“Cuvier resolved the matter to his own satisfaction . . .” Barber, The Heyday of Natural History, p. 217.
“In 1806 the Lewis and Clark expedition . . .” Colbert, p. 5.
“the source for the famous tongue twister . . .” Cadbury, p. 3.
“The plesiosaur alone took her ten years . . .” Barber, p. 127.
“Mantell could see at once it was a fossilized tooth . . .” New Zealand Geographic, “Holy incisors! What a treasure!” April-June 2000, p. 17.
“the name was actually suggested to Buckland . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 31.
“Eventually he was forced to sell . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 34.
“the world’s first theme park.” Fortey, Life, p. 214.
“he sometimes illicitly borrowed limbs . . .” Cadbury, p. 133.
“a freshly deceased rhinoceros filling the front hallway . . .” Cadbury, p. 200.
“some were no bigger than rabbits . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 5.
“the one thing they most emphatically were not . . .” Bakker, The Dinosaur Heresies, p. 22.
“dinosaurs constitute not one but two orders . . .” Colbert, p. 33.
“He was the only person . . .” Nature, “Owen’s Parthian Shot,” July 12, 2001, p. 123.
“his father’s ‘lamentable coldness of heart.’ ” Cadbury, p. 321.
“Huxley was leafing through a new edition . . .” Clark, The Huxleys, p. 45.
“His deformed spine was removed . . .” Cadbury, p. 291.
“not quite as original as it appeared.” Cadbury, pp. 261-62.
“he became the driving force . . .” Colbert, p. 30.
“Before Owen, museums were designed . . .” Thackray and Press, The Natural History Museum, p. 24.
“to put informative labels on each display . . .” Thackray and Press, p. 98.
“lying everywhere like logs . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 97.
“repeatedly taking out and replacing his false teeth.” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, pp. 99-100.
“it was an affront that he would never forget.” Colbert, p. 73.
“increased the number of known dinosaur species . . .” Colbert, p. 93.
“Nearly every dinosaur that the average person can name . . .” Wilford, The Riddle of the Dinosaur, p. 90.
“Between them they managed to ‘discover’ . . .” Psihoyos and Knoebber, Hunting Dinosaurs, p. 16.
“obliterated by a German bomb in the Blitz . . .” Cadbury, p. 325.
“much of it was taken to New Zealand . . .” Newsletter of the Geological Society of New Zealand, “Gideon Mantell-the New Zealand connection,” April 1992, and New Zealand Geographic, “Holy incisors! What a treasure!” April-June 2000, p. 17.
“hence the name.” Colbert, p. 151.
“the Earth was 89 million years old . . .” Lewis, The Dating Game, p. 37.
“Such was the confusion . . .” Hallam, p. 173.