Gomeril, a fool, a simpleton.

    Gowd, gold.

    Gowpen, a handful.

    Grewsome, sullen, stern, forbidding.

    Gude, God; good.

    Gudeman, a husband; head of the household.

    Gude-sister, a sister-in-law.

    Gudewife, a wife, a spouse.

    Guide, to manage.

    Ha'arst, harvest.

    Hae, have.

    Haena, have not.

    'Hae 't,' have it.

    Haill, whole.

    Hantle, a great deal.

    Harry, to rob, to break in upon.

    Hash, a clumsy lout.

    Hand, to hold, to have.

    Hauld, a habitation.

    Hempie, giddy.

    Heugh, a dell; also, a crag.

    Hinny, a term of endearment=honey.

    Holme, a hollow, level low ground.

    'Horse of wood, foaled of an acorn,' a form of punishment.

    Howf, a retreat.

    Hunder, a hundred.

    Hup! used to a horse in order to make him quicken his pace.

    'Hup nor wind,' quite unmanageable.

    Hurdies, the buttocks.

    Ilk, ilka, each, every.

    Ill-fard, ill-favoured.

    Ill-guide, to ill-treat.

    I' se, I shall.

    Isna, is not.

    Jalouse, to suspect.

    Jimply, barely, scantily.

    Jo, joe, a sweetheart.

    'John Thomson's man,' a husband who yields to the influence of his wife.

    Justify, to punish with death.

    Kail, kale, cabbage greens; broth. 'Kail through the reek,' to give one a

         severe reproof.

    Kail-brose, pottage of meal made with the scum of broth.

    Kale-yard, a vegetable garden.

    Ken, to know.

    Kend, knew.

    Kenna, kensna, know not.

    Kittle, ticklish.

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