TIMOTHEUS, a famous musician.
TIPPENY, twopenny ale,
TIRTEAFUERA, a character in DON QUIXOTE, the doctor in Sancho
Panza's island government.
TITHER, the other.
TOD, a bush, a fox.
TOOM, empty.
TOUR OUT, to look about.
TOY, a linen cap; a head-dress hanging down over the shoulders.
TRANCES, passages.
TUPTOWING, beating, from the Greek verb 'tupto', to strike.
TWALPENNY, one penny sterling.
TWASOME, a pair or couple.
TYNE, loss or forfeit.
TYRO, TYRONES, beginner, beginners; novice.
UNCO, very, uncommon, strange.
URGANDA, an enchantress in the romance of AMADIS OF GAUL.
VADE RETRO, get thee behind me.
VALE, SIS MEMOR MEI, farewell, be mindful of me.
VARIUM ET MUTABILE SEMPER FEMINA, woman is always variable and changeful.
VERBUM SACERDOTIS, the word of a priest.
VIA FACTI, by personal force.
VINCERE VINCENTEM, to conquer the conquering.
VINCO VINCENTEM, ERGO VINCO TE, I conquer the conquering,
therefore I conquer you.
VIOLER, a player on a viol.
VIR SAPIENTIA ET PIETATE GRAVIS, a man of much wisdom and piety.
VIS ANIMI, strength of soul.
VITIOUS, vicious, unruly.
VOET, Jan Voet, author of a book on the PANDECTS.
W.S., writer to the signet, a lawyer.
WALING, choosing.
WAME, stomach.
WANCHANCY, unlucky, dangerous.
WARE, spend.
WARK, work, trouble.
WAUR, worse.
WEARS, weirs, dams.
WEIGH-BANKS, scales.
WHIN, gorse.
WHITTLE, a small clasp-knife.
WITHERSHINS, backwards in their courses, in the contrary way.
WUD, mad.
WYND, yard, alley.
YAULD, active.
YELLOCH, yell.
YETTS, gates.