'So _let us_ review our position and take _council_, one with another.

Then I will lead us in prayer, a fervent and _devout_ prayer, let it be,

to all the Nine, _imploring_ their guidance.'

'Then we'll decide?' Urus demanded.

'Then _I_ will decide, my son.' By an effort, Incus sat up straighter.

'But _first_, allow me to dispel certain fallacies that have already crept

into our deliberations.' He addressed himself to Chenille. '_You_, my

daughter, seek to accuse me of despotism. It is _impolite_, but

courtesy itself must at times give way to the _sacred duty_ of

_correction_. May I remind you that _you_, for the space of nearly _two

days, tyrannized_ us all aboard that miserable boat? Tyrannized _me_

largely by means of our unfortunate friend, for whom we have

already searched, as I would think, for nearly half a day?'

'I'm not saying we ought to stop, Patera. That was him.' She

pointed to Urus. 'I want to find him.'

'Be _quiet_, my daughter. I am not yet finished with _you_. I shall

come to _him_ soon enough. _Why_, I inquire, did you so tyrannize us? I


'I was possessed! Scylla was in me. You know that.'

'No, no, my daughter. It won't _do_. It is what you have _maintained_,

deflecting all criticism of your conduct with the same _shabby_

defense. It shall serve you no longer. You were _domineering,

oppressive_, and _brutal_. Is that characteristic of _Our Surging Scylla?_ I

affirm that it is _not_. As we have trudged on, I have reviewed all that

is recorded of _her_, both in the _Chrasmologic Writings_ and in our

traditions likewise. _Imperious?_ One can but agree. _Impetuous_ at

times, perhaps. But _never_ brutal, oppressive, or _domineering_.' Incus

sighed again, removed his shoes, and caressed his blistered feet.

'_Those_ evil traits, I say, my daughter, _cannot_ have been _Scylla's_.

They were present _in you_ when she arrived, and so deeply rooted

that she found it, I dare say, quite impossible to _expunge_ them.

_Some_ there are, or so I have heard it said, who actually _prefer_

domineering women, _unhappy_ men twisted by nature beyond the

natural. Our poor friend Auk, with all his manifest excellencies of

_strength_ and _manly_ courage, is one of those unfortunates, so it

would seem. I am _not_, my daughter, and I thank Sweet Scylla for it!

Understand that for _my_ part, and for our tall friend's here, as I dare

to say, we have not sought Auk for your sake, but for _his own_.'

'Talk talk,' Oreb muttered.

'As for _you_,' Incus shifted his attention to Urus, '_you_ appear to

believe that it is only because of my loyal friend _Hammerstone_ that

you obey me. It that not so?'

Urus stared sullenly at the tunnel wall to the left of Incus's face.

'You are _silent_,' Incus continued. 'Talk and more talk, complains

our small _feathered_ companion, and again, talk, talk and _talk_. Not

impossibly you concur. No, my son, you _deceive_ yourself, as you

have deceived yourself throughout what I feel _certain_ must have

been a most unhappy life.' Incus drew Auk's needler and leveled it

at the silent Urus. 'I have but little _need_ of my tall friend

Hammerstone, where _you_ are concerned, and should this endless _talk_ that

you complain of end, you may find yourself less pleased _than ever_

with that which succeeds it. I invite a _comment_.'

Urus shook his head. Hammerstone clenched his big fists, clearly

itching to batter him insensible.

'Nothing? In that case, my son, I am going to take the opportunity

to tell you something of _myself_ because I have been pondering that,

with many other things, while we walked, and it will bear upon what

I mean to do, as you will see.

'I was born to poor yet _upright_ parents, their _fifth_ and _final_ child.

At the time they were _wed_, they had made _solemn pledge_ to Echidna

that they would furnish the immortal gods with an augur or a sibyl,

the ripest _fruit_ of their union and the most _perfect_ of all _thank

offerings_ for it. Of my older brothers and sisters, I shall say nothing.

_Nothing_, that is to say, except that there was nothing to be hoped for

from _them_. No more _holy piety_ was to be discovered in the four of

them than in four of those _horrid beasts_ with which you, my son,

proposed to attack us. I was born some _seven years_ after my

youngest sibling, Femur. Conceive of my parents' _delight_, I invite

you, when the passing _days, weeks, months_, and _years_ showed ever

more plainly my _predilection_ for a life of _holy contemplation_, of

_worship_ and _ritual_, far from the _bothersome exigencies_ that trouble

the hours of most men. The schola, if I may say it, welcomed me

with _arms outspread_. Its _warmth_ was no less than that with which I,

in my turn, rushed to _it_. I was together _pious_ and _brilliant_, a

combination not often found._ Thus endowed_, I gained the friendship

of _older men_ of tastes like to _my own_, who were to extend

themselves _without stint_ in my behalf following my _designation_.

'I was informed, and you may conceive of my _rapture_, my _delight_,

that no less a figure than the _coadjutor_ had agreed to make me his

prothonotary. With all my heart I entered into my _duties_, drafting

and summarizing letters and depositions, stamping, filing, and

retrieving files, managing his _calendar of appointments_, and a

hundred like tasks.'

Incus fell silent until Chenille said, 'By Thelxiepeia I could sleep

for a week!' She leaned back against the tunnel wall and closed her eyes.

'Where Auk?' Oreb demanded, but no one paid him the least attention.

'We are all _exhausted_, my daughter. I not _less_ than you, and

perhaps with more _reason_, because my legs are not so _long_, nor am

I, by a decade and _more_, so young, nor so well fed.'

'I'm not even a little bit well fed, Patera.' Chenille did not open

her eyes. 'I guess none of us are. I haven't had anything but water

since forever.'

'When we were on that _wretched_ little fishing boat, you _appropriated_

to yourself what food you _wished_, and _all_ that you wished, my

daughter. You left to _Auk_ and Dace, and even to _me_, an anointed

augur, only such _scraps_ as you disdained. But you have _forgotten_

that, or say you have. I wish that I might forget it, too.'

'Fish heads?'

Chenille shrugged, her eyes still closed. 'All right, Patera, I'm

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