Brehon Barrán chuckled, then said, ‘Sechnussach could never have disguised the fact that he had a dormun, a second wife. It would have required many legal clarifications. You can be sure that he did not. His personal household would have had to know that, and only they knew that Sechnussach and Gormflaith were estranged. Outside the royal enclosure, no one else was aware of it.’

‘And who made the decision to live separately?’

Barrán looked surprised. ‘Gormflaith in the first place,’ he said. ‘I think that Sechnussach once contemplated divorce. He was considering the nofaults divorce. They would part on equitable terms without blame to one another. You have to have agreement on the part of both people for that.’

‘So Sechnussach spoke of it but you are sure that, contrary to what Gormflaith says, nothing was agreed?’

‘To be perfectly honest,’ the Brehon admitted, ‘Sechnussach mentioned that it was Gormflaith who had first broached the matter, now I recall. They discussed matters between them but no agreement was made nor was I instructed to draw one up.’

‘Nevertheless, they discussed it after three years of estrangement. Gormflaith admits to her lover, but Sechnussach was a handsome and virile man. Did he really remain a celibate during those years?’

Brehon Barrán pursed his lips. ‘I doubt it,’ he said. ‘But if so, the High King was discreet — and discretion must have been imposed on anyone who was tempted to share his bed.’

‘Are you speculating or do you know this for a fact?’

‘I speculate, of course.’

‘And so you are not aware if Sechnussach had a mistress or even a series of mistresses?’

‘Sechnussach was not a man who gave his affections lightly.’

‘But he was still a man,’ Fidelma replied.

‘Then we must assume, as I have, that if he had a mistress then no one has been able to identify her and she has never come forward.’

Fidelma focused on the edge of the desk in some thought.

‘We are not in the middle of the forest here, Barrán. Someone must have known something, if such things were happening. Or else they are simply covering up their knowledge.’

‘It would follow that one or other of his household servants must have some knowledge,’ agreed the Chief Brehon. ‘And if you wish to approach the person who is most likely to have that knowledge, I would say that his personal attendant, his bollscari, would be the place to start.’

‘We are talking about Brother Rogallach?’

Barrán inclined his head in assent.

‘He is one of the few witnesses that I have yet to question,’ said Fidelma. ‘Are you saying that he was close to Sechnussach?’

‘As close as a servant may be to the person they serve.’

‘And therefore he would know of any secret liaisons, and trysts in the dead of night?’

‘Sechnussach could not have functioned without him. But — and far be it from me to offer you advice — isn’t the more important question: why would the assassin commit suicide without offering a defence?’

It was a question that had been uppermost in Fidelma’s mind and not merely since she had spoken with Gormflaith.

‘We will not know that until we find out why he killed Sechnussach. Don’t worry, I have pondered the problem. Why would a chieftain who, according to one report, is about to marry his lover, kill Sechnussach, make no effort to escape, and kill himself? We know that of all forms of fingal, or kin-slaying, self-slaughter is the worst of crimes. At the moment, it makes no sense at all unless Gormflaith has been frugal with the truth. Perhaps, as you say, she is trying to protect herself. At some stage, Barrán, I am afraid it will be a challenge between Gormflaith’s word and your word on this matter of the divorce agreement.’

‘I hope that may be avoided, Fidelma. The word of truth from a Brehon is a sacred matter.’ The Chief Brehon lifted his shoulder in a curious gesture of resignation. ‘I knew your task would not be easy,’ he confessed. ‘Had things been easy, then the Great Assembly would not have sent to Cashel to ask you to come.’

Fidelma raised her gaze to his. ‘If I am to continue this investigation, Barrán, I must be assured that nothing is being held back. Whatever your concerns for public knowledge and protecting the reputation of the High King and his lady, you should have let me know how matters stood between Sechnussach and Gormflaith in their estrangement.’

‘You found it out quickly enough,’ responded Barrán defensively. ‘And it does not bring you closer to a solution.’

‘That is beside the point. If I am to succeed, nothing should be held back. It is a principle of the law.’

‘You are right, of course,’ the Chief Brehon conceded, before raising his hand and letting it fall in a helpless gesture. ‘Sometimes, in the higher strata of politics … ’ he used the word riaglaid as an act of governing and rule ‘ … sometimes the right to information must take second place to the art of diplomacy.’

‘Well, it seems that you will not have to struggle with a conflict of decisions for much longer,’ she remarked.

Brehon Barrán looked puzzled.

‘Cenn Faelad,’ she reminded him,‘mentioned that he was nominating you as his heir-apparent, in which case you will give up the role of Chief Brehon.’

‘Cenn Faelad is kind,’ Barrán said, and gave a brief smile. ‘It will be a honour to serve my cousin in this new role.’

‘You do not feel it strange that he, being young, has nominated you, being older than he is, as his heir?’ mused Fidelma.

Brehon Barrán appeared slightly affronted. ‘I have several good years of service in me yet, Fidelma. I hope to be advising the High King and the Great Assembly for many years to come. It is a wise young king who appoints one more elderly to act as adviser.’

Fidelma shrugged indifferently. ‘I am a simple dálaigh, Barrán, whose job it is to discover the truth, and truth is often bitter but truth must always prevail if there is to be any hope for good government.’

Brehon Barrán was not perturbed at her implied censure.

‘You have my word, Fidelma. You have now had only the truth so far as it is in my possession to give it to you.’

‘So be it. And you can tell me no more about Dubh Duin who, Gormflaith says, you introduced to her?’

‘As I say, I have no recollection of it.’ Barrán shrugged. ‘I introduce many people to each other. All I recall about Dubh Duin is that he was regarded as a capable man, a good chieftain and a strong advocate of the rights of his people while in the Great Assembly. I would say he was inclined to be conservative in all his dealings.’ He then added: ‘I suspect he was conservative in matters of the old religion as well.’

‘Why do you suggest that? Are you saying that he did not embrace the New Faith?’

‘I really don’t know. He raised a heated debate in the Great Assembly once, asking that people should have as much right to follow the Old Faith as follow the New Faith. I know harsh words were exchanged with Sechnussach, but I was not there so cannot give you the details.’

Fidelma was not happy. ‘Harsh words between Sechnussach and Dubh Duin? Is this another question of information that would help my investigation that has somehow been overlooked?’ she said indignantly.

‘You must ask Irél, who was attending the Great Assembly that day or, indeed, one of those nobles who were present at the debate. I am not the investigator of this matter.’ Brehon Barrán made a motion of his hand as if in dismissal. ‘For me, there was nothing to mark Dubh Duin outsignificantly from the rest of the nobles of Midhe.’ He relaxed a little and grinned. ‘They are all egocentric with pretensions of high-minded morals. Dubh Duin liked to claim that the new religion was persecuting those who followed the old religion and that he was merely standing up for the rights of those who did so.’

Fidelma turned to the door, pausing with her hand about to open it. ‘It would be best if nothing else was concealed from me in the future, Barrán,’ she remarked tightly before she made her exit.

Outside, with the door closed, she exhaled deeply in exasperation. She was angry that the Chief Brehon had tried to conceal facts, claiming, in his defence, that it was good for the people. She returned along the corridor to

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