BEIN, comfortable.
BELISARIUS, a general of the Eastern Empire ungratefully treated by the Emperor Justinian.
BENEDICTE, bless you.
BETIMES THE MORN, early in the morning.
BICKER, a wooden vessel for holding drink; a quarrel.
BILLIE, a term of familiarity, comrade.
BIRKIE, a smart fellow.
BIRLING, merry-making.
BIT, small.
BLATE, shy, bashful.
BLAWING, flattering.
BLEEZING, bragging.
BLUE-CAP, a Scotsman.
BOGLE, a ghost, a scarecrow.
BON VIVANTS, lovers of good living.
BONA ROBA, a showy wanton.
BONUS SOCIUS, good comrade.
BORREL, common, rude.
BRAID, broad.
BRASH, a sudden storm, an attack.
BRATTLE, a clattering noise, as of a horse going at full speed.
BRAW, brave, fine.
BRENT BROO, high brow.
BROCARD, maxim.
BROSE, oatmeal which has had boiling water poured upon it.
BROWN, a famous landscape gardener.
BROWST, a brewing.
BUCEPHALUS, the favourite horse of Alexander the Great.
BUCKIE, an imp, a fellow with an evil twist in his character.
BUFF NOR STYE, neither one thing nor another.
BUFFERS, pistols.
BUSK, deck up.
BY ORDINAR, extraordinary, uncommon.
BYE AND ATTOUR, over and above.
CADGER, a travelling dealer.
CADDIE, a porter, an errand-boy.
CAETERA PRORSUS IGNORO, in short, I know nothing of the rest.
CALLANT, a young lad.
CALLER, cool, fresh.
CANNY, shrewd, prudent, quiet.
CANTLE, fragment.
CAPERNOITED, crabbed, foolish.
CAPRICCIOS, a fanciful composition.
CAPRIOLE, a leap made by a horse without advancing.
CARDINAL, a woman's cloak.
CARLINES, old women.
CATILINA OMNIUM, ETC. Catilina had surrounded himself with the
most vile and criminal company.
CAUSEWAY, path, roadway.