At that moment the announcement bell rang.


When they all gathered, the Elecampanes stood as a couple, as always, and Raz Cherry T’Elecampane remained stern, more usual since the “cursed” rumors started. Before then he’d been extremely easy with the staff.

Jace realized now that he wasn’t the only one hurt by Raz’s cool demeanor. The man had charisma. People wanted to please him and his reserve made the encampment even less cheerful these last few days, especially with the cloudy and rainy weather.

“I have news,” Raz said abruptly, addressing the quiet crowd—most of the crew—who’d gathered. He stood easily, legs spread, chin up, in a command pose no one would mistake. “The airship coming next week will be significantly larger than the recent transports. We are bringing in ten guards and another Healer. Del and I will be paying the guards a straight salary.”

Which meant that the guards would be loyal to the Elecampanes. And no one, except maybe Glyssa, had enough gilt to suborn the guards.

Raz glanced at Symphyta, who stood on the other side of Glyssa and next to him.

“The pool for Symphyta has been successful and she’ll be getting new equipment. We will be subsidizing all three Healers, though, of course, each of them can choose their charges for members of this community.”

Jace figured that Trago wouldn’t do any Fam Healing at all. He didn’t know about the new Healer . . .

“Male or female Healer?” Symphyta called.

A smile flashed across Raz Elecampane’s face and Jace instinctively relaxed and smiled himself. Raz dipped his head in Symphyta’s direction. “Male.”

“Goody.” She grinned back.

Trago snarled, stalked away. No doubt he’d undercut Symphyta’s prices. Not good, and not good for morale.

“Trago, I would prefer you stay until we are finished,” Del D’Elecampane called.

The man stiffened, turned back, and stood with an angry expression, arms crossed.

Raz resumed. “Symphyta, your new tent is for two, but we don’t expect you to share unless you wish. It’s your tent.”


“And we are replacing Funa’s.” He inclined his head to Funa . . . who’d been sleeping in several tents.

“Also arriving will be two noble sisters.”

The slight murmur that had arisen among the crew stopped as everyone focused their attention on Raz when he said, “With regard to the curse.”

He swept a cool gaze over them all. “Chlora and Musca Comosum. Musca will test the breathable quality of the air inside Lugh’s Spear. Chlora can scan the ship for diseases.” Raz’s expression set into a cool mask. “GrandMistrys Glyssa Licorice has offered to house them in her tent during the time we anticipate the ladies being here. We ask those of you who stay to welcome them.”

Those of you who stay!

Del stepped forward. “You all know the offer we made when you signed on for this venture. Those of you who have their return trip paid for can leave. Those of you who have earned enough pay to return to Druida can also leave.”

Jace calculated that that might be a quarter of the camp.

Raz continued, “The airship going back to Druida can accommodate twenty-five people. Those with return credit will be served first. After that, we will fill the seats from a list. Contact Maxima immediately after this gathering.” He waved at Maxima, who held a clipboard.

Silence seethed among the crew, everyone considering their options. People had stiffened with pride and offense that they would be considered cowardly enough to leave . . . or relaxed with relief that they could shake the camp dust off their boots and go back to Druida as soon as possible.

Jace had straightened.

So had Glyssa. That had him raising his brows, even as her own lowered . . . in self-examination?

I am not ready to leave my nest, Zem said from Jace’s shoulder.

Jace wondered where his bird had a nest. Jace reached up and stroked his Fam, told him equally privately, We will discuss this some time later.

A pause, then Zem said, I will not leave my FamMan.

Love welled within Jace. I will not let you pine for your home. Some of the people leaving would be those who were homesick—for the city or for the ocean.

Del kept her hand in her HeartMate’s and cleared her throat. “Raz and I have not decided whether to keep the encampment open for the winter yet. If we do not, we will hire an airship as we have before, to return us all to Druida City before the new year in nearly two months. If we do decide to winter over, we anticipate buying component buildings for the camp— dormitories and common buildings. We would like your input on this decision.”

More quiet and Jace felt the Elecampanes’ gaze on him as they scrutinized the crew. Raz said, “We are also ready to open this venture to shares. We have contracts ready in our pavilion. Those of you who want to invest, please see us after this announcement. When access to Lugh’s Spear is opened again, we will be offering more shares in the venture in lieu of the bonus upon finding artifacts.”

In unison, the Elecampanes said, “Each of you consider carefully what you wish to do.”

Raz gestured around, toward the landing field, the communications tent, the rest of the camp. “Stay now or go. Determine whether you might wish to stay here in the winter and perhaps, found a permanent community here.”

Glyssa’s wasn’t the only gasp.

“. . . decide to invest in this project and our vision, or not,” Raz finished.

When he ended, Del D’Elecampane waited a moment, then said, “That’s all.”

People stood still, then noise erupted.

Without really looking at him, as people clumped together and buzzed with news, Glyssa said, “About the Comosum ladies—”

That was the least of the news Jace’s brain was zipping around.

She said, “They are bringing something for you. I have been in communication with Gwydion Ash, the animal and Fam Healer. He has been very intrigued with Zem.”

More annoyance lit inside Jace. He turned and stared at Glyssa’s slightly dipped carroty head and nearly equally red cheeks. “For an extensive report on Zem, he has provided some meals—” she coughed and winced —“newly killed rodents of several kinds, and, uh, smaller birds—for Zem. The Comosums are bringing them in a special no-time.”

On Jace’s shoulder Zem puffed his feathers and snicked his beak in satisfaction. He leaned down and tugged a strand of Glyssa’s hair from her braid. Thank you, FamWoman.

Now Glyssa met Jace’s eyes. “I love Zem, too. I am allowed to show that love.”

Yes, yes, yes! Lepid bounced around them both. Good food for Zem. I love Zem, too.

“Provided meals?” Jace kept his tone even.

“In a no-time.” Glyssa pursed her lips. “We will switch out the no-times. The one the Ashes are sending is specifically calibrated and designed for Fams.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this a septhour ago?”

She glanced around, people had separated into clumps. “Zem needs a good solution to his food problem now. And I like you in my tent.”

“And you like me asking for help.”

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