save our quarter and nothing else. I see that now. And yet I like

Blood, or at least I would like to like him.'

'I understand, Patera Calde.'

'Little pieces--the manteion, and Hyacinth and Orchid, and Auk,

because Auk matters so much to Maytera Mint. Auk...'

'Yes, Patera Calde?'

'Auk pushed me, Your Cognizance. We had been together in the

floater, Hyacinth and I. Your Cognizance, too, and--and others.

We were coming down, and Colonel Oosik--'

'You've made him Generalissimo Oosik,' Quetzal reminded Silk


'Yes. Yes, I did. He passed me the ear, and I talked to the

convicts, telling them they were free, and then we hit the ground.

We opened a hatch and Hyacinth and I climbed out--'

'I'm satisfied, Patera Calde. Promise me you won't try to stand

until I come back, and I'll look for water.'

Silk detained him, clasping one boneless, bloodless hand. 'You

can't tell me what's happened to her, Your Cognizance?'

Again Quetzal's head swung from side to side, a slow and almost

hypnotic motion.

'Then Auk has her, I don't know why, and I must get her back

from him. What happened to me, Your Cognizance?'

'You were buried alive, Patera Calde. When the floater crashed,

some of us climbed out. I did, as you see, and you and your young

woman, as you say. The fencing master, too, and your physician.

I'm sure of those. The convicts were running to a hole in the ground

to escape the shooting and explosions. Do you remember them?'

This time Silk was able to nod without much difficulty, although

his neck was stiff and painful.

'There was a ramp down the side of the hole, and a break in this

tunnel at the bottom. The fencing master and I ducked through.

Almost at once there was another explosion, and the hole fell in

behind us. We were lucky to have gotten in. Do you know my

coadjutor's prothonotary, Patera Calde?'

'I've met him, Your Cognizance. I don't know him well.'

'He's here. I was surprised to see him, and he to see me. There is

a woman with him called Chenille who says she knows you. They

went into the tunnel yesterday, at Limna. They had been trying to

reach the city.'

'Chenille, Your Cognizance? A tall woman? Red hair?'

'Exactly so. She's an extraordinary woman. Soon after the

explosion, the convicts attacked us. They were friendly at first, but

soon demanded we give them Patera and the woman. We refused,

and Xiphias killed four. Xiphias is the fencing master. Am I making

myself clear?'

'Perfectly, Your Cognizance.'

'We tried to dig our way out and found you. We thought you

were dead, and Patera and I brought you the Peace of Pas.

Eventually we stopped digging, having realized that the effort

was hopeless. For a dozen men with shovels and barrows, two

days might be enough.'

'I understand, Your Cognizance.

'By then I was exhausted, though I had dug less than the woman.

The others left to look for another way out. She and Patera are

famished, and they have a tessera that they believe will admit them

to the Juzgado. They promised to return for your body and me. I

prayed for you after they had gone.'

'Your Cognizance distrusts the gods.'

'I do.' Quetzal nodded, his hairless head bobbing on its long neck.

'I know them for what they are. But consider. I believe in them. I

have faith. You mentioned your quarter. How many there really

believe in the gods? Half?'

'Less than that, I'm afraid, Your Cognizance.'

'What about you, Patera Calde? Look into your heart.'

Silk was silent.

'I'll give you my thoughts, Patera Calde. This young man

believes, and he loves the gods even after seeing Echidna. I too

believe, though I distrust them. He would want me to pray for him,

and that's my office. I've done it often, hoping I wouldn't be heard.

This time it's possible one will restore him, to prove she's not at bad

as I think.'

Faint yet unmistakable, the crack of a needler echoed down the tunnel.

'That will be Patera, Patera Calde. We've been lucky in the

matter of weapons. Xiphias has a sword, and had a small needler he

said was yours. You left it on your bed, and he took charge of it for

you. He gave it to the woman. We found a large one in your

waistband. Patera took it, surprising me again. Our clergy have

hidden depths.'

In spite of pain and weakness, Silk smiled. 'Some do, perhaps,

Your Cognizance.'

'Last night before you saw me in the alley, Patera Calde. I met

your acolyte, young Gulo. He is most embarrassed.'

'I'm sorry to hear that, Your Cognizance.'

'You shouldn't be. His uncle is a major in the Second Brigade.

One uncle of many. Were you aware of it?'

'No, Your Cognizance. I don't know much about Patera.'

'Neither do I, though he was one of our copyists until my

coadjutor sent him to you. He commands several thousand now. It's

a great responsibility for someone so young. More join every hour,

he tells me, because they know he's your acolyte.'

Silk managed to swallow. 'I hope he won't waste their lives, Your


'So do I. I asked if it was hard. He said he discussed each

operation with those who would have to fight. He finds them

sensible, and he knows something of war from his uncle's table talk.

He fights in the front rank afterward, he says.'

'Your Cognizance mentioned that he was embarrassed.'

'So he is, Patera Calde.' Quetzal shook himself, lifting one

corner of his mouth by the thickness of a thread. 'He has

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