“Cuvier resolved the matter to his own satisfaction . . .” Barber, The Heyday of Natural History, p. 217.

“In 1806 the Lewis and Clark expedition . . .” Colbert, p. 5.

“the source for the famous tongue twister . . .” Cadbury, p. 3.

“The plesiosaur alone took her ten years . . .” Barber, p. 127.

“Mantell could see at once it was a fossilized tooth . . .” New Zealand Geographic, “Holy incisors! What a treasure!” April-June 2000, p. 17.

“the name was actually suggested to Buckland . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 31.

“Eventually he was forced to sell . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 34.

“the world’s first theme park.” Fortey, Life, p. 214.

“he sometimes illicitly borrowed limbs . . .” Cadbury, p. 133.

“a freshly deceased rhinoceros filling the front hallway . . .” Cadbury, p. 200.

“some were no bigger than rabbits . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 5.

“the one thing they most emphatically were not . . .” Bakker, The Dinosaur Heresies, p. 22.

“dinosaurs constitute not one but two orders . . .” Colbert, p. 33.

“He was the only person . . .” Nature, “Owen’s Parthian Shot,” July 12, 2001, p. 123.

“his father’s ‘lamentable coldness of heart.’ ” Cadbury, p. 321.

“Huxley was leafing through a new edition . . .” Clark, The Huxleys, p. 45.

“His deformed spine was removed . . .” Cadbury, p. 291.

“not quite as original as it appeared.” Cadbury, pp. 261-62.

“he became the driving force . . .” Colbert, p. 30.

“Before Owen, museums were designed . . .” Thackray and Press, The Natural History Museum, p. 24.

“to put informative labels on each display . . .” Thackray and Press, p. 98.

“lying everywhere like logs . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 97.

“repeatedly taking out and replacing his false teeth.” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, pp. 99-100.

“it was an affront that he would never forget.” Colbert, p. 73.

“increased the number of known dinosaur species . . .” Colbert, p. 93.

“Nearly every dinosaur that the average person can name . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 90.

“Between them they managed to ‘discover’ . . .” Psihoyos and Knoebber, Hunting Dinosaurs, p. 16.

“obliterated by a German bomb in the Blitz . . .” Cadbury, p. 325.

“much of it was taken to New Zealand . . .” Newsletter of the Geological Society of New Zealand, “Gideon Mantell-the New Zealand connection,” April 1992, and New Zealand Geographic, “Holy incisors! What a treasure!” April-June 2000, p. 17.

“hence the name.” Colbert, p. 151.

“the Earth was 89 million years old . . .” Lewis, The Dating Game, p. 37.

“Such was the confusion . . .” Hallam, p. 173.


“could make himself invisible.” Ball, p. 125.

“An ounce of phosphorus retailed for six guineas” Durant and Durant, p. 516.

“and got credit for none of them.” Strathern, p. 193.

“which is why we ended up with two branches of chemistry . . .” Davies, p. 14.

“perhaps $20 million in today’s money.” White, Rivals, p. 63.

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