the sense wait till the Viceroy returned to Sergyar before attacking his heir.'

'Aral Vorkosigan!' cried Ekaterin. 'Do you really think Gregor will blithely accept this assault on one of his chosen Voices? Not to mention look forgivingly on someone trying to start a huge public scandal two weeks before his wedding . . . ! Richars isn't a fool, he's mad .' Or acting in some kind of blind panic, but what did Richars have to be panicked about?

'For all I know, he is mad,' said Vassily. 'He's a Vorrutyer, after all. If this comes down to the sort of internecine street fighting among the high Vor we've seen in the past, no one in the capital is safe. And especially no one they've managed to draw into their orbits. I want to have Nikki well on his way before that vote comes down. The monorail lines could be cut, you know. They were during the Pretendership.' He gestured to Aunt Vorthys for confirmation of this fact.

'Well, that's true,' she admitted. 'But even the open warfare of the Pretendership didn't lay waste to the whole of the capital. The fighting was quite focused, all in all.'

'But there was fighting around the University,' he flashed back.

'Some, yes.'

'Did you see it?' asked Nikki, his interest immediately diverted.

'We only located it so as to go round, dear,' she told him.

Vassily added a little grudgingly, 'You are welcome to accompany us too, Ekaterin—and you too, of course, Madame Vorthys—or better still, take refuge with your brother.' He gestured at Hugo. 'It's possible, given that it's widely known you've drawn Lord Vorkosigan's attention, that you could become a target yourself.'

'And hasn't it crossed your mind yet that you are being aimed by Miles's enemies at just that target? That you've let yourself be manipulated, used as their tool?' Ekaterin took a deep, calming breath. 'Has it occurred to either of you that Richars Vorrutyer may not be voted the Countship? That it could go to Lord Dono instead?'

'That crazy woman?' said Vassily in astonishment. 'Impossible!'

'Neither crazy nor a woman,' said Ekaterin. 'And if he becomes Count Vorrutyer, this entire exercise of yours comes to nothing.'

'Not a chance I propose to bet my life—or Nikki's—on, madame,' said Vassily stiffly. 'If you choose to stay here and bear the risks, well, I shall not argue with you. I have an absolute obligation to protect Nikki, however.'

'So do I,' said Ekaterin levelly.

'But Mama,' said Nikki, clearly trying to unravel this rapid debate, 'Lord Vorkosigan didn't murder Da.'

Vassily bent slightly, and gave him a pained, sympathetic smile. 'But how do you know, Nikki?' he asked gently. 'How does anyone know? That's the trouble.'

Nikki closed his lips abruptly, and stared uncertainly at Ekaterin. She realized that he didn't know just how private his private interview with the Emperor was supposed to remain—and neither did she.

She had to admit, Vassily's anxiety was contagious. Hugo had clearly taken a fever of it. And while it had been a long time since strife among the Counts had seriously threatened the stability of the Imperium, that wouldn't make you any less dead if you had the bad luck to be caught in a cross-fire before Imperial troops arrived to shut it down. 'Vassily, this close to Gregor's wedding, the capital is crawling with Security. Anyone—of any rank—who made the least move toward public disorder at the moment would find himself slapped down so fast he wouldn't know what hit him. Your fears are . . . exaggerated.' She'd wanted to say, groundless . But what if Richars did win his Countship, and its concomitant right to lay criminal charges against his new peers in the Council?

Vassily shook his head. 'Lord Vorkosigan has made a dangerous enemy.'

'Lord Vorkosigan is a dangerous enemy!' She bit her tongue, too late.

Vassily stared at her a moment, shook his head, and turned to Nikki. 'Nikki, get your things. I'm taking you away.'

Nikki looked at Ekaterin. 'Mama?' he said uncertainly.

What was it Miles had said about being ambushed by your habits? Time and again, she'd yielded to Tien's wishes over matters pertaining to Nikki, even when she'd disagreed with him, because he was Nikki's father, because he had a right, but most of all because to force Nikki to choose between his two parents seemed a cruelty little short of ripping him apart. Nikki had always been off-limits as a pawn in their conflicts. That Nikki had been Tien's hostage in the peculiar gender bias of Barrayar's custody laws had been a secondary consideration, though it was a wall she'd felt press against her back more than once.

But dammit, she'd never taken an oath of honor to Vassily Vorsoisson. He didn't hold half of Nikki's heart. What if, instead of player and pawn, she and Nikki were suddenly allies, beleaguered equals? What then was possible?

She folded her arms and said nothing.

Vassily reached for Nikki's hand. Nikki dodged around Ekaterin, and cried, 'Mama, I don't have to go, do I? I was supposed to go to Arthur's tonight! I don't want to go with Vassily!' His voice was edged with sharp distress.

Vassily inhaled, and attempted to recover his balance and his dignity. 'Madame, control your child!'

She stared at him for a long moment. 'Why, Vassily,' she said at last, her voice silky, 'I thought you were revoking my authority over Nikki. You certainly don't seem to trust my judgment for his safety and well-being. How shall I control him, then?'

Aunt Vorthys, catching the nuance, winced; Hugo, father of three, also got it. She had just given Nikki tacit permission to go to his limit. Bachelor Vassily missed the curve.

Aunt Vorthys began faintly, 'Vassily, do you really think this is wise —'

Vassily held out a hand, more sternly. 'Nikki. Come along. We must catch the eleven-oh-five train out of North Gate Station!'

Nikki put his hands behind his back, and said valiantly, 'No.'

Vassily said in a tone of final warning, 'If I have to pick you up and carry you, I will!'

Nikki returned breathlessly, 'I'll scream. I'll tell everybody you're kidnapping me. I'll tell them you're not my father. And it'll all be true!'

Hugo looked increasingly alarmed. 'For God's sake, don't drive the boy into hysterics, Vassily. They can keep it up for hours . And everybody stares at you as if you were the reincarnation of Pierre Le Sanguinaire. Little old ladies come up and threaten you—'

'Like this one,' Aunt Vorthys interrupted. 'Gentlemen, let me dissuade you—'

The harassed and reddening Vassily made another grab, but Nikki was quicker, dodging around the Professora this time. 'I'll tell them you're kidnapping me for `moral purposes' !' he declaimed from behind this ample barrier.

Vassily asked Hugo in a shocked voice, 'How does he know about that sort of thing?'

Hugo waved this away. 'He probably just heard the phrase. Children repeat things like that, you know.'

Vassily clearly didn't. A poor memory, perhaps?

'Nikki, look,' said Hugo, in a voice of reason, bending a little to peer

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