let us figure out the best way to help you.”

“I’ll do anything, Rifter. Just don’t take me away from Jinx. He needs me, especially in light of what’s going on with him.”

* * *

Rogue was staring out the window, listening to the hellhounds circling the house. Guarding him. His head throbbed along the side where the glyphs were, and he rubbed the tender skin and wondered how this would all end.

“Gillian told me about Jinx,” Rifter said from behind him. And although Rogue really wished she hadn’t, it was probably for the best.

“And I’m sure you promised her you wouldn’t tell me it was her.”

“Yes. You’d know it was her anyway, and I know you won’t hold a grudge against her.”

That was true. Finally, he turned to face his king. “So now you know.”

“Why didn’t he tell me, Rogue? We’ve been through everything together.” Rifter looked genuinely upset. “I’ve always been a brother—a friend—not just a king.”

It was true—but since mating, Rifter had undergone a significant change. A necessary one. They needed a leader.

“Seeing ghosts always got us in trouble with our father,” Rogue explained. “We learned not to tell anyone when bad things were happening in the spirit world. We just fixed it.”

“How are you planning on fixing this?”

“Don’t you get it? This was never your battle. This is mine and Jinx’s. And Jez’s, as it turns out. We keep you out of it—and we keep you safe.” Rogue was getting angry. “Jinx can do this. You depend on him for everything. And then you don’t give him the benefit of the doubt.”

“That was never what this was about,” Rifter said. “We’ve always trusted him. No matter what Kate felt. He challenged me.” He paused. “Now I realize he did it to keep us safe.”

“Yes,” Rogue agreed.

“What can we do?”

“Keep Gwen safe. Let us finish what’s been put into motion.”

“Rogue, this is so dangerous.”

“And that’s why we were spared the Extinction—to help humankind. It’s what we do, right?”

Rifter nodded. “It’s what we do.”

Chapter 29

Cain stayed at the apartment that night instead of the Dire mansion. Something drew him there and even though he knew what—who—it was, and even though it was dangerous as anything, he still did it.

He roamed the place restlessly. Paced the floors. Threw the windows open and let the scent come to him.

When it did, he nearly went to his knees. Time stilled and he waited impatiently, stalking the door.

When the knock finally came, his body heated as if on fire. He scented Angus through the door and opened it quickly, yanking the man inside before he was spotted.

“I wasn’t followed,” he said defensively.

“That you know of,” Cain shot back. “You’re good, human, but you are human. And why are you here, after I warned you to stay away?”

“You told me to stay away from the Dires, not from you.”

“Semantics,” Cain told him.

Angus yanked him closer. The move made Cain growl, his canines elongated and his eyes flickered between wolf and man.

“Don’t,” he told Angus.

“Trust me, it’s the stupidest thing I’ve done,” Angus muttered before he brought his mouth down on Cain’s. The electricity jolted between them as he wound his fingers in Angus’s short hair and let his tongue play with Angus’s. There wouldn’t be a fight for dominance—Angus had already surrendered. He moaned against Cain’s mouth, his body melted against Cain’s and Cain would take advantage of this.

Fighting it had proven worthless. Kissing Angus was right. Had been from the first. Now, Angus didn’t seem worried—but Cain still was.

Worried about hurting Angus. Worried about the trappers hurting him. The hunters hurting him. At least they were semi-protected in this apartment. This was when wolves and hunters ran wild in the night and Cain would keep the man here until dawn, at the least.

All for his protection.

Angus pulled back then, sank to his knees in front of Cain. Cain held his breath as Angus unbuttoned his jeans and yanked them down. Cain stripped off his shirt and Angus sat back on his heels and just stared up at him.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Cain. Can’t stop thinking about you.”

Cain growled deep in his throat and he dove for the man, tackling him to the side, rolling him underneath him, pinning him there. Angus drew in a surprised gasp and then grabbed the back of Cain’s head, drawing him down for another kiss. They ground their bodies together, all the desire they’d been building up over the past weeks boiling over. There would be no stopping this time, even if the building came down around them.

“Lock me in, Cain,” Angus rasped.

“So you can say this was against your will? No fucking way.”

“Lock me in and tie me down,” Angus said, his tone a beg that went straight to Cain’s cock. “Not because of what you’re thinking.”

Cain looked down at him for a long moment and then he realized, “You’re scared. Of me.”

“Not you, no.” Angus shook his head, then stared up at the ceiling. “The attack . . .”

The attack he’d survived had been massive. The fact that Cain was the same species, could kill him in a second, was something they’d both have to live with.

“Please. I don’t want to run away from this. Just get me through it.”

Cain’s expression was unreadable and Angus held his breath and prayed the wolf would consider his request.

“I don’t mind the fear. But the thought of running from you . . . I wouldn’t be running from you. I’ve always wanted to run toward you,” Angus finally told him when the silence became too excruciating. Cain swallowed, hard. His expression softened and he pressed his lips gently to the scars on the side of Angus’s neck.

Angus blew out a soft breath, because he felt the promise in that gesture. No matter what else happened next, he would remember that. And then Cain got up, pulling Angus with him, leading him to the bedroom.

“Strip and lie down,” he said, and he watched as Angus did so, stared at him head to toe, his eyes glowing. Angus saw the outline of Cain’s cock straining his pants and he lay down on the mattress, put his head on the pillows and tried to simply breathe, which was a lot harder than it should’ve been.

Cain moved after a few long minutes. Grabbed a pair of heavy chains that Angus had seen in the apartment the last time he’d been there and dragged them up next to Angus.

“Put your hands up over your head,” Cain told him, his voice raw and gruff.

Angus needed him so badly. He did what the wolf asked and Cain chained his wrists together and wound them around the bedpost, effectively immobilizing him.

His breaths were fast and he shook a little, even as Cain placed a flat palm on his abdomen and the wolf’s touch was hot as fire. And Angus wanted more but Cain still looked unsure.

“What are these for?” he asked as he tugged on the chains, mainly to get the wolf to talk to him.

“Moon craze,” Cain said, an odd glow in his eyes. “I used to have to chain Cyd here so he wouldn’t go out hunting. Do you want to talk—or fuck?”

“Fuck. Definitely.” He’d spoken without hesitation, but Cain still leaned forward and unchained his wrists.

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