Imperial Service Headquarters. Perhaps,” her eye lit in speculation, “he could take you out and show you some of the things Miles wanted you to see.”
“Ivan may still be angry for what I did to him in London,” Mark jittered.
“He’ll get over it,” the Countess predicted confidently. “I have to admit, Miles would have positively enjoyed unsettling people with you.”
A quirk Miles inherited from his mother, clearly.
“I’ve lived almost three decades on Barrayar,” she mused. “We’ve come such a long way. And yet there is still so terribly far to go. Even Aral’s will grows weary. Maybe we can’t do it all in one generation. Time for the changing of the guard, in my opinion … ah, well.”
He sat back in his chair for the first time, letting it support him, starting to watch and listen instead of just cower. An ally. It seemed he had an ally, though he was still not sure just why. Galen had not spent much time on Countess Cordelia Vorkosigan, being totally obsessed with his old enemy the Butcher. Galen, it appeared, had seriously underestimated her. She had survived twenty-nine years here … might he? For the first time, it seemed something humanly possible.
A brief knock sounded on the hinged double doors to the hallway. At Countess Vorkosigan’s “Yes?”, they swung open partway, and a man poked his head around the frame and favored her with a strained smile.
“Is it all right for me to come in now, dear Captain?”
“Yes, I think so,” said Countess Vorkosigan.
He let himself through and closed the doors again. Mark’s throat closed; he swallowed and breathed, swallowed and breathed, with frighteningly fragile control. He would
Mark had studied vids of him taken at every age; perhaps it was somewhat odd that his first coherent thought was,
“Elena is settled,” Count Vorkosigan reported, seating himself beside the Countess. His posture was open, hands on knees, but he did not lean back comfortably. “The visit seems to be stirring up more memories than she was ready for. She’s rather disturbed.”
I’ll go talk to her in a bit,” promised the Countess.
“Good.” The Count’s eyes inventoried Mark. Puzzled? Repelled?
“Well.” The practiced diplomat whose job it was to talk three planets along the road to progress sat speechless, at a loss, as if unable to address Mark directly. He turned instead to his wife. “
A tinge of dark amusement flashed in Countess Vorkosigan’s eyes.
He’s put on weight since then,” she said blandly.
“I see.”
The silence stretched for excruciating seconds.
Mark blurted out, “The first thing I was supposed to do when I saw you was try to kill you.”
“Yes. I know.” Count Vorkosigan settled back on the sofa, eyes on Mark’s face at last.
“They made me practice about twenty different back-up methods, could do them in my sleep, but the primary was to have been use a patch with a paralyzing toxin that left evidence on autopsy pointing to heart failure. I was to get alone with you, touch it to any part of your body I could reach. It was strangely slow, for an assassination drug.
I was to wait, in your sight, for twenty minutes while you died, and never let on that I was not Miles.”
The Count smiled grimly. “I see. A good revenge. Very artistic. It would have worked.”
“As the new Count Vorkosigan, I was then to go on and spearhead a drive for the Imperium.”
“Killing you was the entire reason for my existence. Two years ago I was all primed to do it. I endured all those years of Galen for no other purpose.”
“Take heart,” advised the Countess. “Most people exist for no reason at all.”
The Count remarked, “ImpSec assembled a huge pile of documentation on you, after the plot came to light. It covers the time from when you were a mere mad gleam in Galen’s eye, to the latest addition about your disappearance from Earth two months ago. But there’s nothing in the documentation that suggests your, er, late adventure on Jackson’s Whole was some sort of latent programming along the lines of my projected assassination. Was it?” A faint doubt colored his voice.
“No,” said Mark firmly. “I’ve been programmed enough to know. It’s not something you can fail to notice. Not the way Galen did it, anyway.”
“I disagree,” said Countess Vorkosigan unexpectedly. “You were set up for it, Mark. But not by Galen.”
The Count raised his brows in startled inquiry.
“By Miles, I’m afraid,” she explained. “Quite inadvertently.”
“I don’t see it,” said the Count.
Mark felt the same way. “I was only in contact with Miles for a few days, on Earth.”
“I’m not sure you’re ready for this, but here goes. You had exactly three role models to learn how to be a human being from. The Jacksonian body-slavers, the Komarran terrorists—and Miles. You were
“I think Miles does very well,” objected the Count.
“Agh.” The Countess buried her face in her hands, briefly. “Love, we are discussing a young man upon whom Barrayar laid so much unbearable stress, so much pain, he created an entire other personality escape into. He then persuaded several thousand galactic mercenararies to support his psychosis, and on top of that conned the Barrayaran Imperium into paying for it all. Admiral Naismith is one hell of a lot more than just an ImpSec cover identity, and you know it. I grant you he’s a genius, but don’t you dare try to tell me he’s sane.” She paused. “No. That’s not fair. Miles’s safety valve works. I won’t really begin to fear for his sanity till he’s cut off from the little admiral. It’s extraordinary balancing act, all in all.” She glanced at Mark. “And a nearly impossible act to follow, I should think.”
Mark had never thought of Miles as seriously crazed; he’d only thought of him as perfect. This was all highly unsettling.
“The Dendarii truly function as a covert operations arm of ImpSec,” said the Count, looking a bit unsettled himself. “Spectacularly well, occasion.”
“Of course they do. You wouldn’t let Miles keep them if they didn’t, so he makes sure of it. I merely point out that their official function is not their only function. And—if Miles ever ceases to need them, it won’t be a year before ImpSec finds reason to cut that tie. And you’ll earnestly believe you are acting perfectly logically.”
Why weren’t they blaming him … ? He mustered the courage to say it aloud. “Why aren’t you blaming me for killing Miles?”
With a glance, the Countess fielded the question to her husband, ne nodded and answered. For them both? “Illyan’s report stated Miles was shot by a Bharaputran security trooper.”
“But he wouldn’t have been in the line of fire if I hadn’t—”
Count Vorkosigan held up an interrupting hand. “If he hadn’t foolishly chosen to be. Don’t attempt to camouflage your real blame by taking more than your share. I’ve made too many lethal errors myself be fooled by that one.” He glanced at his boots. “We have also considered the long view. While your personality and persona are