sleepery, sleepy.
slow-hund, a sleuth hound.
sma', small.
smack, smaik, a rogue, a low wretch.
snaw, snow.
soup o' drink, a spoonful.
souple, a cudgel.
spae, foretell.
speir, ask.
sprug, a sparrow.
spunk, a spark.
start, betray.
stell, a stall, a covert.
stickit, stopped, hindered.
stir your gear, disturb your goods.
stark, a heifer, a bullock.
stiver, a small Dutch coin.
stoppit, stopped.
stoup, a drinking vessel, a wooden pitcher.
stown, stolen.
strae, straw.
strammel, straw.
streik, stretch.
suld, should.
sune, soon.
sunkets, delicacies, provisions of any kind.
sunkie, a low stool.
swear, difficult.
swure, swore.
syne, since.
ta'en, taken.
tait, a tuft.
tak, take.
tap, the top.
tass, a cup.
tat, that.
tell'd, told.
tent, care.
thack, thatch.
thae, those.
thegither, together.
thereawa', thence, thereabout.
thrapple, the windpipe, the throat.
thristle, a thistle.
till, to.
tippenny, ale at twopence a bottle.
tod, a fox.
tolbooth, a jail.
toom, empty.