her go straight to the guesthouse to do her homework because he hadn’t seen or heard her at all. “I can only hope that’ll make it harder for the repo company to find her car.”

“Right. Or she’ll be using your car as well as enjoying everything else you have to offer.”

He didn’t say anything. He hadn’t asked for Sophia to land in his lap—at least not in a long time. But there hadn’t been any way to avoid helping her, not if he wanted to maintain his humanity. “Believe me, my mother isn’t any happier about the situation than you are. She hung up on me the day she learned Sophia was working here, and I haven’t spoken to her since.”

“Aren’t you going to call her?”

“I’m giving her some time to cool off.” He held the door. “Come on in.”

“Your mother’s never liked Sophia,” she said as she passed him.

“My mother likes you,” he told her.

Her lips curved in a grudging smile. “That’s an accomplishment. She’s not easy to please.”

That’s an understatement.” He chuckled. “Are you hungry? I requested pasta.”

“Smells delicious.” She drew him to her for a kiss. He purposely deepened it, searching for that same fire in his belly he’d always felt for Sophia, wanted it to consume him to the point that he had to carry her up to his bedroom right this second, dinner be damned. But it wasn’t there. He felt the same respect and affection he’d always felt—that was all.

Pulling away, he smiled to conceal his disappointment. “Come see what we’ve got,” he said and took her hand as he led her to the kitchen.

On the counter, he found a note from Sophia.

Pasta is in the oven. Don’t wait too long to serve it, or it will dry out. Warm the bread for 15 minutes first. Wine is chilling in the fridge with the salad. Homemade vinaigrette is in the small pitcher. The cheesecake can be served with or without berries on top.


P.S. Matches on table

For the candles. To add to the romantic atmosphere. He got that.

“She’s gone to a lot of trouble to make it nice.” Eve sounded slightly petulant, but she was the one who’d asked to come here. They could just as easily have had dinner out or at her place. Ted was fairly certain she’d wanted to scope out the situation, to stake her claim—not that he could blame her.

He was carrying the salad and wine into the dining room when the doorbell rang for the second time in fifteen minutes.

“I’ll get it,” Eve said and before he could return to the kitchen for the bread, his mother walked into the room.

* * *

Sophia had brought some of what she’d cooked home so she could have dinner with Alexa in the guesthouse. They’d eaten together. Now they were lying on her bed, staring at the shadows the lamp cast on the ceiling. They still had unpacking to do, but this quiet moment was the best she’d had all day. Alexa never used to rest her head on Sophia’s shoulder when Skip was alive, not since she’d been a very small child.

“That was such a good dinner,” Alexa said.

“I liked it, too,” Sophia responded.

“I bet Ted thinks you’re the best cook in the world. I bet he’s glad he hired you.”

Had Ted and Eve enjoyed it? They’d been in the back of her mind ever since she’d left the main house. But she refused to succumb to the jealousy that slithered beneath her skin. She’d spent her own money at the grocery store for the flowers and candles because she’d wanted, in her own small way, to thank them for all they’d done. She wanted Ted to be happy and knew a woman like Eve could do that for him.

So she had nothing to feel sad about, she told herself. She wanted Eve to be happy, too. Maybe she couldn’t have the relationship she wanted—with either one of them—but she wished them well in spite of that and owed them both for their kindness.

“How come you’ve never made those noodles before?” Alexa asked, breaking the silence again.

“You mean the pasta? I didn’t have that recipe.”

“Don’t lose it.”

“I won’t.” She combed her fingers through her daughter’s hair. “Do you think you’ll like living here?”

“It’ll be different, but...it’s okay. What about you?”

“It has a lot going for it. It’s nice and cozy and clean.”

Alexa raised her head. “You’re getting better at looking on the bright side.”

Sophia laughed. She was afraid to look anywhere else. “You didn’t say much about your day at school.”

“I told you it was okay.”

“I know. But...what does ‘okay’ mean?”

Her daughter shifted onto her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows. “That nothing’s changed.”

“What about detention?”


“At least you got your homework done while you were there.” As wrung out as Sophia was, she was grateful for that. “Connie didn’t give you any trouble?”

Lex plucked at the comforter. “She kept glaring at me. And once, when she passed by to get a book from the back of the room, she whispered that she’d kick my you know what if she ever got me alone.”

Sophia adjusted the pillow to make it higher. “What did you do?”

“I ignored her.”

“Good for you!” She reached out to stroke her daughter’s cheek. “What about Babette and the others?”

“I do my best to ignore them, too.” Alexa suddenly gave her a shy smile. “There was one good thing that happened today.”

“You got a C on your math quiz. I consider that good, since it’s an improvement. Next time you’ll get a B, right?”

“Right. But this is even better.”

“Really? Then I can hardly wait to hear about it.”

An endearing expression appeared on her pixie face. “Royce Beck walked me to my fifth-period class.”

“Royce... I’ve heard that name before.”

“Because he came to my birthday party last year.”

“I hope his dad wasn’t an SLD investor.”

Alexa winced but laughed. “So do I! I don’t think he was. At least, Royce didn’t act mad, like everyone else.”

“Sounds as if this boy is somehow special to you.”

There was a slight pause as well as another blush.

Despite enjoying this time with Alexa, and the relief of seeing her daughter slowly returning to her former spirits, Sophia was so tired. Sleep seemed to be washing up around her ankles like a warm surf, pulling at her. But she didn’t want to fade out on Alexa, so she fought the heaviness of her eyelids. “Well, if he has any taste, he’ll like you back.”

“Maybe not.” Her smile grew pensive. “He might choose Babette now that...now that everyone thinks she’s so hot.”

That gave Sophia a shot of energy. “Don’t tell me she likes him, too!”

“She always likes the same boys I do,” Alexa said with a grimace.

That meant her daughter was still setting the standards. “Did she see him walk you to class?”

“Yes. She walked past us on the way.”

“I doubt that’ll help your friendship.”

Вы читаете Take Me Home for Christmas
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