best that I do. So, I've got a message from him.'

'For me…?'

'Get your arse over there.'

I look down at the cups. For the first time the great detective notices that instead of getting mugs of coffee, she got takeaway cardboard cups. With lids.

'We're leaving,' she says, getting to her feet.

It's only at this point that I realise I'd been presuming we'd sit there over cooling cups of coffee until they'd gone completely cold and the place closed for the night, then we'd go somewhere for dinner and then she'd come back to my place; and if that latter part didn't happen, it would only be because I went back to her place.

She heads off, presuming that I'll trail along obediently in her wake. And I'll bet she's the kind of woman who won't have sex with someone with whom she's working on a case.



Months pass. The Plague of Crows disappears, and we don't know if he'll ever come back. We must assume that he will, that's all.

Edinburgh is still here, but they have slimmed down. For a while, for a month or so, they threw more men at the crime, and with no more free space in our building for them to occupy, they rented rooms along the street. Resources flooded in. At some point they had the same idea as Taylor, of narrowing down the likely areas the Plague of Crows might use; when he heard that that's what they were looking at, Taylor offered them the information we'd gathered. All in it together, after all, and Taylor's not worried about credit. He doesn't want his name in the paper, or a framed photo of the First Minister presenting him with an award.

In mid-December the Scotsman did a nicely detailed study on the level of resources Edinburgh were committing to these crimes that had happened — in Scottish terms — nowhere near Edinburgh, with some dubious statistics and the usual absurd anecdotal evidence to indicate just how badly Edinburgh's policing had been disrupted by this redistribution of resources. The Edinburgh police and the Justice Minister fought their corner, then as soon as they thought no one was looking they withdrew eighty per cent of the officers they'd brought through, relinquishing the new offices at the same time, even though they'd paid a six-month lease in advance.

Montgomery is still here, with his runt force, chasing down ever more fractured and implausible leads. Which is what Taylor has been doing since August. It would have made sense for Montgomery to go back to his office in Edinburgh and continue the investigation from there. The first lot of murders might have been on our patch, but the second was nowhere near. Who knows where the third will be? So there's no reason for Montgomery to stay in Glasgow, except he wants to. Argued his case and he's still here. His case was based on not interrupting the operation that he's established at the station; Taylor and I assume it's because he likes the expenses, or he's worried that if he takes the operation back to Edinburgh it'll get swallowed up and ultimately he won't be the one to break the back of it.

Gostkowski stayed on the case for a fortnight, and then Connor was forced to move her on. I lasted into December, but as the Christmas season approached, and there was the usual rise in drink, depression and desperation related crime, they had to shift me back on to regular duties.

Taylor has stayed on the Plague of Crows throughout. It's not been good to him. Too long with nothing to do and no progress to be made. Day after day searching through the same old stuff, an increasingly desperate search, knowing that the killer is coming again, at a time of his own choosing.

When someone plans a crime, before it's been committed, when only they know it's going to happen, they hold all the cards. The course of an investigation is the act of taking those cards away from them, transferring the cards until it's the police who are in charge.

It's just over five months since the first set of victims was discovered, and so far the Plague of Crows is still in full possession of all fifty-two. Taylor is gradually suffering, gradually being dragged downhill.

Not all police officers will have a nemesis in their career, indeed most won't. But sometimes it happens, and pity those that do.


Fortunately for me, my nemesis continues to be sleeping with women that I really ought to stay away from. Got to the Christmas night out and imagined that it might be the time to finally consummate all that electric sexual tension that had been going on with Gostkowski. Then I got slaughtered on vodka and ended up taking home one of the waitresses. Not my proudest moment.

Caught DI Gostkowski's eye as I was walking out, absurdly young woman draped around me. Not sure how to describe how she looked. Not judgemental. Sensible.

Anyway, the waitress — and for the life of me I can't remember her name — was old enough to know what she was doing, and I think it was pretty good fun. It's supposed to be, after all. No point in casual sex if you're not going to have fun with it. She was gone in the morning.

Maybe she nicked something, although I haven't noticed.

Slim pickings otherwise. Some other night in the pub I ended up alone at a table with Alison — ex-wife number three — and she wasn't sounding so happy about her recent marriage to Sergeant McGovern. McGovern, at the time, was off at Ibrox watching the Rangers embarrass themselves further in the Stygian depths of Scottish lower division football. Really it was just early days marriage blues, something that she and I crashed and burned at, our faithful union before God not surviving into the second month, and some mature ex-husbands at this point would have comforted her with reassuring words about the future and how everything would settle down.

Me, I hit on her, asking her if she wanted to come back to my place for a shag. I'd been drinking. And I did actually use the word shag. Classless wanker.

She left shortly afterwards, and when I say shortly afterwards, I mean she was putting her coat on before I got to the 'g' in shag.

Oh, there was another one, another crappy night in the pub. Went to her place. Rubbish sex. One of those where you crawl out the door afterwards, struck low by the colossal weight of your own depression and self- loathing. Horrible night. Didn't drink for nearly two days after that, and then, because I'd sworn I wouldn't drink again, like ever, I was full of self-loathing again when I went back to the bar. Having never seen her before, seems like every time I'm in the bar now she's there, and we look at each other with ill-disguised contempt.

Saw the kids a couple of times over Christmas, but things have been pretty ropey since I nearly got back with their mother, screwed it up and then bailed without giving her any say in the matter. We're drifting into disinterest and the kids are getting more and more distrustful of me at the way I've treated her as they get older. I'm losing them.

No, I've already lost them. All I can do is try not to completely fuck it up during their teenage years and then hope for some sort of rapprochement once they reach adulthood.

Taylor's moved office, now in a smaller room at the far end of the station. This one has a window on the outside world, however, unlike the last office, which just had windows staring at the rest of the station open-plan. There's a new DCI been put in his place in that office. Dorritt. Newly promoted, brought in from South Lanarkshire. A junior DCI, he's no threat to Taylor. Even if he was, in some way, a nominal threat, I doubt Taylor would see him as such. He doesn't care, too wrapped up in the Plague of Crows. If anything, thankful that there's someone else filling the void, leaving him to concentrate on the task that consumes him.

His office walls are covered in photographs of woodland areas around the country. Potential murder sites. His hunch is that next time the Plague of Crows will be even bolder. There will be a natural progression. From much delayed video, to video filmed only hours earlier, to something altogether more sinister. Next time, he thinks, it will be a live webcam. Sure of it.

And he's right. After all this time, trying to get inside the head of this killer, a killer who has been calculatingly brilliant in everything he's done, it's the natural progression. Live webcam, taunting us, laughing at us, mocking the entire force, every station and unit in the country. That's what's coming.

Taylor spends his days getting to know these places. There's not enough space on his walls for the photos,

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