skull and the spine, she reminded herself. Good though it was, the

knife could not cut bone.

Next the hooves, gay with gold paint. Faster! Faster! They would

be all afternoon at this rate; she wished that she had done more of

the cooking, though they had seldom had much meat to cut up. She

hissed, 'You must take the next one, sib. Really, you must!'

'We can't change off now!'

She threw the last hoof into the fire, leaving the poor goat's legs

ragged, bloody stumps. Still grasping the knife, she faced the

Window as before. 'Accept, O Kind Kypris, the sacrifice of this fine

goat. And speak to us, we beg, of the days that are to come. What

are we to do? Your lightest word will be treasured.' She offered a

silent prayer to Kypris, a goddess who seemed to her since Scylsday

almost a larger self. 'Should you, however, choose otherwise...'

She let her arms fall. 'We consent. Speak to us, we beg, through

this sacrifice.'

On Scylsday, the sacrifices at Orpine's funeral had been

ill-omened to say the least. Maytera Mint hoped fervently for better

indicants today as she slit the belly of the he-goat.

'Kypris blesses...' Louder. They were straining to hear her.

'Kypris blesses the spirit of our departed sib.' She straightened up

and threw back her shoulders. 'She assures us that such evil as

Maytera did has been forgiven her.'

The goat's head bunt in the fire, scattering coals: a presage of

violence. Maytera Mint bent over the carcass once more, struggling

frantically to recall what litfie she knew of augury--remarks

dropped at odd moments by Patera Pike and Patera Silk, half-hearted

lessons at table from Maytera Rose, who had spoken as

much to disgust as to teach her.

The right side of the beast concerned the presenter and the augur

who presided, the giver and the performer of the sacrifice; the left

the congregation and the whole city. This red liver foretold deeds of

blood, and here among its tangled veins was a knife, indicating the

augur--though she was no augur--and pointing to a square, the

square stem of mint almost certainly, and the hilt of a sword. Was

she to die by the sword? No, the blade was away from her. She was

to hold the sword, but she had already done that, hadn't she?

In the entrails a fat little fish (a bream, presumably) and a jumble

of circular objects, necklaces or rings, perhaps. Certainly that

interpretation would be welcomed. They lay close to the bream, one

actually on top of it, so the time was very near. She mounted the

first two steps.

'For the presenter. The goddess favors you. She is well pleased

with your sacrifice.' The goat had been a fine one, and presumably

Kypris would not have indicated wealth had she not been gratified.

'You will gain riches, jewels and gold particularly. within a short


Grinning from ear to ear, Bream backed away.

'For all of us and for our city, violence and death, from which

good will come.' She glanced down at the carcass, eager to be

certain of the sign of addition she had glimpsed there; but it had

gone, if it had ever existed. 'That is all that I can see in this victim,

though a skilled augur such as Patera Silk could see much more, I'm


Her eyes searched the crowd around the altar for Bream. 'The

presenter has first claim. If he wishes a share in this meal, let him

come forward.'

Already the poor were struggling to get nearer the altar. Maytera

Marble whispered, 'Burn the entrails and lungs, sib!'

It was wise and good and customary to cut small pieces when the

congregation was large, and there were two thousand in this one at

least; but there were scores of victims, too, and Maytera Mint had

little confidence in her own skill. She distributed haunches and

quarters, receiving delighted smiles in return.

Next a pair of white doves. Did you share out doves or burn them

whole? They were edible, but she remembered that Silk had burned

a black cock whole at Orpine's last sacrifice. Birds could be read,

although they seldom were. Wouldn't the giver be offended,

however, if she didn't read these?

'One shall be read and burned,' she told him firmly. 'The other

we will share with the goddess. Remain here if you would like it for


He shook his head.

The doves fluttered desperately as their throats were cut.

A deep breath. 'Accept, O Kind Kypris, the sacrifice of these fine

doves. And speak to us, we beg, of the times that are to come. What

are we to do? Your lightest word will be treasured.' Had she really

killed those doves? She risked a peek at their lifeless bodies. 'Should

you, however, choose otherwise...'

She let her arms fall, conscious that she was getting more blood

on her habit. 'We consent. Speak to us, we beg, through this


Scraping feathers, skin, and flesh from the first dove's right

shoulder blade, she scanned the fine lines that covered it. A bird

with outspread wings; no doubt the giver's name was Swan or

something of the sort, though she had forgotten it already. Here was

a fork on a platter. Would the goddess tell a man he was going to eat

dinner? Impossible! A minute drop of blood seemed to have seeped

out of the bone. 'Plate gained by violence,' she announced to the

presenter, 'but if the goddess has a second message for me, I am too

ignorant to read it.'

Maytera Marble whispered, 'The next presenter will be my son,


Who was Bloody? Maytera Mint felt certain that she should

recognize the name. 'The plate will be gained in conjunction with

the next presenter,' she told the giver of the doves. 'I hope the

goddess isn't saying you'll take from him.'

Maytera Marble hissed, 'He's bought this manteion, sib.'

She nodded without comprehension. She felt hot and sick,

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