National Geographic, “Explosion of Life,” October 1993, p. 126.

“There was so much unrecognized novelty . . .” Fortey, Trilobite! p. 123.

“they all use architecture first created . . .U.S. News and World Report, “How Do Genes Switch On?” August 18/25, 1997, p. 74.

“at least fifteen and perhaps as many as twenty . . .” Gould, Wonderful Life, p. 25.

“Wind back the tape of life . . .” Gould, Wonderful Life, p. 14.

“In 1946 Sprigg was a young assistant government geologist . . .” Corfield, Architects of Eternity, p. 287.

“it failed to find favor with the association’s head . . .” Corfield, p. 287.

“Nine years later, in 1957 . . .” Fortey, Life, p. 85.

“There is nothing closely similar alive today . . .” Fortey, Life, p. 88.

“They are difficult to interpret . . .” Fortey, Trilobite! p. 125.

“If only Stephen Gould could think as clearly as he writes!” Dawkins review, Sunday Telegraph, February 25, 1990.

“One, writing in the New York Times Book Review . . .”New York Times Book Review, “Survival of the Luckiest,” October 22, 1989.

“Dawkins attacked Gould’s assertions . . .” Review of Full House in Evolution, June 1997.

“startled many in the paleontological community . . .New York Times Book Review, “Rock of Ages,” May 10, 1998, p. 15.

“I have never encountered such spleen in a book by a professional . . .” Fortey, Trilobite! p. 138.

“the idea of comparing a shrew and an elephant.” Fortey, Trilobite! p. 132.

“None was as strange as a present day barnacle . . .” Fortey, Life, p. 111.

“no less interesting, or odd, just more explicable.” Fortey, “Shock Lobsters,” London Review of Books, October 1, 1998.

“to have one well-formed creature like a trilobite . . .” Fortey, Trilobite! p. 137.


“In areas of Antarctica where virtually nothing else will grow . . .” Attenborough, The Living Planet, p. 48.

“Spontaneously, inorganic stone becomes living plant!” Marshall, Mosses and Lichens, p. 22.

“more than twenty thousand species of lichens.” Attenborough, The Private Life of Plants, p. 214.

“Those the size of dinner plates . . . Attenborough, The Living Planet, p. 42.

“compressed into a normal earthly day . . .” Adapted from Schopf, p. 13.

“stretch your arms to their fullest extent . . .” McPhee, Basin and Range, p. 126.

“Oxygen levels . . . were as high as 35 percent . . .” Officer and Page, p. 123.

“the isotopes accumulate at different rates . . .” Officer and Page, p. 118.

“put them in wind tunnels to see how they do it . . . Conniff, Spineless Wonders, p. 84.

“dragonflies grew as big as ravens.” Fortey, Life, p. 201.

“Luckily the team found just such a creature . . .” BBC Horizon, “The Missing Link,” first aired February 1, 2001.

“The names simply refer to the number and location of holes . . . Tudge, The Variety of Life, p. 411.

“as high as 4,000 billion.” Tudge, The Variety of Life, p. 9.

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