“the prognosis for a water molecule varies widely.” Dennis, p. 8.

“Even something as large as the Mediterranean . . .” Gribbin and Gribbin, Being Human, p. 123.

“Such an event occurred . . .” New Scientist, “Vanished,” August 7, 1999.

“equivalent to the world’s output of coal . . .” Trefil, Meditations at 10,000 Feet, p. 122.

“a lag in the official, astronomical start of a season . . .” Stevens, p. 111.

“how long it takes a drop of water . . .” National Geographic, “New Eyes on the Oceans,” October 2000, p. 101.

“about twenty thousand times as much carbon . . .” Stevens, p. 7.

“the ‘natural’ level of carbon dioxide . . .” Science, “The Ascent of Atmospheric Sciences,” October 13, 2000, p. 303.


“a world dominated by dihydrogen oxide . . .” Margulis and Sagan, p. 100.

“A potato is 80 percent water . . .” Schopf, p. 107.

“Almost nothing about it can be used . . .” Green, p. 29; and Gribbin, In the Beginning, p. 174.

“By the time it is solid . . .” Trefil, Meditations at 10,000 Feet, p. 121.

“an utterly bizarre property . . .” Gribbin, In the Beginning, p. 174.

“like the ever-changing partners in a quadrille . . .” Kunzig, p. 8.

“only 15 percent of them are actually touching.” Dennis, The Bird in the Waterfall, p. 152.

“Within days, the lips vanish . . .” Economist, May 13, 2000, p. 4.

“A typical liter of seawater will contain . . .” Dennis, p. 248.

“we sweat and cry seawater . . .” Margulis and Sagan, pp. 183-84.

“There are 320 million cubic miles of water . . . Green, p. 25.

“By 3.8 billion years ago . . . Ward and Brownlee, p. 36.

“Altogether the Pacific holds just over half . . .” Dennis, p. 226.

“we would better call our planet not Earth but Water.” Ball, p. 21.

“Of the 3 percent of Earth’s water that is fresh . . .” Dennis, p. 6; and Scientific American, “On Thin Ice,” December 2002, pp. 100-105.

“Go to the South Pole and you will be standing . . . Smith, p. 62.

“enough to raise the oceans . . .” Schultz, Ice Age Lost, p. 75.

“driven to distraction by the mind-numbing routine . . .” Weinberg, A Fish Caught in Time, p. 34.

“But they sailed across almost seventy thousand nautical miles . . .” Hamilton- Paterson, The Great Deep, p. 178.

“female assistants whose jobs were inventively described . . .” Norton, p. 57.

“Soon afterward he teamed up with Barton . . .” Ballard, The Eternal Darkness, pp. 14-15.

“The sphere had no maneuverability . . .” Weinberg, A Fish Caught in Time, p. 158, and Ballard, p. 17.

“Whatever it was, nothing like it has been seen since . . .” Weinberg, A Fish Caught in Time, p. 159.

“In 1958, they did a deal with the U.S. Navy . . .” Broad, The Universe Below, p. 54.

“We didn’t learn a hell of a lot from it . . . Quoted in Underwater magazine, “The Deepest Spot On Earth,” Winter 1999.

“the designers couldn’t find anyone willing to build it.” Broad, p. 56.

“In 1994, thirty-four thousand ice hockey gloves . . .National Geographic, “New Eyes on the Oceans,” October 2000, p. 93.

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