Szilard, Leo
Tasmanian tiger
Tattersall, Ian
taxonomy; animal world, categories; class; classification of bacteria; classification of plants; disagreements, arbitration of,; family; field of; genus; humans, classification of; life; Linnaean system; magnitude of classifying; number of taxonomists; order; phylum; primates, classifying; species; works of
Taylor, Frank Bursley
temperature; Earth’s changes of; Fahrenheit and Celsius
thermodynamics; entropy; Gibbs and; laws of; Second Law of
Thomson, J. J.
Thorne, Alan
Thorne, Kip S.
Thorstensen, John
time, general theory of relativity and
Tombaugh, Clyde
Trans-Neptunian Objects
Trefil, James
Trinkaus, Erik
Tryon, Edward P.
Tsurutani, Bruce
Turkana, Lake, Kenya
Uncertainty Principle
U.S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona
universe: age of; birth of (Big Bang theory); cosmic background radiation; curvature of space; dark energy (vacuum energy, quintessence); dark matter; edge of; emptiness of; end of; expanding; Goldilocks effect; gravity in; inflation theory; ordered self-assembly in; parsec (vs. light-years); planets in, number of; planets, life-sustaining; theory of many universes; size of; visible
uranium; decay rate into lead
Urey, Harold
Ussher, James
Valery, Paul
Venus: conditions on; lack of tectonic activity; transits of
Vermeer, Jan
Vine, Fred
Vogel, Shawna
volcanoes: Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska, and; Bruneau-Jarbidge, Idaho; climatic consequences,; Deccan Traps; Galeras, Colombia; caldera; hypertrophic pulmonary osteodystrophy; Krakatau, Indonesia; lack of preparedness; predicting; pyroclastic flow; St. Helens, Washington; supervolcanoes, superplumes; Tambora; Unzen, Japan; Vesuvius, Italy; Yellowstone Park
von Baeyer, Hans Christian
Voorhies, Mike
Vreeland, Russell
Walcott, Charles Doolittle
Walker, Alan
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Walsh, Don
water; chemical formula for; fresh; frozen, qualities of; humans, percentage; lake or ocean, length of time in; molecules; molecules, as rain; oceans, percentage of Earth’s water in; seawater; surface tension; weight of, pressure of,.