“I do not belong here, Kin-san.”

She turned her eyes to the floor.

We don’t belong here.”

* * *

They were waiting for him in Daichi’s house, three figures around the fire pit, warm glow and cold stares. Kin hadn’t knocked, simply shuffled up amidst hushed and angry voices, slid the door aside and stepped into the Kage council meeting.

Kaori knelt to the left, eyes downturned to the flames. Maro on the right, bloodshot eye, cheeks damp, his left arm in a sling. He was dressed in mourning black, head bowed, shoulders slumped. Daichi sat in the center, tea in one hand, bound in bandages, belly to throat. A small bloodstain seeping through from his ribs, cuts scabbing on his face and knuckles, breathing hard. His eyes found Kin’s as the boy stepped through the door, his voice the sound of crumbling shale and weathered hinges.

“Kin-san.” He cleared his throat, wincing.

“Should you not be in the infirmary, Daichi-sama?”

The old man brushed the question away with a wave.

“I am more comfortable here. Old Mari has … other matters to attend to.” He gestured to the other side of the fire. “Please, sit.”

“I’ll stand.” He tried to keep the ache of his stomach and ribs from his voice, much as the old man did. “If it is all the same to you.”

“Are you well?”

He thought about answering truthfully. Telling Daichi all of it; the beatings, the threats, the murder attempt. He wanted to place his faith in this man, as Yukiko did. He wanted to believe. The words were on the tip of his tongue when Kaori spoke, her voice flat and cold.

“We have more pressing concerns than the Guildsman’s well-being, Father.”

“Godsdamned right,” Maro nodded, glowing embers reflected in his tears.

And the desire in Kin died then, snuffed out like a candle. Despite his own pain, his own troubles, Daichi might care; might honestly see him as more than what he’d been. But Kaori and Maro? They cared about their own, their revolution. They cared only about his mistakes, about the blood spilled because he had somehow failed. And though they might deny it, Kin knew the simple truth. Had known it for as long as he’d lived here.

In their eyes, he was still the enemy.

“You summoned me, Daichi-sama?” he said. “If this is about the ’thrower failures, I’ve not yet—”

“Hells with your accursed ’throwers.” Maro’s voice was taut. Controlled. “We have word from the south. Word my brother and two other Shadows died to bring us.”

Kin blinked. “Sensei Ryusaki is dead?”

A slow nod. Narrowed stare. “Hai.”

“I am sorry, Maro-san. Please give my condolences to—”

“Enough,” Kaori snapped. “This is no time for false sympathies, Guildsman.”

Kin met the woman’s cold stare, as tired as he could ever remember being.

“Speak then.”

“The Guild are building an army northwest of Kigen,” Kaori said. “Hundreds of shreddermen suits, no doubt intended to rout us from this forest.”

“But more concerning is the machine they are building to lead the vanguard.” Daichi spoke carefully, hand pressed to ribs. “A colossus, Kin-san.”

A flicker of dread in Kin’s stomach alongside the ache.

“Three hundred feet high,” Kaori said. “Black iron and chainsaw blades as broad as sky-ships. Chimney stacks that pierce the sky. Engines that shake the very ground.”

“Earthcrusher,” Kin whispered.

“You know it?” Maro’s eyes narrowed. “You knew this thing existed?”

“Existed? No.” Kin licked at dry lips, tasting Ayane’s tears. “But I knew the concept. It was a pet project of the Tora Shateigashira. A man named Kensai.”

“Second Bloom of Kigen,” Daichi muttered.

“The same,” Kin nodded. “He’d talked about it for years. A machine to end the war in Morcheba and bring the gaijin to their knees. A weapon that could reduce entire cities to rubble. Like nothing the round-eyes had ever seen. But he never had support to build it. Something must have happened, to get the First Bloom onside.”

Father and daughter looked at each other, each reading the other’s thoughts.

“Yukiko,” said Kaori.

“Ayane said Chapterhouse Kigen requisitioned most of Yama’s Munitions Sect,” Kin breathed. “It must have been to work on the Earthcrusher. Gods, they’re actually building it…”

He could scarcely believe it. Kin had seen a copy of the plans years ago—Kensai had enlisted Kin’s father to help on the fuel intakes and engine designs, and their work was held up to initiates as an example of rare genius. But the Guild would have to expend enormous resources in the Earthcrusher’s construction. The chi alone required to run it was unthinkable; enough to operate twenty ironclads and a full complement of Guild crew simultaneously.

They must want her dead so badly …

He stared at the flames, holding his breath.

Yukiko, where are you?

“So why are you telling me this?”

“We must destroy this machine,” Maro growled. “The question is how.”

“You can’t,” Kin said.

Maro’s spit hissed upon the embers. “You lie.”

“I’m not lying.” Anger flared in Kin’s chest, bright and hot. “I saw the plans years ago. I could destroy it from the inside, but attacking this thing frontally is suicide.” He turned to Daichi. “They’re building it at the proving grounds in Jukai province, right? The Stain?”

Daichi nodded, shifting with a wince. “Hai.”

“The place is a fortress, surrounded by deadlands.” Kin shook his head. “It’s probably the most tightly guarded Guild facility on the islands next to First House. They have more firepower than any chapterhouse in Shima. We’ll never get in there.”

Kaori glared at him across the blaze. “Who is ‘we,’ Guildsman?”

“There is still Aisha,” Daichi said. “Hiro’s wedding.”

“Aisha be damned,” Maro spat. “There’s more at stake now than the virtue of—”

“She sacrificed everything for us, Maro-san.” Kaori’s eyes flashed. “Do not dare dishonor her name.”

“I mean no disrespect, but this army will spell the death of the Kage!”

“We can’t leave her to be raped for a throne!”

“We cannot risk all for one! Not with this Earthcrusher threatening everything. What can we do against an army of shreddermen, let alone a machine like this?”

“This is not just about one! What do you think will happen if the dynasty is reforged? If Hiro is given legitimacy? Everything we’ve done will be in vain!”

Kin watched them go back and forth, saying nothing. His head swam with the noise, the smoke, the ache in his stomach and chest. And as wretched as he felt, he was glad he hadn’t brought up Isao and the others to Daichi. If he’d done so, he would have felt pitiful now. A child crying over a skinned knee. Instead he felt utterly alone. Detached and swimming in lightless black. The outsider. The other.

“Who is ‘we,’ Guildsman?”

Stepping to the doorway, he slipped outside.

The others were too engrossed in their rage to mark his passing.

* * *

He walked quietly, hands in his sleeves, shadow to shadow on bare feet. Father Moon’s light was weak and choked, piercing the canopy with thin spears of muted gray. The night sang around him, a thousand lives calling and hunting and fleeing out in the dark. He moved through the forest, no more than a murmur amidst the

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