I was not really surprised that a modified type of English was the only universal language of the Macro society, since even in 1976 English was spoken as either a first or second language among a majority of formally educated people throughout the world. The Macro society had its origins in predominantly English-speaking North America in the latter part of the 20th century. Then, of course, a majority of the people surviving the global catastrophes of the late 20th and early 21st centuries spoke at least some English, if only as a second language.

There are two reasons why the Macro society movement succeeded: It attracted highly evolved souls who had Macro potential; and micro man, who refused to cooperate, became almost extinct.

While the early Macro society did not refuse membership to persons who used tobacco or alcohol or even drugs, no one who consciously attained even one Macro contact and, thus, at least some Macro awareness, ever desired them again. Thus, only level ones, who had never experienced Macro contact, ever felt the need of chemical stimulants or depressants. The goal was to free yourself from all physical dependencies. However, no one above level two in the Macro society ever condemned any micro dependency or attempted to convert others to accepting a Macro philosophy. They were interested in quality of membership, not quantity.

I thought of all the utopian societies that had been envisioned and how they had all failed and wondered again at the amazing success of the Macro society. It was here that C.I. had reminded me that there is a time for everything-even Macro man. According to the Macro society, the souls of men are evolving back to total Macro awareness. At the micro level of evolution a society based on love and cooperation is impossible. But finally enough souls evolved to Macro potential so that the Macro society was possible. For those souls still at the micro level of evolution there were other Earth-type planets in the physical universe as well as other dimensions in a nonphysical universe.

The great problems for Macro man were no longer in the physical universe, but existed in the various dimensions of the nonphysical universe. While C.I. gave me a great deal of information on these other dimensions, I found most of it beyond my comprehension, so I went on to questions about my own personal plight.

I decided to ask C.I. how to attain level three in three months, but discovered that I had finally found an area in which C.I. did not know the answer.

It was discouraging to find that no one had ever expanded their awareness from level one to level three in only three months. However, C.I. insisted that this did not mean it was impossible, for there was an entirely new factor present which had never occurred before. This new factor was what C.I. called twin-soul time-space translation.

According to C.I. the very fact that they had succeeded in bringing my astral body to 2150 and having it incarnated in a specially created physical body indicated my Macro potential. In other words, it could not have happened if I had not been sufficiently evolved along the m-M (microcosmic-Macrocosmic) evolutionary continuum.

Furthermore, since Lea was my twin soul and had demonstrated level-nine awareness, it was thought highly probable that I could soon develop at least level-three awareness. The problem was the length of time it might take me. C.I. could find no way to extend my three-month time limit. However, since I was linked to Lea and she was linked to the mind powers of all other level nines and tens, this was calculated as a tremendous advantage for intensifying both my desire and my belief in Macro contact.

Then there was the fact that I had attained my first Macro contact so swiftly. Because of this, C.I. indicated that the probability of swift level-three attainment was greatly increased and suggested that I make another effort at Macro contact as soon as possible. I thought that over for a while and then asked if C.I. was suggesting that I make the attempt immediately. The answer was affirmative. It was at this point that Carol entered.

I didn't have to tell Carol about C.I.'s suggestion since she had telepathically picked up my thought and come to help me.

She sat down beside me and immediately indicated her willingness to join me in my attempt at Macro contact. I asked C.I. to provide the Macro stimulation and again began experiencing the hypnotic line and color patterns on the video screen along with the incredibly exciting, yet (paradoxically) relaxing tones that seemed to penetrate and expand every cell of my body, every level of my mind.

I soon found myself flowing as a mighty river with the powerful feeling of peace, joy, and contentment.

Suddenly the river lost power, washed back on itself, and became murky. The tones grew ever more distant as the backwash seemed to carry me away from them. I broke out in the cold sweat of fear, frantically grabbing for the tones. The more anxious I became, the faster they disappeared.

Somewhere from the back of my mind came an ancient Confucian definition of love-something about two fish in a pond. The pond went dry. Through joining together the two fish made it over the vast desert to another pond. Arriving there, they let go of each other and went their separate ways. It was said that their ability to let go was love.

Why had I thought of that? What did it have to do with my present state? Was the letting go a kind of acceptance of what is, as perfect-that fine level-ten trait? Was my own anxiety for the experience driving it away?

I was losing ground so fast that I had little left to lose, so I bet all my chips on acceptance, commanding my body, mind, and emotions to stop struggling to relax, and to appreciate the absolute perfection of all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be.

Some cubbyhole of my mind was amused at the paradox and laughed at me for having the audacity to think I could keep anything by frantically hanging on. Laughter relaxed me. I stopped resisting the backwash and began to appreciate its power and beauty.

It whirled me around then, lifting me to the top of its crest, hurled me forward. The river was clear, sparkling, and powerful.

Was it-had it always been that way? Was my mind playing tricks on me? Was its change actually only within my own mind, a product of my own anxiety?

More laughter overflowed the corners of my mind. I had always loved philosophic puzzles, and this one was a beaut!

Yielding myself totally to the emental (a 2150 contraction of emotional and mental) movement, I flowed joyously on and on through what seemed an endless series of dimensions. Finally I reached the infinite ocean and experienced the unspeakable joy of Macro contact.

When at last I opened my eyes again, Carol was smiling radiantly.

'You attained Macro contact a second time, Jon, in less than a day,' she beamed.

'But I have a feeling,' I said, 'that I almost didn't make it.' Then I realized that Carol had not succeeded. I was deeply touched by her happiness for me.

'Things happen in their own time, Jon. We have to learn to understand and accept that. You can't push the river. Come on, I'm starved!'

Extracting two tiny tablets from her mib, she handed one to-me.

'What's this?' I inquired.

'That's our lunch!'

'Our what?' I asked incredulously.

Carol had gone to the wall and come back with two transparent, seemingly weightless, cups of water. 'It's magic! If you'll swallow it and drink the whole cup of water I promise you won't be hungry again till this evening.' Whereupon she downed her pill and the water.

I followed her example and, in moments, experienced the satisfied well-being of having just finished a complete meal. What's more, Carol told me that it contained a balance of all the necessary food values that my body would require for six hours. When I asked her why they bothered with developing solid foods such as the delicious seaweed steak I had enjoyed so much, she said that they enjoyed the taste of food when they were with their Alphas, but used the food tabs when busy with other activities.

'Speaking of other activities,' she said, 'it's time you visited the other triads.'

We left the library-research building and walked leisurely in the pleasantly warm early afternoon sun. We left the path and walked in the shade of stately trees toward the student recreation area. As I breathed the sweet fresh air and felt the luxuriant green life about me I thought how incredibly fortunate I was to have the opportunity to experience such beauty, tranquility, and joy.

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