wanted me back; well, here I am. Send him home.”

“Claire, what is going on?” River asks. He groans as Lucy holds out her fist and clenches it. My brother coughs, blood spurting between his lips.

“Stop!” I scream, and shoot forward. But Lucy holds up her other hand and I’m struck down, my insides freezing up in hard knots.

“Stay where you are, Claire,” Lucy says. “I wouldn’t want you bursting into light or anything.”

Harlin quickly helps me up, glaring at my sister like he might murder her after all. Even someone as gentle as Harlin has a breaking point, and Lucy has driven him to it. My sister flicks her fingers, and River falls to the sand, released from her grip, and my pain subsides.

Lucy looks down to where River is lying. “I kind of want to keep him,” she says conversationally. “Always wanted a brother. What do you think? He can travel with us. We’ll head back to Arizona and see Dad. We can whisper to him that you’re his daughter, even though you don’t look like Elise anymore. We can make sure he’s okay. You want to know that he’s okay, right?”

Grief tugs at my heart, and I nod. “Of course I do. But then we’ll be Shadows, unable to control our impulses. Spreading pain and misery to everyone around us. You know it can’t work.”

“I’m an optimist,” Lucy says. She purses her lips and looks toward Harlin. “What will that make you, Harlin, other than a nuisance?”

“The voice of reason,” he offers. “Because I’m telling you right now, you’re not leaving this town with Claire or her brother.”

“And what will you do to stop me?” She laughs. “You don’t have the strength to stand against me. I can make you see all manner of things—like your dead father, perhaps.”

Harlin curses, glancing away. I hate what my sister did to him last time—confronted him with the image of his father, bleeding to death in front of him. It broke Harlin’s heart. She could have killed him, but she didn’t. Why didn’t she kill him then?

“For you, of course,” she answers, turning to me as she reads my thoughts. “I know you’d hate me if I killed him.” She looks at Harlin. “But even if I do spare you,” she says, “what’s the point? You can’t be with her—you know that. Either Claire evaporates”—she makes a flutter with her fingers—“or she turns to the Shadows. Either way, she’ll be beyond you, Seer.”

“I won’t become a Shadow, Lucy,” I say. “I’m sorry, but we can’t be together. Not ever.”

From her pocket, Lucy draws out a photo, and I gasp. I don’t have to see the picture to know what it is—the two of us, arms around each other. Laughing. Happy.

“You’re wrong,” she says, flipping the picture around to face me. The hurt is immediate when I realize the picture is just her, because Elise, like Charlotte, has been erased from existence. And for a fleeting moment, I reconsider her offer. “I’ve spared your brother,” Lucy says. “I’ve spared Harlin. The Shadows are not completely devoid of compassion. And here we are, in a showdown of sorts. I’m the last Shadow—you’re the last Forgotten. If you extinguish me, you have no purpose. The light won’t send you back. You’ll be gone for good.

“What will you do, Claire?” Lucy asks. “Do you send me into oblivion, the only family you have left, and end this all? Or will you join me and live forever? It’s the only choice you have.”

I’m suddenly struck with an idea, but I’m afraid Lucy will read my thoughts. I grab Harlin’s bicep, tearing his gaze away from Lucy. He’s about to ask what I’m doing when I kiss him full on the mouth. Lucy laughs from behind us, but I know it bothers her. My relationship with Harlin is part of the reason she’s a Shadow.

I pull back slightly, my lips still close to Harlin’s. He looks confused, but he draws me to him again anyway. Distract her, I mouth.

He stares at me, probably for the last time. And then he gives me a soft peck on the lips before turning away from me and facing my sister. “She’s better than you,” Harlin says coldly. “She was stronger, and that’s why you’re a monster now and she’s not.”

Lucy’s eyes widen at Harlin’s words, and cracks start to appear in her skin. Ripping through her flesh like a cracked porcelain plate. This is her real face. “Shut up,” she tells Harlin.

“It wasn’t my fault you turned to the Shadows. You belonged there.”

My natural reaction is to protect Lucy from Harlin’s comments, but I know he doesn’t mean them. Not really. He’s distracting her, and it’s the only way to finish this. And so I bring on the Need. I bring it on until I feel my entire body heat up, as if my skin has caught fire.

“I will devour you,” Lucy growls, stepping toward Harlin. Stepping away from River. “I will tear you apart, Harlin. I will fucking kill you!”

Harlin’s eyes weaken as he watches Lucy come undone. “The light doesn’t want you anymore, Lucy,” he says, his sadness coming through. “You’re rotten. You’re deadly.”

I watch as Harlin tries to protect me, giving me the opportunity to finish what the universe started, even if he’s the one who’ll lose. But he won’t have to wait for me anymore. He’ll be free. The idea of leaving Harlin is more painful than the thought of dying—for good.

“I’ve loved you for three lifetimes,” I whisper too low for him to hear. My Harlin—from the moment we met, he belonged to me completely, body and soul. We had dreams of living in the Pearl District, of growing old together, of being happy. And now he’ll have to live that dream with someone else. Giving Harlin his life back is the most painful responsibility I’ve ever had to accept.

My skin is hot, starting to burn off from the light. Claire is slowly peeling away. I study Harlin’s features, thinking that if there was one gift the universe did give me . . . it was him. My light illuminates the side of his face, and he turns, holding up his palm to shade his eyes from the brightness.

Then it’s time. I run across the sand, reaching for my sister just as she realizes what’s about to happen. Lucy screams my name, but it’s too late. I crash against her, the Need bursting through my skin in an explosion of bright, golden light.

I’m submerged underwater in a flurry of motion, the screaming of voices. And then the world goes dark.


Harlin sits in a red-and-yellow-striped beach chair. His mirrored sunglasses reflect the ocean, and he lifts a bottle of water to take a slow sip. It’s quiet here today—no wind. No clouds. On days like this, I can believe it’s all over, finally. Two weeks have passed since Lucy was extinguished, and the world has gone on without her. My sister is finally at peace.

Harlin clears his throat before taking another long drink, the guilt over losing Lucy to the Shadows still haunting him. He’s never liked talking about his feelings, but he’s trying to get better at it. For now, I’m just happy he’s dealing at all. We’ve been through so much.

I touch his arm, drawing his attention. “I’m going to try one more time,” I say, nodding toward the ocean. Harlin starts to smile, trying to cover it with his palm. “Don’t laugh,” I say. “One day I’m going to surf and then you’ll owe me.”

This seems to pique his interest. “And what exactly are we betting, Claire? You better not say a latte.”

I climb to my knees and lean forward to kiss him, soft and teasing. “No,” I murmur between his lips. “It will most certainly require physical contact.”

Harlin growls his approval and pulls me closer. His tongue slides against mine, the world around us fading into white noise. My sister may be gone, but I am still right here. Harlin made sure of that.

He didn’t let me leave him that night. Instead, when Harlin saw me glowing, charging toward Lucy, he sprang. He tackled me into the water just as the light exploded, sending Lucy into oblivion.

It was chaos at first, and River rushed into the water to help pull us out. It was then that I realized my brother didn’t know me, that River had forgotten me altogether. Forgotten everything that had just happened.

I didn’t wake up for three days, and Harlin waited. Hoping. I could feel him next to me, beckoning me back from the light. When I woke up, I smiled at him and asked if I was in heaven. He told me it was better.

Harlin gives me one last kiss and then stands up. He reaches to take my hands, pulling me to my feet. There haven’t been any more Needs, no more Forgotten. They can still happen, but I don’t think they will. I’m not sure

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