
The Lotus War 2


Jay Kristoff

For Kath and Tony.

Words fail.

Your anger is a gift.




Yukiko—A young girl with the ability to speak telepathically to animals (a gift called “the Kenning”). Commanded to capture a legendary thunder tiger by Shima’s cruel Shogun, Yukiko ended up forging a powerful bond with the beast, whom she named Buruu. While lost in the wilderness, she joined the ranks of a guerrilla rebellion, known as the Kage (meaning “Shadows”), and decided to take retribution on the Shogun for his crimes against her family.

Last known whereabouts: after murdering Shogun Yoritomo, Yukiko fled Kigen city. She returned forty-nine days later and delivered an impassioned speech, urging the populace to rise against the government and the Lotus Guild.

Buruu—A thunder tiger (aka arashitora). Yukiko’s best friend and loyal companion. Buruu is the last of his race in Shima. His feathers were clipped by Shogun Yoritomo, and until he molts again, he cannot fly without the aid of mechanical wings built for him by the Guild Artificer, Kin.

Last known whereabouts: with Yukiko.

Kin—An Artificer (engineer) of the Lotus Guild who crashed with Yukiko in the Iishi Mountains. In defiance of all he had been raised to believe, Kin built mechanical wings for Buruu, allowing the thunder tiger and Yukiko to escape the Shogun’s clutches.

Last known whereabouts: surrounded by guards in Kigen city as Yukiko flew to freedom.

Masaru—aka “The Black Fox of Shima.” Hunt Master of the Imperial Court. Yukiko’s father. Drunkard. Gambler. Lotus-addict. But he turned out to be a decent fellow, underneath it all.

Last known whereabouts: Masaru was shot and killed by Yoritomo-no-miya during a showdown in Kigen’s Market Square.

Kasumi—Hunter of the Imperial Court. Masaru’s lover.

Last known whereabouts: Kasumi was killed during Masaru’s jailbreak. She died in his arms.

Akihito—A hunter of the Imperial Court. Masaru’s right-hand man, and Yukiko’s friend since childhood. His leg was badly wounded during Masaru’s jailbreak.

Last known whereabouts: limping to Kigen docks with Michi in order to flee the city after the Shogun’s assassination.

Yoritomo-no-miya—Shogun of Shima. Daimyo of the Tiger clan. Last son of the Kazumitsu Dynasty, a familial line that has ruled the Shima Imperium for two centuries. A lunatic who came too young to power, and was ultimately consumed by it.

Last known whereabouts: Yoritomo was slain telepathically by Yukiko and Masaru during their showdown in the Market Square.

Aisha—Yoritomo’s sister. Last daughter of the Kazumitsu Dynasty. Secret ally of the Kage rebellion (a fact discovered by Yoritomo before his death).

Last known whereabouts: Yoritomo alluded to a grim fate for his beloved sibling, but whether Aisha survived his retribution remains unknown.

Michi—A maidservant of the Lady Aisha. Secret member of the Kage rebellion. Swordmaster.

Last known whereabouts: making her way to Kigen docks with Akihito in order to flee the city after the Shogun’s assassination.

Hiro—aka “The Boy with the Sea-Green Eyes.” Iron Samurai. Member of the Kazumitsu Elite (the Shogun’s personal bodyguard). Hiro formed a romantic relationship with Yukiko while she was resident in the Shogun’s palace, but ultimately betrayed her when he discovered she was plotting against his lord and master, Yoritomo.

Last known whereabouts: during a bloody battle in Kigen arena, Buruu tore Hiro’s arm off and Yukiko stabbed him in the chest. He was left for dead on the arena floor.

Hideo—Imperial Spymaster, master of intrigue in the Shogun’s court. Hiro’s uncle.

Last known whereabouts: Hideo was eaten by rats during Masaru’s jailbreak.

Daichi—Leader of the Kage rebellion. A former member of the Kazumitsu Elite who rebelled against the Shogunate after Yoritomo mutilated his daughter, Kaori. While in Yoritomo’s service, Daichi murdered Yukiko’s mother—a warning to Masaru when he refused to obey the Shogun’s will.

Last known whereabouts: the Kage stronghold in the Iishi Mountains.

Kaori—Lieutenant of the Kage rebellion. Daichi’s daughter. She bears an awful knife scar on her face, courtesy of Yoritomo-no-miya.

Last known whereabouts: the Kage stronghold in the Iishi Mountains.

Kensai—Second Bloom of the Lotus Guild, and Voice of the Guild in Kigen city. One of the most powerful and influential Guildsmen alive. Kin’s adoptive uncle.

Last known whereabouts: Lotus Guild Chapterhouse in Kigen city.

Isao—A young member of the Kage rebellion. He spied on Yukiko while bathing, discovering she bore the tattoo of the Shogun on her arm.

Last known whereabouts: the Kage stronghold in the Iishi Mountains.

Atsushi—A young member of the Kage rebellion. Isao’s partner in crime during the “Affair of the Bathhouse Wall.”

Last known whereabouts: the Kage stronghold in the Iishi Mountains



“The prelude was Void,

And unto Void they return. Black as mother’s womb.”

So spoke he the first; holy Lord Izanagi, Maker and Father,

Unto the second; great Lady Izanami, Mother of All Things,

Not his to foresee, the doom of all mortal men,

Would also be hers.

from the Book of Ten Thousand Days

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