smaller. The walls close in. I’m getting through it the only way that makes sense.” Her smile fell off. “But if all my money could buy me back the day before my
Kelly brought her computer screen to life. So sad. Living like that, hating the fame and being reminded of it every waking hour. She mindlessly began typing in names of former
Kelly remembered the guy’s response. He laughed along with Cullen, but he held up his wedding ring. “This guy’s proud of his wife.” He received another standing ovation for the comment.
For the most part the public seemed shocked by Cullen’s callous remark, even if the judge was right. The situation had bugged Kelly back then. Marriage was tough enough without Cullen Caldwell making it more difficult.
Now in the quiet of her apartment, Kelly typed the guy’s name into the Google search bar. His songs were played on the radio, and he toured with the biggest country acts. But what about his family?
The singer’s Wikipedia page came up at the top of the search. Kelly clicked it. Sure enough he was selling records like crazy, reaching gold on a few singles. She scanned down to the section about his personal life. Her heart sank as she read the news. A year ago the singer’s divorce was final. He was dating one of country music’s up-and-coming new artists.
She remembered another entertainer, a beautiful dark-skinned actress and singer who had starred on a show that took over after Kelly’s show finished its run. The girl had been full of light and innocence. Over the show’s five-year run, the public had a front-row seat to watching the actress change. Her clothing became more risque, her makeup more severe. She was photographed in the arms of a number of leading men, partying at various A-list nightclubs. Her sitcom ended and she tried to make her mark in movies. But no one took her seriously. Kelly almost didn’t want to run a check on the girl, but she did.
A sick feeling started in the pit of her stomach. The actress had been dropped by her label and cut off from her studio deal. Today she was in rehab, hoping to find her life again. Reports said she was addicted to painkillers and heroin.
What about the celebs at the top of today’s pop music? One young pop artist had started off talking about purity and faith, but after a few years she was singing songs that shocked the world at the time—songs that seemed to change teen culture overnight. At the last Grammy Awards the singer wore a dress that caused Ryan Seacrest to blush. People in Kelly’s circle liked to joke that the young artist might single-handedly be responsible for loosening the morals of a generation.
But was that funny? Really?
Sure, Kelly no longer believed in her father’s faith. But she felt deeply uneasy at the examples most singers set for their fans.
What about the young boy bands and teen heartthrobs? Most of them started out genuine and down-to- earth. Not much older than kids. Documentaries had been done about a number of them, their love for music and how the sudden fame changed them.
In one documentary, a few of the singers from a boy band could be seen praying with their crew, being patient with fans and almost oblivious to the celebrity status closing in around them. Wide-eyed and innocent. Then for each of them something began to change, or at least it seemed that way. The paparazzi would become relentless; dangerously so. At one point a photographer attempting to catch a photo of one of the teen singers ran across a busy street intent on a picture. He never made it. A car hit him as he closed in for the picture. He died at the scene.
All for the possibility of a photograph.
Kelly squirmed. A few clicks and her computer screen filled with recent stories about a couple of young heartthrobs. Some were into drugs, others had been caught drunk in public. None of them seemed unscathed.
She scanned a series of Google images on a few of the singers and her heart hurt. They looked angry, not that Kelly blamed them. Everywhere they went someone wanted a piece of them. They hit the scene as kids and a year later some of them were at the top of the charts. One of them headlined his own tour and was the most Googled celebrity in the world.
Kelly sighed. The prison cell of fame was very small indeed for teenage singers. How were they supposed to handle that sort of pressure? Jaded by the time they were nineteen years old.
There were others. Elvis and Michael and Whitney. Kelly tried to think of a celebrity who had come through the madness of A-list attention without changing, without losing the people they loved or their very lives. Where were the shining examples of fame? Those stars had to be out there somewhere, though Kelly couldn’t think of a single one.
Even the successful celebrities had lost marriages or kids or some level of sanity.
Slowly, Kelly shut her laptop and set it down beside her. As if she were seeing blue skies after a storm, a new reality began to take shape before her eyes. What about her own life? At one point she had been close to her parents, in love with Cal, and content to live in South Carolina. But she could sing. Everyone said so, and deep inside Kelly knew they were right. So she convinced Cal to move to L.A. They packed up their few belongings and went on a quest for fame and fortune.
Oh, sure, they didn’t talk about it that way back then. On the unknown side of fame there was only one thing to talk about. Finding it. But now? What did it all mean? Why were a hundred thousand unknown singers willing to audition for a show like
For the first time in her life she actually thought about it. Since booking the hit teen show she’d been consumed by one aspect of celebrity. Keeping it. Holding on to it. Staying young and thin and current. Being A-list. But sitting here in the quiet of her living room she saw it all from another angle.
She remembered something from her high school days.
Cal had sketched a staircase in pencil. Each step included a landing. At first glance the drawing appeared to be the top of a set of stairs, looking down. But look at it long enough, and the entire image flipped. The view seemed to be from underneath the stairs, looking up.
“That’s weird.” She had jumped back, struck by the sudden flip-flop.
“It’s an optical illusion.” Cal had grinned at her reaction. “The guys on the football team showed me. There’s more than one way to see it.”
An optical illusion. Like the quest for fame. Like Kelly’s entire life.
Suddenly she knew without a doubt there were people who pitied her. They’d watched her change from the wide-eyed innocent girl on the hit TV show to the Hollywood diva in the midst of a divorce. Her parents were probably part of that group.
One time after her early success reached epic levels, she called her mom and asked her a burning question. “You knew I could sing. Why didn’t you take me to Hollywood sooner?”
Her mom’s answer burned in her mind now. “Why would I do that?”
“Why?” Kelly had been outraged. “So I could’ve found all this sooner.”
“Kelly . . . hear me. I knew you could sing. I believed producers would fall in love with you.” Her voice held a lifetime of emotion. “But you only get one childhood. I wasn’t willing to trade it so you could be famous.”
Chills ran down Kelly’s arms at the memory. What if her parents had taken her to L.A. sooner? Would she be another starlet statistic, in and out of rehab? Would she be dead?
The questions began to surround her, the new view of fame taking clear shape in her mind. What could she do about it? She couldn’t undo the attention, the celebrity. Chandra was right. The thing Kelly worked day and night to keep, to make perfect, carried a hefty price tag. All along she had really believed that those things would make her happier. Tighter skin would make her prettier. More Twitter followers would make her popular. More money for every gig and she would be successful. But the effort exhausted her and what did she have to show for