‘Have you served the chieftain long?’

‘Crón will be the fourth chieftain of Araglin that I have served.’

‘Four? That is surely a long service.’

‘I was a young lad in the stables of Eoghan, whose life is remembered by the high cross which marks the clan lands on the road from the high mountains yonder.’

‘We have seen it,’ affirmed Eadulf.

‘Then there was Eoghan’s son, Erc, who died in battle against the Ui Fidgente,’ Menma continued as if he had not heard him. ‘And now Eber has passed to the Otherworld. So I am serving his daughter Crón.’

Fidelma waited a moment but there was no further response. She suppressed a sigh.

‘Tell me the circumstances of your finding Eber.’

For the first time the pale blue eyes of Menma seemed to focus with a slightly puzzled expression.

‘The circumstances, lady?’

Fidelma wondered if the man were slow-witted.

‘Yes,’ she said, trying to be patient. ‘Tell me when and how you discovered the body of Eber.’

‘When?’ The muscles in the broad face of the man creased the features. ‘It was the night when Eber was killed.’

Brother Eadulf turned aside to hide his amusement.

Fidelma gave an inward groan as she realised the type of person she was dealing with. Menma was slow- witted. Not a half-wit but merely someone whose thoughts moved laggardly and were ponderous. Or was he being so purposely?

‘And when was that, Menma?’ she coaxed.

‘Oh, that was six nights ago now.’

‘And the time? At what time did you find the body of Eber?’

‘It was before first light.’

‘What were you doing at the chieftain’s quarters before first light?’

Menma raised a huge, gnarled hand and ran his fingers through his hair.

‘It was my task to turn out the horses to pasture and oversee the milking of the cattle of Eber. It is also my task to slaughter the meat for the chieftain’s table. I rose and was making my way to the stables. As I walked by the chambers of Eber …’

Fidelma leant forward quickly.

‘Do I presume that to traverse the path from your cabin to the stables, you have to pass Eber’s apartments?’

Menma stared at her in surprise as if he failed to understand why she needed to ask the question.

‘Everyone knows that.’

Fidelma forced a small smile.

‘You will have to be patient with me, Menma, for I am a stranger here and do not know such things. Can you point out Eber’s apartment from here?’

‘Not from here but from there.’

Menma raised his billhook and indicated the position with the blade.

‘Show me.’

Reluctantly, Menma led the way from the stables around the back of the guests’ hostel, along the granite wall of the hall of assembly to a well-trodden path between the buildings. Eber’s apartments were apparently on the opposite side of the assembly hall to the guests’ hostel. He again indicated with the blade of his billhook. There were a series of wooden structures built around the hall of assembly, between the wall of the assembly hall and the stone building of the chapel. Menma indicated one of them.

‘That is Eber’s apartments. There is the door by which I entered but there is another which connects his rooms from the inside to the hall of assembly.’

‘And where is your cabin?’

He indicated with the billhook again. Fidelma acknowledged that one path for Menma to traverse to the stables would certainly lead him by the stone chapel, passing Eber’s apartment. She had not really suspected the accuracy of Menma but merely wanted to get the geography fixed firmly in her own mind.

‘Who does the milking here?’ she asked as they walked slowly back to the stables.

She wondered if Eadulf realised that it was unusual for a man to be involved in the milking. In most farming communities, peoplearose at sunrise and the first tasks of the day were for the head of the stables to let out the horses into the pasture and for the women to milk the cows. It was therefore strange that the keeper of the chieftain’s stables would oversee the milking as well as release the horses.

‘The women always do the milking,’ replied Menma, unperturbed.

‘So why did you have to supervise them?’

‘It has been so for the last few weeks,’ Menma frowned. ‘There has been some cattle stolen from the valley and Eber asked me to check his herd each morning.’

‘Is the theft of cattle an unusual occurrence? Were the thieves ever caught?’

Menma contemplated the question, rubbing his bushy chin thoughtfully.

‘It was the first time anyone had dared rob the clan of Araglin. We are an isolated community. Dubán searched for days but lost the track of the thieves in the high pasture.’

‘How so?’

‘There were too many animal tracks up there.’

Fidelma felt a twinge of frustration. Drawing information from Menma was like drawing teeth. ‘Continue. It was just before first light. You were on your way to oversee the milking of the cattle and were passing Eber’s cabin. What then?’

‘It was then I heard a moaning sound.’


‘I thought Eber must be ill and so I called out to ask if he was in need of help.’

‘And what happened?’

‘Nothing. There was no reply and the moaning sound continued.’

‘So what did you do?’

‘I entered his apartments. I found him in the bed chamber.’

‘Was it Eber who was moaning?’

‘No, it was his killer, Móen.’

‘And you saw Eber’s body immediately?’

‘Not at first. I saw Móen kneeling by the bed, clutching a knife.’

‘You said it was before sunrise. Therefore it must have been dark. How could you see in the interior of Eber’s bed chamber?’

‘A lamp was lit. By its light I saw Móen clearly. He was crouching over the bed. I saw the knife in his hand.’

Menma paused and his features twisted in an expression of distaste as he remembered the scene.

‘By the light of the lamp I could see the knife had stains on it. I saw stains on the face and clothes of Móen. It was only when I saw the naked body of Eber, stretched across the bed, that I realised that the stains were blood.’

‘Did Móen say anything to you?’

Menma sniffed. ‘Say? What could he say?’

‘You accused him of killing Eber?’

‘The fact that he had done so was surely obvious? No, I went immediately in search of Duban.’

‘And where did you find Duban?’

‘I found him in the hall of assembly. He told me to continue my tasks, seeing to the horses and cattle, for animals cannot wait on the whims of men.’

‘Móen was left alone during this time?’

‘Of course.’

‘You did not think that he would run away?’

Menma seemed perplexed.

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