Quetzal's shoulders rose and fell. 'I think we can count on it,

Maytera. Before Kypris manifested here on Scylsday, the Windows

of our city had been empty for decades. I can't take credit for that, it

wasn't my doing. But I've done everything in my power to prevent

theophanies. It hasn't been much, but I've done what I could. I

proscribed human sacrifice, and got it made law, for one thing. I

admit I'm proud of that.'

He turned to Silk. 'Patera Calde, you wanted to know if I

protested when the Ayuntamiento failed to hold an election to

choose a new calde. You were right to ask, more right than you

knew. If a new calde had been elected when the last died, we

wouldn't have had that visit from Echidna today.'

'If Your Cognizance--'

'No, I want to tell you. There are many things you have to know

as calde, and this is one. But the situation wasn't as simple as you

may think. What do you know about the Charter?'

'Next to nothing, Your Cognizance. We studied when I was a boy--that

is to say, our teacher read it to us and answered our questions.

I was ten, I think.'

Maytera Marble said, 'We're not supposed to teach it now. It was

dropped from all the lesson plans years ago.'

'At my order,' Quetzal told them, 'when even mentioning it

became dangerous. We have copies at the Palace, however, and I've

read it many times. It doesn't say, Patera Calde, that an election

must be held on the death of the calde, as you seem to believe. What

it really says is that the calde is to hold office for life, that he may

appoint his successor, and that a successor is to be elected if he dies

without havmg done it. You see the difficulty?'

Uneasily, Silk glanced up and down the street, seeing no one near

enough to overhear. 'I'm afraid not, Your Cognizance. That sounds

quite straightforward to me.'

'It does _not_ say that the calde must announce his choice,

you'll notice. If he wants to keep it secret, he can do it. The reasons are

so obvious I hesitate to explain them.'

Silk nodded. 'I can see that it would put them both in an

uncomfonable position.'

'In a very dangerous one, Patera Calde. Partisans of the successor

might assassinate the calde, while those who'd hoped to become

calde would be tempted to murder the successor. When the last

calde's will was read, it was found to designate a successor. I

remember the exact wording. It said, 'Though he is not the son of

my body, my son will succeed me.' What do you make of that?'

Silk stroked his cheek. 'It didn't name this son?'

'No. I've given you the entire clause. The calde had never

married, as I should have told you sooner. As far as anybody knew,

he had no sons.'

Maytera Marble ventured, 'I never knew about this, Your

Cognizance. Didn't the son tell them?'

'Not that I know of. It's possible he did and was killed secretly by

Lemur or one of the other councillors, but I doubt it.' Quetzal

selected a long cedar split and poked the sinking fire. 'If they'd done

that, I'd have heard about it by this time. Probably much sooner. No

public announcement was made, you understand. If there'd been

one, pretenders would have put themselves forward and made

endless trouble. The Ayuntamiento searched in secret. To be frank,

I doubt that the boy would have lived if they'd found him.'

Silk nodded reluctantly.

'If it had been a natural son, they could've used medical tests. As

it was, the only hope was turn up a record. The monitors of every

glass that could be located were queried. Old documents were read

and reread, and the calde's relatives and associates interrogated, all

without result. An election should have been held, and I urged one

repeatedly because I was afraid we'd have a theophany from Scylla

unless something was done. But an election would have been illegal,

as I had to admit. The calde had designated his successor. They

simply couldn't find him.'

'Then I'll have no right to office if it's forced on me.'

'Hardly. In the first place, that was a generation ago. It's likely

the adopted son's dead if he ever existed. In the second, the Charter

was written by the gods. It's a document expressing their will

regarding our governance nothing more. It's clear they're displeased

with the present state of things, and you're the only

alternative, as Maytera told you.'

Quetzal handed the sacrificial knife to Maytera Marble. 'I think

we can go now, Maytera. You must stay. Watch the fire until it goes

out. When it does, carry the ashes into your manteion and dispose

of them as usual. You may notice bones or teeth among them. Don't

touch them, or treat them differently from the rest of the ashes in

any way.'

Maytera Marble bowed.

'Purify the altar as usual. If you can get people to help you, take it

back into the manteion. Your Sacred Window, too.'

She bowed again. 'Patera has already instructed me to do so,

Your Cognizance.'

'Fine. You're a good sensible woman, Maytera, as I said. I was

glad to see that you had resumed your coif when you went back to

your cenoby. You've my permission to enter the manse. There's an

old woman there. I think you'll find she's well enough to go home.

There's a boy on one of the beds upstairs. You can leave him there

or carry him into your cenoby to nurse, if that will be more

convenient. See to it that he doesn't exert himself, and that he

drinks a lot of water. Get him to eat, if you can. You might cook

some of this meat for him.'

Quetzal turned to Silk. 'I want to look in on him again, Patera,

while Maytera's busy with the fire. I'm also going to borrow a spare

robe I saw up there, your acolyte's, I suppose. It looked too short

for you, but it should fit me, and when we meet the rebels--perhaps

we should call them servants of the Queen of the Whorl, some such.

When we meet them, it may help if they know who I am as well as

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