was, although cleaner, very much like his own.

Upstairs he found a hall that was an enlarged version of the

landing at the top of the stair in the manse, with three faded pictures

decorating its walls Pas, Echidna, and Tartaros bringing gifts of

food, progeny, and prosperity (here mawkishly symbolized by a

bouquet of marigolds) to a wedding; Scylla spreading her beautiful

unseen mantle over a traveler drinking from a pool in the southern

desert; and Molpe, perfunctorily disguised as a young woman of the

upper classes, approving a much older and poorer woman's feeding


Momentarily he paused to examine the last. Cassava might, he

decided, have posed for the old woman; he reflected bitterly that

the flock she fed could better have fed her, then reminded himself

that in a sense they had--that the closing years of her life were

brightened by the knowledge that she, who had so little left to give,

could still give something.

A door at the end of the hall was smashed. Curious, he went in.

The bed was neatly made and the floor swept. There was water in a

ewer on the nightstand, so this was certainly Maytera Mint's room

or Maytera Rose's, or perhaps the room in which Chenille had spent

Scylsday night. An icon of Scylla's hung on the wall, much darkened

by the votive lamps of the small shrine before it. And here was--yes

what appeared to be a working glass. This was Maytera Rose's

room, surely. Silk clapped, and a monitor's bloodless face appeared

in its gray depths.

'Why has Maytera Rose never told me she had this glass?' Silk


'I have no idea, sir. Have you inquired?'

'Of course not!'

'That may well be the reason, sir.'

'If you--' Silk rebuked himself, and found that he was smiling.

What was this, compared to the death of Doctor Crane or Echidna's

theophany? He must learn to relax, and to think.

When the manteion had been built, a glass must have been

provided for the use of the senior sibyl as well as the senior augur;

that was natural enough, and in fact praiseworthy. The senior

augur's glass, in what was now Patera Gulo's room, was out of order

and had been for decades; this one, the senior sibyl's, was still

functioning, perhaps only because it had been less used. Silk ran his

fingers through his disorderly yellow hair. 'Are there more glasses in

this cenoby, my son?'

'No, sir.'

He advanced a step, wishing that he had a walking stick to lean

upon. 'In this manteion?'

'Yes, sir. There is one in the manse, sir, but it is no longer


Silk nodded to himself. 'I don't suppose you can tell me whether

the Alambrera has surrendered?'

Immediately the monitor's face vanished, replaced by the turreted

building and its flanking walls. Several thousand people were

milling before the grim iron doors, where a score of men attempted

to batter their way in with what seemed to be a building timber. As

Silk watched, two Guardsmen thrust slug guns over the parapet of a

turret on the right and opened fire.

Maytera Mint galloped into view, her black habit billowing about

her, looking no bigger than a child on the broad back of her mount.

She gestured urgently, the newfound silver trumpet that was her

voice apparently sounding retreat, although Silk could not distinguish

her words; the terrible discontinuity that was the azoth's blade

sprang from her upraised hand, and the parapet exploded in a

shower of stones.

'Another view,' the monitor announced smoothly.

From a vantage point that appeared to be fifteen or twenty cubits

above the street, Silk found himself looking down at the mob before

the doors; some turned and ran; others were still raging against the

Alambrera's stone and iron. The sweating men with the timber

gathered themselves for a new assault, but one fell before they

began it, his face a pulpy mask of scarlet and white.

'Enough,' Silk said.

The monitor returned. 'I think it safe to say, sir, that the

Alambrera has not surrendered. If I may, I might add that in my

judgement it is not likely to do so before the arrival of the relief

force, sir.'

'A relief force is on the way?'

'Yes, sir. The First Battalion of the Second Brigade of the Civil

Guard, sir, and three companies of soldiers.' The monitor paused. 'I

cannot locate them at the moment, sir, but not long ago they were

marching along Ale Street. Would you care to see it?'

'That's all right. I should go.' Silk turned away, then back. 'How

were you--there's an eye high up on a building on the other side of

Cage Street, isn't there? And another over the doors of the


'Precisely, sir.'

'You must be familiar with this cenoby. Which room is Maytera


'Less so than you may suppose, sir. There are no other glasses in

this cenoby, sir, as I told you. And no eyes save mine, sir. However,

from certain remarks of my mistress's, I infer that it may be the

second door on the left, sir.'

'By your mistress you mean Maytera Rose? Where is she?'

'Yes, sir. My mistress has abandoned this land of trials and

sorrows for a clime infinitely more agreeable, sir. That is to say, for

Mainframe, sir. My lamented mistress has, in short, joined the

assembly of the immortal gods.'

'She's dead?'

'Precisely so, sir. As to the present whereabouts of her remains,

they are, I believe, somewhat scattered. This is the best I can do,


The monitor's face vanished again, and Sun Street sprang into

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