Elizabeth Zajac, and anyone else who had a part in getting the word out about this book—you guys rock!

To Stephen Barbara and the people at Foundry, Jennifer Laughran and the Literaticult, the Apocalypsies, the Blueboarders, the book bloggers, Jessica Spotswood, Andrea Cremer, Antony John, Heather Brewer, Rhalee Hughes, all of the Breathless Reads girls, Left Bank Books, Pudd’nhead Books, Main Street Books, the St. Louis and St. Charles library systems, my crit partners: Cathy, Jasmine, Jess, Ken, and Marcy. I literally could go on forever listing other industry people who have helped me along this journey. I feel incredibly lucky to be part of a community that is so invested in the success of its members.

To everyone else who put up with my insane schedule: Connie for the late-night gossip and iced coffee, Julie for the bookmarks and inviting me to the hipster bar (I’m gonna go one of these days, I swear), Ben for going to the gun range with me when I needed to shoot things, Jeff for going out to eat with me when I needed to eat things, and all of my amazing colleagues at Award Winning Teaching Hospital, especially Debbie Hoog for taking me on a vicarious trip to Florence.

Adam, you continue to be my Kryptonite and not mentioning you here would just be wrong. We’ll always have Golden Tee.

Finally, the interwebz can be a scary place for a new author. You blog, you tweet, you pin, you post, but is there anyone listening? Or are you just shouting into the ether? Extra-special thanks to Monica Lopez, Nikki Wang, and my amazing group of cyber-pals, for being a constant reminder that I’m not all alone in this.

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