“Godfrey,” she said. “You have not spoken today. You always have some nugget of wisdom.”

Godfrey looked up at her, caught off guard.

“Well,” he said, flustered, running a hand through his unkempt hair, “I’ve always known one thing to bring men together,” he, looking around warily. “And that is drink. Show me two men who hate each other, and I’ll have them singing together over a pint of ale.”

The room suddenly broke into laughter, and Godfrey looked around, unsure, then smiled self- consciously.

Gwendolyn smiled, as she looked him over. Her brother was kooky, and yet he held some primal wisdom. And he knew, better than anyone she knew, the heartbeat of the common man. Her father had taught her that sometimes the most complex solution came in the most obvious wisdom.

“You may be right,” she said. “That may just be the solution. And I am going to appoint you to find out.”

Godfrey’s eyes opened wide, looking astonished.

Me, my lady?” he asked.

Gwendolyn nodded, as the others in the room looked on, astonished.

“You are the perfect one. Travel across the Highlands. Seek out Bronson. Tell him I’ve received his dispatches. Then establish drinking halls. Help Bronson do what he cannot: bring these men together.”

“My lady,” he said, stammering, “I am not a leader. And I am no politician. You know this. Father knew this. He tried to hide me from court. And now you want to give me a position? Did you learn nothing from father? He knew, at least, that I was good for nothing here.”

“Father did not see clearly in all matters,” Gwen said. “I see much more in you. You have talents that other men do not, and you vastly underestimate yourself. You can bring men together of disparate backgrounds, better than any man I’ve seen. You lack the haughtiness inherent in most royalty. I trust you, and I need you to do this. Will you accept?”

Godfrey reluctantly nodded.

“For you, my sister,” he said, “I would do anything.”

Gwen nodded and took a deep breath, grateful the matter was settled. She could not bear to hear any more scrolls from Aberthol, so she pre-empted it as she saw him reaching for another, and rose from her throne, shaky.

The room immediately rose with her, and it was clear the session was over.

Thor came and took her hand, as Aberthol slammed his staff and the room broke up into relaxed conversation.

“Are you okay?” Thor asked her quietly; he must have seen how pale her face was.

Gwen breathed deep, grateful for Thor’s support. She felt tired.

“I just need to lie down,” she said.

* * *

Thorgrin stood outside the main gateway to King’s Court, beneath the huge, arched stone entrance, holding his horse by the reigns, as did all his friends, each getting ready to depart for their journey on Departure Day. Beside him, Reece checked and re-checked his saddle, brushing his horse, preparing for his trip to the Upper Islands; beside him, Elden prepared to venture off to search for his father, while O’Connor prepared to embark to see his sister. Conven prepared to go to his hometown and visit his wife—while nearby, Erec and Kendrick prepared to set off to do the work of the Silver. Even Godfrey was gearing up for his journey to McCloud territory. They all were heading in a different direction, all hoping to catch the good luck of embarking on Departure Day.

Thor clasped forearms with Reece.

“I will miss you, old friend,” Thor said.

“And I you,” Reece said. “I’ll be back before the second moon rises, in time for our joint wedding. You need not worry.”

“The Upper Isles are not far,” Thor said. “But they are fraught with danger. Watch your back.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be going with him,” came a voice.

They both turned to see Krog standing nearby, smiling as he prepared his horse, stuffing a short sword into an extra scabbard.

“You are?” Reece asked, surprised.

Krog nodded back, standing there with a stern expression.

“But why?” Reece asked. “I thought you don’t even like me.”

“I don’t,” Krog said emphatically. “It’s something to do. And like I said, I owe you for saving my life back there. I need to pay it off.”

Reece shook his head.

“I don’t want anyone tagging along out of some sense of obligation,” Reece said. “You can join me if you want—but not because you feel indebted to me.”

“I will come for any reason I wish,” Krog said defiantly, then turned and stormed off, preparing his horse.

Reece and Thor exchanged a curious glance, and Reece shook his head.

“I swear, I’ll never figure him out,” Reece said.

“Keep your eyes open,” Thor repeated. “Those MacGils may be cousins, but don’t trust any of them.”

“Do not worry, my friend,” he replied. “They don’t want a war on their hands they cannot win. They would never dare harm a member of the royal family. And if they do, well,” Reece grinned, “I’ve got weapons at my side, and I’m only too happy to defend myself.”

Thor smiled back.

“I know, friend. I’ve fought many battles with you at my back. I wish you were staying here to help me pick and train the Legion.”

“I suspect you will manage just fine on your own,” Reece said. “In fact, by the time I return I suspect the Legion will already be brimming with new faces.”

Thor smiled.

“We shall see.”

“Reece, may I have a minute?” came a female voice.

Reece turned and saw, standing behind him, Selese. She looked upset.

“I don’t want you to leave,” she added, her voice grave.

“But I am hardly leaving,” Reece said. “It is just a few days’ voyage.”

Thor turned away to give them privacy, and as he went he still heard their hushed voices, carried on the wind.

“Our wedding is but a half moon away,” Selese added.

“I am aware of that, I assure you,” he replied. “I did not volunteer this mission.”

“I do not want you to go,” she said, her voice trembling. “I’m normally not like this, but I have a bad feeling about it. Just stay here. Help us prepare for the wedding. Gwen can send someone else.”

Reece shook his head.

“I would never turn down a request from my sister. It goes against my honor. Besides, it’s Departure Day,” he said. “It is an auspicious day to embark.”

She shrugged.

“Not for all,” she said. “My father embarked once on Departure Day. He never returned.”

Reece saw a tear on her cheek, and he stepped forward and stroked her face with the back of his hand.

“I am touched, my love, for how much you care for me,” Reece said. “And I promise you I shall return.”

“I love your sister,” Selese said, still looking down, not meeting his eyes. “After all, we’re being married together. She has become as close to me as a sister. And yet, in this case, I wished she would have chosen someone else to go.”

“The kingdom she rules is vast, and there are not many people she can trust—not like a brother,” Reece said. “Enough of this gloomy talk. It is all for naught, I assure you. I shall be back in but a few days, and we shall

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