“No. Not through me or any other medical professional. Patient confidentiality is sacrosanct. If you think it’s true and connected to whatever case you’re working, you’ll have to find another way.”

He looked uncomfortable; I understood his position and didn’t push him. I shouldn’t have asked in the first place, but the coincidence of three rare cases that might all be doing the same impossible things set off every investigatory instinct I had, and I had to understand what was usual before I could reasonably judge what wasn’t. I’d have to find the others by myself somehow and determine what was going on, because one strange manifestation is just a case, but three could be, as Auric Goldfinger said, enemy action. And I didn’t have any living enemies that I knew of. Dead and restless ones . . . that I wasn’t so sure of.


I did get home all right, in spite of my eye. The itching, aching, watering aspects weren’t the worst of it; my left eye simply would not banish the Grey from sight, even when I was surrounded by the filtering effects of glass and steel in my truck. When I’d first become aware of the Grey it had, for a while, been persistently visible until I learned to filter it out. At the moment, no amount of trying would allow me to see without a flickering, color-tangled overlay of the ghost world so long as I had both eyes open. If I closed the injured eye, the vision merely changed intensity, but at least my eye was less raw. I hoped this wasn’t going to last too long. . . .

I felt like a slacker coming home so early, but I wasn’t going to get anything done at the office or on the street with my eye objecting nonstop. As I opened the door to my condo, a furry little blur raced out, crossing my boot and streaking into the hall.

“Ferret!” came a warning cry from inside. Apparently Quinton—my . . . “boyfriend” doesn’t quite cover it, but it’s close enough for most applications—had been hanging out at my place. He often did, but there had been some risky circumstances in his life recently and the frequency and duration of his companionship had become unpredictable.

“Too late,” I called back, dropping my bag and spinning around, hoping to catch the fuzzy miscreant before she managed to get outside, underfoot, or into one of the neighbors’ homes. Visions of the Grey and the normal slid and tipped over each other, making me dizzy, and I wobbled, stumbling into the wall and sliding down to my knees.

“Sneaky little carpet shark!” Quinton charged out and tripped over me, falling face-first onto the carpet outside my door. “Blast!” We both scrambled around, getting only semi-upright before lurching farther along the hall like a pair of gorillas as we tried to snatch the ferret from the floor.

Chaos, the ferret, flipped around, dancing backward out of our grasp, chuckling and chattering at us as if we were the funniest show on earth. Until she backed into a door and her progress came to a sudden halt. For just a moment, her back end attempted to climb vertically up the door, but gravity was still operating and her butt slipped back down, piling into her middle. She sprang up, swiveling to face the new threat, and smacked her nose into the immovable object. With a chirp of surprise, she leapt away from the door, showing it her teeth by waving her open mouth in its direction, and backed straight into Quinton’s scooping hand.

“Got ya! Victory is mine—because I have thumbs and you don’t!”

The ferret stuck her head out of his fist and licked her nose as if this was all very boring.

I put out my hands. “Do you want me to take her?”

“Nope. It was my miscalculation that let her out and I’ll be the one to put her back.” He blinked at my face. “Umm . . . did you have one of those ‘interesting’ days today? Because you look like someone clocked you.”

“Painted me in the eye actually. And yes—a little too interesting. I’ll tell you in a minute. Maybe over a drink.”

Quinton raised his eyebrows.

I nodded. “That kind of day. All right—you carry the furry offender back to ferret prison.”

Chaos was not pleased to be returned to her cage so I could put my things away without tripping over her on my semi-blind side. Ferrets tend to want to dance right in your path and I didn’t want to fall down again or— worse—step on her. But she was tiny, warm, and fuzzy, which went a small distance to making me feel less annoyed.

Quinton let me retire to the couch while he dug up a couple of beers as well as a cool, wet cloth to put on my irritated eye. I did my impression of a slug and slumped on the cushions as if my bones had dissolved, closing my eyes and letting the half-Grey effect of my injury reel forth in silver streamers against the darkness inside my eyelids. I heard Quinton bumping and rattling in the kitchen and saw a glowing energetic mist-shape moving in the persistent Grey that had invaded my mind’s eye. There were several other odd shapes floating about in the limited vision that played out behind my closed lids, but I couldn’t identify who or what they were—ghosts, neighbors, random knots of energy . . . ? They weren’t really doing anything that I could understand, just moving here and there. Only Quinton’s shape seemed to be operating with conscious intent. It drifted over and I felt him nudge my hand with something cool.

“You said you’d like a drink.”

I opened my eyes, finding that the lids seemed heavier than usual, and glanced first up at him, then down to the glass he was holding next to my hand. The small glass had half an inch of amber-gold liquid at the bottom. “Whiskey?”

“It didn’t sound like a mystery beer sort of day,” he replied, alluding to his habit of accepting payment in beer for odd jobs done for various street people we knew around Pioneer Square.

I took the glass. “Definitely not.” While the drink was welcome, I would rather have had the energy to ravish him. A warm sensation in my chest and a wicked glint in his eye gave me the impression he was thinking the same thing. Oh well . . .

He sat next to me as I sipped and covered my free hand with his. “So, what about this day of yours?”

“Well, a client’s sister flipped a blob of paint into my eye. Turns out oil paint has quite a few nasty things in it—before you start: I already saw the doctor—and I need to give the eye a little rest. But I also need to figure out what’s going on with the sister.”

“In what way? She has a habit of flipping paint at people?”

“No. This is kind of delicate ground since I’m breaking confidentiality to discuss it, but I don’t know how else I’m going to get to the bottom of this if I can’t talk to a few people about the case—or cases—but I’ll get to that bit in a minute.”

“I won’t discuss it with anyone.”

I nodded before going on. “OK. The sister is in some kind of vegetative state—kind of like a coma but not. Anyhow, she shouldn’t be doing much of anything beyond lying still, but in the past few months, she’s started sitting up and painting. Even more recently she started babbling. She doesn’t appear to be doing this on her own but rather seems to be either under someone else’s control or channeling a ghost or something that’s using her body for a few minutes at a time before it drops out or gets pushed out. I don’t know anything else yet, but the home care nurse let slip that there are two other cases like this—vegetative patients doing strange things—and Skelly was surprised to hear there were any vegetative patients at all in the area, since it’s very rare, much less that they were doing impossible things.” I paused to sip my drink, appreciating the warm sensation of the liquor making its way down and expanding the calm and security that spread from Quinton’s touch on my hand.

“Now,” I continued, “you know me. I can’t swallow that all of the rare cases in the area are exhibiting the same strange behaviors for unrelated reasons.”

“Mathematically unlikely,” Quinton agreed.

“So there has to be either a link or a related cause. And before I got paint in my eye, I could see that the room was pretty heavily haunted. Most of the ghosts weren’t of the willful variety—there were a lot of displaced repeaters there. I’d like to get in contact with the families of the other PVS patients and find out what’s been happening to them, maybe get to see them and evaluate the ghost situation. The client initially broached the subject as a possible spirit or demonic possession. She’s religious and apparently this is causing her more than the usual crisis experienced by the haunted. Her priest isn’t being very helpful—something about the limits of his role, which is frankly beyond my knowledge and probably not germane.”

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