“So they may have pulled her image from my mind and targeted her. I don’t like the ramifications of that any more than the rest of you, but, it could be that they wanted to be sure that the trap would succeed so they targeted someone they knew we’d go get. They might not understand that we would go get anyone that was taken. While their reasoning may matter, we can discuss that at a later time. The fact is that Lynn has been taken and I’m going to get her. And, in thinking about it more, if they are doing this to set a trap, that’s all the more reason why we shouldn’t take the teams in. They may not think of or be alert for only one of us going in,” I say.
The mere fact that I use night runners and thinking on this level in the same sentence is scary. They are faster, stronger, more agile, and far more numerous than we are. We have the day and they have the night which makes us even in that regards. If they can think at the high level we are discussing, to the point of kidnapping and setting traps like this, our troubles just multiplied exponentially. If they achieve the level of thinking we have, or heaven forbid, learn to use tools and weapons, then we are truly fucked. The only reason we have lasted as long as we have is because we have weapons and our cognitive ability.
“So you’re planning to go in alone?” Drescoll asks.
“That’s exactly what I’m planning. You saw the building, we won’t stand a chance entering with teams,” I answer.
“We have learned a lot more since then. I stand a better chance because I can tell where they are.”
“But can’t they tell where you are as well?” Drescoll asks.
“True, but I don’t plan to be there when they arrive,” I answer.
“Well, it seems like you have a plan. So what is it?” Drescoll says.
“I was thinking of heading inside the front entrance lobby and opening up to let them think we’re infiltrating from downstairs. We position two teams in the light of the foyer and that’s where they stay, making noise and acting like we’re going to come through that way. Not too much but enough to keep their attention focused. Let the night runners gather there and set whatever trap they have planned,” I say.
“Why two teams?” Frank asks.
“Well, I figure if that one night runner was a guard and not some sleep walker, then we’ll need to be in numbers that will draw and keep their attention. If we put in too few and don’t move, they may think we’re putting in others elsewhere.”
“Where will you be entering then?” Robert asks.
“After opening up with the teams downstairs, I’ll access the building via the roof through the maintenance door here,” I answer, pointing to a rectangular building on the roof itself.
“Okay. How are you going to get on the roof?” Robert asks.
“You…and the helicopter,” I reply.
“Yeah. As long as you don’t smash us into the side or drag me along the rooftop. Think you can do that?” I ask, teasingly.
“No promises,” Robert answers with a tremor in his voice. “Okay, assuming I can get you up there. How are you going to get out? The same way…I pick you and Lynn up?”
“That’s the primary solution with the secondary one being that I get to an outside office and rappel down.”
“Fair enough. How are you going to find Lynn in that building? That’s a lot of space to cover,” Drescoll says.
“That’s where it might get a little tricky,” I state.
“By tricky, I assume you mean time consuming and running into night runners,” Frank says.
“Yeah, something like that. I’d like Black and Red Teams downstairs. Horace, take Blue Team and I may need you to shoot out some windows as a distraction if things start getting a little sporty. Charlie and Bravo Teams will stay in the compound here to provide security. Drescoll, I want you to take Watkins and Bravo Team and hold a short distance away. I don’t want to leave the sanctuary defenseless so I want you to be in a position to respond quickly to either site,” I respond.
“Are we leaving at first light, sir?” Horace asks.
“Close to it. I plan to take the Spectre aloft before dark and park in a high orbit away from the hospital. We’ll use the thermal imaging to see if a large group of night runners leave on their nightly hunt. So far, we only know for sure that one night runner is inside. We’ll land after confirmation and rest in the aircraft, going back up before dawn to see if they return.”
Red Team rests as best as they can for the remainder of the day. The evening and next day won’t allow for much sleep so it’s best to get what we can during the day. There’s not much else we can do. The plans have been made — our gear organized and ready to go. As for myself, there are too many thoughts racing through my head to permit any sleep.
First, Greg comes to mind. While he’s not expecting us to meet him at any specific time, he is expecting us to rendezvous at some point. We can’t leave him stranded out there on the road. I quickly meet with Frank and arrange for him to have Robert and Craig fly out to pick up Greg should anything unfortunate happen to me.
Then there’s the thing with Robert. Although he says he’s fine, the experience I had, and those I’ve heard about and witnessed, leaves me concerned about him. Pestering him about it doesn’t help much and only serves to aggravate him. I feel torn between getting Lynn and staying to monitor my son, however much that would irritate him. I wonder if there will ever be a time when I’m not faced with situations like this.
Following the meeting, I must have looked at him with obvious worry, because he approached and said, “Look, if you’re worried about me and it’s interfering with your thoughts, don’t. It’s healing and I feel fine… truly.”
There is something else bothering me that I need to sort out. I feel like I’ve lost an edge with this whole leadership thing. Previously, I would have felt more confident about going into a place like the hospital. Well, maybe not a place with hundreds, if not thousands of night runners, but I would have centered better. I’ve noticed a change come in that I’m not sure I like. I feel like I’ve lost some my ability to center deeply in a tactical sense, trading some of that away to focus on more strategic matters — the focused calm becoming more chaotic. I am different, and I now understand why others who took on a greater leadership role changed — they had to. I actually felt better about my skills early on in this downfall of humankind. I need to gather that confidence back and do it quickly. Lynn’s life depends on it. With that thought, I feel a settling take place.
I head up to the rooftop to contemplate in silence. I think over my plan for infiltrating and searching the large facility for Lynn. Scenarios play out in my mind, and I cover my actions and reactions. The hard part will be actually finding where she is without running into a nest of night runners. That means eliminating any smells and taping down all of my equipment. She’ll most likely be in the dark, so I’ll have to bring a set of NVGs. I only need the one pair as I’ll be able to see just fine, and I don’t need to pretend otherwise anymore. She’ll more than likely be surrounded by night runners so I’ll have to eliminate them quickly and we’ll need to make our way quickly toward the nearest escape. I’ll bring several flash grenades. That will buy me some time if I encounter any night runners in the halls and for those around Lynn. A hundred different possibilities surface, and I mentally tick off equipment needed for each of them. I’ll need to be able to move fast, so I can’t be too encumbered.
Concentrating on the mission brings some of my old confidence back. The intense emotions I felt over the past couple of days tamp down into a cold, centered flame. I’m able to push other thoughts to the side and focus on the immediate action ahead. Confidence builds. I don’t know how many more times I can do this, but I have at least one more in me.
I glimpse the roof door opening out of the corner of my eye. Robert and Bri tentatively step out and I wave them over. I miss the late afternoons we once spent up here — just them and me talking about nothing in particular. I miss our little training sessions that I have had with them. They’ve learned a lot in the past few months and there may not be much more I can teach them. Most of what they have yet to learn can only be picked up through their own experience.
“Do you mind if we join you, Dad?” Bri asks.
“Not at all. In fact, I welcome it,” I reply.