admitted, gesturing for me to join him.

Lying in my pajamas, I shifted back on the bed, slipping my feet under the warm blankets. “I had an interesting day.” I let the words hang in the air, wondering which part to tell Joshua first.

Joshua sat up in bed, waiting for me to further elaborate. “You going to make me guess?”

I rolled my eyes, smiling as I gently pushed him onto his back, lying down beside him. My eyes met his as I traced a warm path with my finger down and across his chest. “Chancellor Collins wants me to go to Torv. The thing is,” I paused, unsure I believed it. “It seems they already knew who I was before Jaxon, Mason, and Margo showed up.”

“Hmm?” He frowned, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of what I told him. “Any chance someone had survived the attack on Haven and relayed the news to Torv? Then again,” he mused, “you'd think they wouldn't want you to come to Torv because you'd be putting their town at risk.”

“Exactly my thoughts.” I shifted onto my back, staring up at the ceiling, trying to wrap my brain around all of it. “Who would know about me? Let alone the fact I survived the attack?”

“Maybe they didn't know you survived. It's possible they assumed you were dead until these three new people show up from a town they've never heard of.” He rolled onto his side, draping a leg over mine as he pulled me closer. “If I told you I didn't want you to go…” His words trailed off.

It wasn't that I wanted to go to Torv. I wasn't a fan of danger, but I didn't like sitting on the sidelines either. I wanted to be a part of something bigger. “I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.” As it was we were running out of time. The Governor's Ball was in the spring and I needed to be in Genesis before the party to know the exact date and time.

“Maybe I can help convince you to stay.” He smiled, pulling me closer in his embrace.

My fingers slipped beneath his shirt and traced a path along the hem of his boxers, grazing his skin. “You could come with me,” I offered with an eager grin. “This time don't let Collins tell you no.”

“You think it will work?” His eyes momentarily closed.

“Too tired?” I teased, leaning on my elbows as I dropped a kiss to his eyelids, the tip of his nose, and then his mouth. “If you give him a reason he can't refuse, then he'll have to let you accompany me to Torv.”

Joshua's eyes fluttered open. “What reason would that be?”

“Tell him you can't live without me.” I beamed.


Nearly a week had passed since the guests from Torv had arrived. Joshua and I decided to go for a run, before showering and getting dressed for our weekly meeting. I knew Chancellor Collins would insist on sending Elsa, Chloe, and me to Torv. The pregnant women weren't getting any less pregnant and I knew soon enough some of them would give birth. I didn't want to imagine what it was like or even witness the nature of it. I'd heard stories, enough of them as a child to know it was painful. I didn't want to be around it, but I also knew Elsa had requested I come along.

Once dressed, Joshua and I headed towards the council room where we always met for our weekly update. I hadn't spent much time with the members of Torv aside from having met Chloe. I knew two others had come along, Beckett and Asher. Joshua had trained with Beckett and Asher in hand-to-hand combat in the gymnasium. I spent those early mornings in skills training with Maya. She'd taught me how to tie a knot and how to get out of them. She was also on hand when I worked with Adelaide to teach her self-defense. She got along better with Adelaide than Hazel, and Maya had many more years of training and experience. As much as I wanted to be Adelaide's guide, it was best to let someone who knew what she was doing instruct her. I never once told Adelaide about the Mindonsiphan and hoped when she came of age we'd live in a free world where she'd never have the need for it.

Joshua led me to the long oak table where I took a seat, and he did the same beside me. One by one, the council members joined us over the next few minutes: Cate, Mason, Elsa, Maya, Hazel, Aidan, and lastly Chancellor Collins.

“Let me start this week,” Chancellor Collins began, “with anyone who has new information they'd like to share with the council.”

Elsa raised her hand to speak first. “Chloe has been a huge asset to our medical and science team. I know she'll return soon to Torv but I'd like to invite her to stay on staff permanently.”

“Is that even an option?” I asked, perturbed. I glanced around the table, waiting for someone else to question it as well.

Chancellor Collins glanced at me briefly with a hint of warning in his eyes. “We'll consider your request, Elsa. What have you found this week, anything?”

Elsa nodded eagerly. “We've been breaking apart the different hormones pregnant women have, infertile women have, and then what Olivia has.”

I felt all eyes on me. I hated when discussions involved my reproduction. It felt invasive, like they were dissecting me.

“Continue,” the Chancellor answered, wanting to know what breakthrough they'd had.

“It's Chloe's theory, but we think women no longer have the ability to ovulate and for that reason can't conceive children. The old-world terminology for the condition was anovulation. Now we know there are a few medications that induce ovulation but none of them have been successful. We're hoping we can synthesize a new hormone.” Everyone stared at Elsa, confused. “I believe with the right tools and help it can be reversed. At least the women who want to conceive can have the chance if they have hormone injections. In fact, we think giving the proper injections to the pregnant women in Torv might lower the chances of hemorrhaging while in labor. It's risky; please don't underestimate how dangerous the experimental hormone injection we're suggesting doing is. I just don't see another option.”

Maya spoke up, “No one has discussed using Mindonsiphan to heal these women. I think it's something we should talk about.”

I glanced at Joshua, wondering if he knew what Maya was talking about. Elsa had briefly mentioned it before but hadn't brought it up again. We both knew about the procedure; we'd experienced it nearly a year ago against our will.

Hazel answered, “Using Mindonsiphan is a temporary fix, a Band-Aid. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe we could save a mother or two but one of us would always have to be there.”

Cate chimed in. “Do we know how Torv has managed to carry out any successful pregnancies? We've studied for years and have been unable to get a single woman pregnant.”

“Cate's right,” Mason nodded. “I hate to admit it but what does Torv know that they haven't shared? Didn't you guys say Chloe was from one of the Genesis projects? Are you sure she can be trusted?”

The room erupted in loud chatter and Chancellor Collins raised his hands. “That's enough!” His voice echoed against the walls and everyone grew quiet. “We trust Torv with our knowledge; I'm sure in the same way they entrust us with theirs.”

Elsa spoke out, “I trust Chloe, and I'm confident she and her town of Torv have no ill will towards us at all. They've been nothing but nice, helpful, and forthcoming with information when I've asked questions. I don't know about the rest of you.” Her eyes narrowed looking at each of us one by one. “But she seems to be exactly what she is.”

Somehow I knew what she meant. We, in Shadow, were harboring secrets of the Mindonsiphan, of our abilities, of what it had done to us and allowed us to do. There was no way we could share that knowledge without endangering ourselves, or the entire town's population.

Chancellor Collins cleared his throat. “On the matter of sending Chloe, Elsa, and Olivia to Torv, I am in favor. Is there anyone opposed?”

Joshua raised his hand. “I'd like to come with and see Torv, offer any assistance that I may on the trip.”

Chancellor Collins sighed, knowing that sending Joshua without me or vice versa was a disaster waiting to happen. “You two are inseparable,” he remarked. “Fine, you'll join them. Is there anyone else who would like to

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