my office to get the envelope where I’ve stashed it with some of the notes I jotted down while I was with Nico. I’m surprised when I look up and William is standing in the doorway of my office. I walk to him and hand him the envelope. He doesn’t move from the doorway.
“Is he why we stopped spending time together?” William’s voice is quiet when he speaks.
I’m not sure how to answer the question. The truth is, it is the reason why I stopped seeing William, but not for the reason he thinks, but it seems rude to say it for some reason.
I look up at him and without realizing it, I bite my lip.
William looks at me and nods as if he understands, but then reaches his hand out and tugs at my lip where I’m biting. He keeps his finger on my lip after I release it from between my teeth and he rubs at the spot where I’ve probably left an indent.
“That always did drive me crazy.” He says with a small smile and a low voice, his eyes still focused on my lips as he speaks.
“What?” I sound confused, because I am. I have no idea what he means.
“You bite your lip when you’re nervous. It’s your tell.” William smiles and glances quickly between my mouth and eyes before he continues. “Since you’re superwoman, I didn’t see it very often, but I always thought it was sexy when it came out.”
William is still standing in my doorframe and now, between his words and his lingering touch on my mouth, the moment feels intimate. I don’t know what to say, so instead I stand there like an idiot. He’s caught me off guard, he’s always been an easy read. His finger that traced my lip falls away, but his hand moves to my neck. It all happens in slow motion and yet I don’t have time to stop it as he lowers his face to mine and kisses me on the mouth.
I’m shocked. Not at the kiss itself, but because I never would have expected it from William. It takes me a second or two before I snap out of it and realize I haven’t pulled away. But then I do. I pull my head back and look up at William, who I expect to be offended, or pissed, or just something…anything, other than what I find. He’s smiling. Like a Cheshire cat, a big ole grin on his face and I have no idea what to make of it.
I’m still standing perfectly still with Nico’s envelope in my hand, when William takes the envelope and leans down to whisper in my ear. “We’re good together, I’ll be here if you change your mind.”