CometBaby says:
So what’s under the parka?
Mtn85 says:
A scarf.
CometBaby says:
(chuckle) I see. I’ll bet you’re wearing a tank and jeans. Am I close?
I glanced at the window, almost expecting to see Haley peeking in at me.
Mtn85 says:
Not too bad! But no, not quite.
CometBaby says:
Hmm… how about a parka, a scarf, a tank, and a potato masher. Am I getting warmer?
Mtn85 says:
Umm, ow? Where would I be hiding that masher if you were right?
I looked down at myself, imagining the very few, and very uncomfortable places a large metal object like that could fit. I crossed my legs as my fingers raced on the keys as I tried to write back before she could.
Mtn85 says:
What about you? Where’s the infamous Koosh?
CometBaby says:
: p Wouldn’t you like to know. And as for the masher… I don’t know where you’d put it, you’re the one that sleeps with one at night. I’m not into that kind of metal.
Mtn85 says:
No, you’re into the soft, limp spine, kind.
CometBaby says:
I don’t think so much it’s the soft, limp spines as the rubber.
I laughed out loud. At this rate, I’d never get anything done.
Mtn85 says:
Well, with a solo performance, you shouldn’t need the rubber.
CometBaby says:
How would you know? Besides, it never hurts to be safe. And, many things are made of rubber; not just those.
I found myself blushing, thinking of all the wondrous rubber objects out there. Then I thought to one night when I’d caught Chris watching Cinemax late at night. He had been watching a soft porn movie, and I had ended up watching with him.
Mtn85 says:
Well, there are different sizes, even ribbed or ones with little nubs on them. Nubs rubs for more pleasure, after all.
CometBaby says:
Okay, Trojan man.
Mtn85 says:
That’s Ms. Trojan man to you, and who’s talking about condoms?
CometBaby says:
Certainly not I. I was discussing the Trojan army. What’s on your mind?
I grinned.
Mtn85 says:
A good friend of Helen, are you?
CometBaby says:
I’m friends with people who think they’re Helen. Does that count?'
Mtn85 says:
Lol I can think of a few.
CometBaby says:
How is the psych project coming along? Have you found out what makes men envious of women?
Mtn85 says:
It’s going well, just about done. Who wouldn’t be envious of women? (grin)
CometBaby says:
That’s true. We get to have the pain of childbirth, have our periods, have mood swings, PMS. Who wouldn’t want to be a woman?
Mtn85 says:
True, true. But at least we’re good-looking.
CometBaby says:
And able to think without going below the belt.
I grinned. 'Very true, Haley.'
Mtn85 says:
If you could be a man for a day, would you?
CometBaby says:
Just for a day?
Mtn85 says:
CometBaby says:
Hell yeah! I’ve always wanted to see what goes on in those locker rooms, and if it’s just like everybody says.
I drew my brow.
Mtn85 says:
What does everybody say?
CometBaby says:
That all they discuss is girls, and they compare dick sizes, and stuff. I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to have one of those.
Mtn85 says:
Me, too. This knowledge goes no further than this computer screen, you got me?
CometBaby says:
Threats, threats. And why is that?
Mtn85 says:
Because it’s embarrassing, and I’ll have to hunt you down and your little Koosh, too.
CometBaby says:
No, no! Not my Koosh! You can have anything; my dignity, my self-respect, but not my Koosh!
Mtn85 says:
CometBaby says:
Yeah, and?
Mtn85 says:
Do I have your word or not?
CometBaby says:
Thinking… okay.
Mtn85 says:
I wanted to know what it was like to have a peepee like Chris. So, I grabbed a whole wad of toilet paper, and stuffed it into my underwear, and went to school that way. It’s quite odd.
CometBaby says:
Mtn85 says:
Yeah, yeah. So I’m weird, so sue me.