Finally, Rika went to a trunk and retrieved an oft-folded and refolded letter. She smoothed it out and carried it to Jayce. “Can you dial this number before you go?”

He pulled out his cell phone, put it on speakerphone, and dialed.

Through the phone, a cold voice answered, “Hello.”

“I need to speak to Donia. This is Rika.”

Then Donia’s voice came over the line: “Rika? Are you okay?”

“I need your help. Can I see you?”

Donia’s laughter was short but genuinely amused. “Not in the desert. You could come to me though.”

“I’m on my way.” Rika waited until Donia disconnected, and then she went to collect her things to travel before Sionnach could notice her departure. 


“Where is that salve?” Jayce asked as she was shoving things into her bag.

Rika said nothing at first. She thought it through one more time. Jayce was at risk with or without the Sight. If he had the ability to see the fey when they were invisible to mortals, he was in danger of having his eyes gouged out. If he didn’t have the ability to see them, he was unable to see those that could hurt him.


“You can’t let the court fey know that you can see them without their consent.” She stopped packing and stared at him. “Can you be sure you can do that for the rest of your life?”

Jayce paused, his expression flickering between thoughtful and determined. After a few moments, he said, “There are creatures all around me that I can only see when they allow it. I want to see the whole world because . . . it seems wrong not to see, and I don’t want to be blind to threats.”

Silently, Rika retrieved the tiny pot of salve from her bag. She’d stuffed it in there before anything else, figuring it was best to carry it with them just in case they needed it. Jayce watched her with a solemn gaze that altered only briefly when he saw where the salve had been.

Carefully, she dabbed the salve onto her fingertip and then applied it to his eyes. She hoped that Sionnach had made it correctly, had found the right recipe, had thought this through. Even now, when she was furious with him, she trusted him enough to use the ointment he’d given them.

Jayce blinked a little, stared at her, and then murmured, “You look the same.”

“I used to be human,” she reminded him.

He nodded, and they finished gathering their things to travel.

Once they were in the desert, she was relieved that he could contain his reaction to the faeries that were now visible to him. He muttered “Wow,” but he didn’t stare at them and his soft exclamation could’ve been in reference to anything. He squeezed her hand a couple of times, either in excitement or nervousness, but in all, he hid his reaction to seeing the world revealed in a new light. She hadn’t been anywhere near that subtle in her responses when she’d first seen the creatures that lived hidden all around mortals. Then again, she’d also just become such a creature, so her own responses were heightened by emotions he didn’t have to experience.

“It’s amazing,” he said, almost reverently. His gaze drifted across the desert, and anyone watching could easily think he was referring to the cacti and cliffs.

“Deadly too,” she reminded him.

“My girlfriend is ruling the desert, right?”

“More or less.”

“Then I feel pretty safe,” he told her. “You can keep me safe.”

Admittedly, he had a point. Whether she took Alpha from Sionnach—which she certainly could if she wanted to—or accepted his repeated offered to share it with him, she would be able to keep Jayce safe from the fey here. She could order them not to reveal his Sight. Realizing that went far to easing her worries.

“Only here though,” she cautioned. “Outside the desert, I have no power.”

He nodded.

Rika and Jayce were silent as they crossed the desert. There were more things to discuss than she knew how to handle. The hardest of which just then was that she was going to tell Jayce he couldn’t come with her to see the Winter Queen. There were rules in dealing with the courts, and she wasn’t foolish enough to expect that all of those rules would vanish because she’d known Donia when she wasn’t yet a queen. Unfortunately, Rika wasn’t convinced that leaving Jayce in the desert was ideal either. Things were increasingly unsettled in the wake of the attack on Sionnach, and before that Keenan’s visit, and earlier still, the Summer King’s assumption of his full power. The solitary faeries might be outside the courts, but that didn’t mean they were untouched by the events that happened within the courts. They all knew trouble was brewing. The only question was if they could avoid the worst of it.

Beside her, Jayce looked pensive, and while she couldn’t solve all of the problems facing the solitaries, she hoped she could sort out whatever was worrying her mortal boyfriend.

Rika took his hand as they walked. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m a part of your world now, Rika, just as you are a part of mine.” Jayce’s expression became the already-familiar determined one that told her that he was going to say something he didn’t expect her to like. Quietly, he said, “I’m not like Keenan . . . or like Sionnach.”

Rika looked startled. “I know.”

“So everything will be okay.”

She had to look away. Seeing him so open, so unlike the fey, made it hard to refuse whatever he wanted— especially right now. As her gaze darted around the desert, she could see a dozen or so faeries peering out at her from behind rocks. They weren’t the ones who had seen her with Maili, and by the curious way they watched her, it was clear that they hadn’t heard about her altercation with Maili. They were simply acting as they always did, watching and teasing. They came out of hiding to approach her.

“Ooooh, she’s leaving.”

“With her pet.”

“Running away with a mortal.

Rika shook her head before she corrected them. “I’m not leaving. I’ll be back.”

“Mortals aren’t all bad,” a faery muttered.

The others all paused to stare at the faery who’d just spoken such an unusual thing out here in the desert. Rika smiled at him approvingly. The desert fey weren’t a bad lot; they simply needed to learn some new ideas.

Jayce glanced at her questioningly, and she nodded.

Or just pets,” Jayce casually added.

In a surge of movement surprisingly quick in the midday heat, the faeries skittered away from Rika and Jayce. Their expressions were clouded with mistrust and doubt as they stared at the mortal boy beside her. Rika couldn’t truly blame them; it was unusual to be seen by mortals. There were those rare few born with faery Sight, but she couldn’t recall the last time she’d seen such a mortal.

“He sees us,” one faery accused.

With more patience that she wanted to have, Rika put her hands on her hips. “I gave him faery Sight. It seemed only fair.”

The faeries scurried away muttering about her disregard for the rules, and Rika was momentarily glad that the faery regent she was going to see that day had reputedly broken that very same rule recently—and had done so for the new Summer Queen’s beloved. If the regents were allowing mortals to have the Sight, it was harder to argue that she shouldn’t have done so.

Jayce draped his arm over her shoulders. “I’m not your pet, but I am yours. I know you’re upset over what Sionnach did, but falling on you was the best thing that I ever did.”

“You didn’t fall. They pushed you,” she corrected him. “Sionnach probably told them to do it. Solitaries are not civilized. They’re manipulative.”

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