have one chance to get this right. If I find out you’ve lied, I’ll take you out beyond the barrier and tie you to a tree. Then I’ll set off a car alarm just out of your reach.”

She considered, trying to decide if I was bluffing or not. The thought of making anyone Florae bait was abhorrent, but I could make an exception for Amber.

“Okay,” she finally said.

“The first attack was meant to cause panic, make the people here doubt the system.” I explained what Amber had told me as precisely as I could. She’d already been apprehended and taken by the Guardians to a secure location.

“Terrorists,” Marcus muttered. The meeting room was occupied by several Guardians as well as Rice, my mother, and Dr. Reynolds. There were also a bunch of people I didn’t know. The ones in lab coats were probably researchers who worked with my mother and helped make decisions. The remaining handful were more imposing, and even silent they maintained a commanding presence. Ex-military personnel, I guessed.

“Amber said that they estimated only a few people would die, not hundreds. When they found out how much damage they did, they realized how unprepared we are for an attack of any kind. They’re planning another sonic emitter outage tonight. They want to push the Floraes toward us, then show up and save the day. Thanks to Amber, they know who the key players are here. They plan to take you all out, leaving New Hope without any leadership or direction. Since they will have saved New Hope and have a lot of firepower, they assume that they can fill the power void.”

“They want to destroy everything we’ve worked for,” Dr. Reynolds said, his doughy face grim.

“How many are there?” Gareth asked.

“Amber said forty-two men, eighteen women, and two Class Four children.” The categorization slipped automatically from my mouth. “And they have a lot of firepower. Guns when they want to make noise and bows when they don’t.”

“Which emitters are they going to hit?” Kay asked.

“All of them.” I paused. “Just like last time,” I stressed, letting them come to the realization that I knew the true details of the earlier attack. I knew that the story about only two emitters failing was a lie.

“They will enter to our south and split up, working their way around us to disable the emitters. A main force will stay put, just south of the farm. That’s where I found Amber today. They plan to push the Floraes in from there. Unfortunately I don’t know if they’ll change their attack strategy now that Amber didn’t leave New Hope to meet up with them. I heard her express her unease with their plan to her brother. If he tells the rest of his gang, they may assume she’s turned on them.”

“Thank you, Amy,” Dr. Reynolds said, his voice crisp.

“If you remember anything else, let us know immediately. You can leave now.”

I swallowed hard. “No.”

Dr. Reynolds’s eyes narrowed, and next to him my mother’s mouth dropped open. Kay smiled. My mother recovered first. “Excuse me?” she asked as though she hadn’t heard me properly. “What did you just say to Dr. Reynolds?”

“I’m staying to hear the plan.”

“Amy, your presence is no longer required.”

“This is what you have,” I told them. “Twenty Guardians against sixty-two armed thugs. You have synth- suits and technology, but they’re desperate killers who are herding the Floraes back toward us. They let hundreds die without blinking an eye. How are you going to patrol the entire perimeter of New Hope with twenty people?” I asked.

“Cameras,” Rice said. “Can we set up cameras in time?”

“We can try,” Gareth offered. “It will take too long to make a run to an electronics store; first we’d have to find one that hasn’t been ransacked. Maybe we can take the cameras from the research buildings and move them to the outer perimeter.”

“That will alert them to what we know,” I warned.

Kay stood up. “We need to deal with this now. If we spook them and they run away, we don’t know when they’ll attack again, or who they’ll tell about us. Next time, there could be a hundred armed thugs. We should take most of our people and wait at the place Amber indicated. We’ll catch them before they start to disable the emitters. We can have volunteers, trusted people, at certain strategic locations around the perimeter. They can radio us if anything looks out of place.”

“I volunteer,” I said immediately.

“Kay, what’s your opinion on us accepting my underage daughter’s assistance?” my mother asked.

Kay looked at me and sighed. “She’s a child. She can’t help us.” I glanced at her and she gave me a hard look. Kay still didn’t want my mother to know she was secretly training me.

“I agree,” Marcus said and, one by one, they went around the room and said that I was too young. Rice was the only holdout.

“We need her,” he told the group.

“There is not enough evidence to suggest you will have a major effect on the outcome, Amy.” Dr. Reynolds commanded everyone’s attention. “We cannot sacrifice our children to fear. We have made our decision. Please leave the room.”

I forced myself to stay silent as I got up and walked to the door. Why did they get to decide what I could do? I was the one who spotted Amber and her brother. I was the one who got Amber to tell me all she knew.

The door shut. I was once again in the dark.


I take one of the pills Gareth gave me every morning. Along with being clearer, the memories are coming back more quickly now. I’m careful when I speak to the nurses and Dr. Thorpe, not to seem better or worse. I play nice, just as Rice advised. I’ve managed to fool them so far, even under the watchful lens of the cameras.

I haven’t seen Frank around, but I notice Amber in the corner. I know it’s Amber now; she’s triggered a lot of memories for me. I go to sit next to her. No matter how I feel about her, she’s something familiar in this awful place.

“How are you?” I ask a little resentfully.

“I’m fine. Just fine.” She looks at me. “Are you a nurse here?”

“No, Amber, it’s me, Amy.” I drop the attitude. “Don’t you remember me?”

She stares at me. “You’re Amy. . . . You had a sister, right?”

“That’s right. Baby,” I prompt.

“Did they kill her too?”

The blood rushes to my head as I panic. “What do you mean?” Rice said Baby was doing fine. Amber ignores me so I shake her shoulder. “Amber, what do you mean about them killing Baby?” I ask desperately.

She looks at me sadly. “They killed my brother, you know. Then they put me in here. I thought maybe the same thing happened to you.”

“Oh.” I try to relax, but my heart still races. “No, I don’t think I’m here for the same reasons you are.”

“Then why are you here?” she asks.

I glance around the room. In addition to the cameras and the watchful gaze of the orderlies, Dr. Reynolds has arrived and is observing us. I sit back, making my face passive.

“I don’t know,” I whisper.

Dr. Reynolds comes over. I do my best not to look as agitated as I feel.

“Hello, girls.” He smiles at us. “I hate to interrupt, but it’s time for Amber’s treatment.” He holds out his hand for her and she takes it, almost eagerly. Dr. Reynolds leads her away without a backward

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