“You’re wonderful, you know it?”

She smiled. “I try.”

He pulled her face to his and they spent the next several minutes kissing and exploring.

“What you said on the news, is it true?” she asked.

“Yes, every word.”

“The apartment building. How did you do it?”

“I have a friend who is very wealthy and very influential with the Imperium higher-ups. The funds partially came from her, partly from another wealthy source. But the Imperium kicked in some money, too. My friend convinced them that this would be a strong goodwill gesture from the vampire community.”

“I still can’t believe it. Where’s the building?”

He pointed toward the window. “Right there.”

She glanced out into the night toward the darkened windows next door. “Really?”

“Yes, really. I remembered what you told me that night, and this way it’ll be convenient for you and for the residents. They can come to the diner to eat and you won’t have to roam all over Manhattan to feed them.” He caressed her shoulder and down her arm. “And I admit to having a selfish reason.”

“You think this will help keep me out of harm’s way.”

“Just because we got Salmeri doesn’t mean the world is suddenly danger-free. We still haven’t identified or located the cloak guy, for one.”

She shivered then saw some new concern in his expression. “What is it?”

“Nothing. I’m just always prepared for the next thing to come down the pike.”

She didn’t quite believe him, but she let it go. He’d tell her when he was ready, or she’d figure out a way to get it out of him. As a few tactics came to mind, she smiled.

“Why do I think I should be worried about that smile?” he asked.

She feigned innocence. “I haven’t a clue.”

He grabbed her and rolled her onto her back. She giggled before being consumed in lovemaking once again.

Despite her best efforts to stay awake after they’d made love a third time, she felt herself drifting toward sleep. She snuggled close to Campbell and latched on to the thought that she’d never been happier in her life. Her thoughts found their way to Jeremy, but no guilt resided there. As sleep descended, she saw him. He was whole again, like he’d been when they met. And he was smiling.

Chapter 21

Campbell wished he could let Olivia sleep, but he’d promised he wouldn’t go and leave her to wake up alone. What he wouldn’t give to be able to stay and watch the sunrise with her, see the sunlight on her beautiful face. Instead he kissed her forehead then ran his fingers along the curve of her jaw.

He still couldn’t believe he’d told her about Bridget and that Olivia still wanted him. Something miraculous had happened when he’d confessed to her—his heart had grown lighter than it’d been in years.

“Livvi, wake up.”

She curled against him. “You’re ready to go again?”

He laughed against her hair. “I’d love to, but dawn has other plans.”

She jerked fully awake and looked toward the window.

“It’s okay.” He sat up and pulled her back against him. “I’ve still got an hour, but I don’t want to cut it so close that I’m smoking when I get home.”

She turned in his arms. “I wish this could be your home.”

“Me, too.”

She glanced at the clock on her nightstand. “So, an hour, huh?”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Why do you sound as if you have plans for that hour?”

“Because I do.” She stood and took his hand. “Come with me.”

He went willingly as she led him into the bathroom. His body responded as he watched her enticing curves while she reached into the shower and turned on the water.

“You are a temptress, Miss DaCosta.”

Her smile was full of an invitation he couldn’t refuse. “What do I tempt you to do, Mr. Raines?”

“Give the sun the finger and make love to you all day.”

“But since we don’t want you to be extra crispy again, you’ll just have to manage whatever you can in the next few minutes. Is that enough time?”

“Let’s find out.” He backed her into the spray of water and lifted her against the tiled wall. As the minutes ticked down toward daybreak, he made hot, wet, soapy, steamy love to the woman who’d become everything to him. As he climaxed, his whole body shuddered. Even his fangs throbbed. When they threatened to descend, he concentrated all of his energy on keeping them in place.

“I’ve got to go,” he said next to her ear.

She grabbed him as if she feared she’d never see him again. “Campbell.”

He made himself smile while keeping the tips of his slowly descending fangs hidden. “See you later.”

Fueled by panic, he engaged his fastest speed to dress and return to his private room at the mansion. He leaned back against the door and let the night with Olivia replay in his mind. Those memories forced his fangs the rest of the way out. Though he’d had sex more times than he could count with more women than he cared to remember, it was the first time he’d experienced a fang drop for any reason other than feeding or fighting.

He’d promised Olivia he’d never say goodbye, had finally decided he was going to have a life with her. But he couldn’t see her again until he figured out a way to keep her safe from the biggest threat to her safety— him.

* * *

After Campbell left, Olivia just managed to reach her bed before collapsing. What a night. What a man. She couldn’t believe half of the things they’d done, and all within the span of a few hours.

She lay in bed well beyond when she normally rose, but why should she hurry? Business had trickled to the point of near nonexistence. Plus, she could really use the day to sleep and recuperate. She was still lying on the bed naked when she heard Mindy enter the restaurant’s back door, once again refusing to stay at home and rest. Wishing she didn’t have to burst her bubble of happiness by going downstairs to face what little was left of her business—so little that she might not even be able to afford to feed herself, let alone the homeless who would be moving in next door—she dragged herself to her feet and dressed.

“Olivia, you better get down here,” Mindy yelled up the stairs.

“Coming.” What the devil was wrong now?

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she couldn’t believe her eyes. The dining room was already full. Familiar faces sat alongside ones she’d never seen before. And still others waited for an empty table.

“Looks as though you could use an extra hand or two.”

She turned and saw Herbie and Roscoe, all cleaned up and smiling. “What? How did you get here?”

“Honey, we’ve walked all over this city. Ain’t nothing to meander over for some breakfast at the most famous diner in town,” Herbie said.

“I don’t understand.”

“We saw your friend on the news last night, saw what he’s doing for us. Half of me still can’t believe it, but if it’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is.”

“I was a cook when I was in the army,” Roscoe said. “So I could help you out in the kitchen if you’d like.”

“And it won’t be any hardship to work alongside your pretty friend,” Herbie said with a nod toward where Mindy was handing out menus left and right.

“You’re both hired.”

Things didn’t slow down until midway through the afternoon. Olivia heard an ugly remark a couple of times about her being a vampire lover, but she was shocked by how overwhelmingly positive everyone was.

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