with half its face gone. Auk slashed again and again and again. The

third slash met no resistance.

'Man dead!' Oreb announced excitedly. 'Cut good!'

'Auk! Auk, help me! Help!'

'I'm coming!'

'Watch out!' Oreb warned, _sotto voce_. 'Iron man.'

'Get outta my way, Hammerstone!'

From his left, Oreb croaked, 'Come Auk.'

His blade rang upon metal. He ducked, certain Hammerstone

would swing at him. Then he was past, and Oreb exclaiming from

some distance, 'Here girl! Here Auk! Big fight!'

'Auk! Get him off me!'

A new voice nearly as harsh as Oreb's demanded, 'Auk? Auk

from the Cock?'

'Shag yes!'

'Pas piss. Wait a minute.'

Auk halted. 'Jugs, you all right?'

There was no reply.

Someone moaned, and Hammerstone fired again. Auk yelled,

'Don't fight unless they do, anybody. Old man, where are you?'

His own fighting frenzy had drained away, leaving him weaker

and sicker than ever. 'Jugs?'

Oreb seconded him. 'Girl say. All right? No die?'

'No! I'm not all right.' Chenille gasped for breath. 'He hit me with

something, Auk. He knocked me down and tried to... You know.

Get it free. I'm pretty beat up, but I'm still alive, I guess.'

The darkness faded, as sudden as shadeup and as faint. A dozen

stades along the tunnel, one of the crawling lights was slowly

rounding a corner. As Auk watched fascinated, it came into full

view, a gleaming pinprick that rendered plain all that had been


Chenille was sitting up some distance away. Seeing Auk, the

naked, starved-looking man standing over her raised both hands

and backed off. Auk went to her and tried to help her up,

discovering (just as Silk had a moment before) that his hand was

encumbered by his knife. Gritting his teeth against pain that seemed

about to tear his head to bits, he stooped and returned the knife to

his boot.

'He grabbed my launcher in the dark. Hit me with a club or


Examining her scalp in the dim light, Auk decided the dark

splotch was a bleeding bruise. 'You're shaggy lucky he didn't kill you.'

The naked man smirked. 'I could of. I wasn't tryin' to.'

'I ought to kill you,' Auk told him. 'I think I will. Go get your

launcher, Jugs.'

Behind Auk, Incus said, 'He intended to take her by _force_, I dare

say. I warned her on that _very_ point. To force any woman is wrong,

my son. To force yourself upon a _prophetess_--' Striding forward, the

little augur leveled Auk's big needler. 'I _too_ am of half a mind to kill

you, for _Scylla's_ sake.

'Patera got both gods,' Hammerstone announced proudly. 'A

couple of you meatheads, too.'

'Wait up, Patera. We got to talk to him.' Auk indicated the naked

man by a jab of his gory hanger. 'What's your name?'

'Urus. Look, Auk, we used to be a dimber knot. Remember that

sweatin' ken? You went in through the back while I kept the street

for you.'

'Yeah. I remember you. You got the pits. That was--' Auk tried

to think, but found only pain.

'Only a couple months ago, 'n I got lucky.' Urus edged closer,

hands supplicating. 'If I'd of knowed it was you, Auk, this whole lay

would of gone different. We'd of helped you, me 'n my crew. Only I

never had no way to know, see? This cully Gelada, all he said was

her 'n him.' He indicated Chenille and Incus by quick gestures. 'A

tall piece out of the piece pit 'n a runt cull with her, see, Auk? He

never said nothin' about no sojer. Nothin' about you. Soon's I

twigged the sojer walkin', I was fit to beat hoof, only by then he was

goin' back.'

Chenille began, 'How come--'

'Because you ain't got anything on, Jugs.' Auk sighed. 'They take

their clothes before they shove 'em in. I thought everybody knew

that. Sit down. You too, Patera, Hammerstone. Old man, you coming?'

Oreb added his own throaty summons. 'Old man!'

There was no reply from the ebbing darkness.

'Sit down,' Auk told them again. 'We're all tired out--shaggy

Hierax knows I am--and we've probably got a long way to go before

we find dinner or a place to sleep. I got a few questions for Urus

here. Most likely the rest of you got some too.'

'_I_ do, certainly.'

'All right, you'll get your chance.' Auk seated himself gingerly on

the cold floor of the tunnel. 'First, I ought to tell you that what he

said's lily, but it don't mean a lot. I know maybe a hundred culls I

can trust a little, only not too much. Before they threw him in the

pits, he used to be one of 'em, and that's all it ever was.'

Incus and Hammerstone had sat down together as he spoke;

cautiously, Urus sat, too, after receiving a permissive nod.

Auk leaned back, his eyes shut and his head spinning. 'I said

everybody'd get their chance. I only got this one first, then the rest

of you can go ahead. Where's Dace, Urus?'

'Who's that?'

'The old man. We had a old man with us, a fisherman. His name's

Dace. You do for him?'

'I didn't do for anybody.' Urus might have been a league away.

Hammerstone's voice: 'Why'd they throw you in the pit?' Chenille's:

'That doesn't matter now. What are you doing here, that's

what I want to know. You're supposed to be in a pit, and you

thought I'd been in one. Was it no clothes, like Auk said?' Incus:

'My son, I have been _considering_ this. You could _hardly_ have

foreseen that I, an augur, would be _armed_.' 'I didn't even know you

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