Tarry Ross walked in panic down the hall. He could see little from behind the glasses. Seven doors down, almost to the elevator, a huge hand reached from the darkness and pulled him into a room. The hand slapped him hard, and another fist landed in his stomach. Another fist to the nose. He was on the floor, dazed and bleeding. The briefcase was emptied on the bed.
He was thrown into a chair, and the lights came on. Three FBI agents, his comrades, glared at him. Director Voyles walked up to him, shaking his head in disbelief. The agent with the huge, efficient hands stood nearby, within striking distance. Another agent was counting money.
Voyles leaned into his face. 'You're a traitor, Ross. The lowest form of scum. I can't believe it.'
Ross bit his lip and began sobbing.
'Who is it?' Voyles asked intently.
The crying was louder. No answer.
Voyles swung wildly and slapped Ross's left temple. He shrieked in pain. 'Who is it, Ross? Talk to me.'
'Vinnie Cozzo,' he blurted between sobs.
'I know it's Cozzo! Dammit! I know that! But what did you tell him?'
Tears ran from his eyes and blood poured from his nose. His body shook and gyrated pitifully. No answer.
Voyles slapped him again, and again. 'Tell me, you little sonofabitch. Tell me what Cozzo wants.' He slapped him again.
Ross doubled over and dropped his head on his knees. The crying softened.
'Two hundred thousand dollars,' an agent said.
Voyles dropped to one knee and almost whispered to Ross. 'Is it McDeere, Ross? Please, oh please, tell me it's not McDeere. Tell me, Tarry, tell me it's not McDeere.'
Tarry stuck his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor. The blood dripped neatly into one little puddle on the carpet. Gut check, Tarry. You don't get to keep your money. You're on the way to jail. You're a disgrace, Tarry. You're a slimy little scuzzball of a chicken, and it's over. What could possibly be gained by keeping secrets? Gut check, Tarry.
Voyles was pleading softly. Sinners, won't you come? 'Please say it ain't McDeere, Tarry, please tell me it ain't.'
Tarry sat straight and wiped his eyes with his fingers. He breathed deeply. Cleared his throat. He bit his lip, looked squarely at Voyles and nodded.
DeVasher had no time for the elevator. He ran down the stairs to the fourth floor, to the corner, a power one, and barged into Locke's office. Half the partners were there. Locke, Lambert, Milligan, McKnight, Dunbar, Denton, Lawson, Banahan, Kruger, Welch and Shottz. The other half had been summoned.
A quiet panic filled the room. DeVasher sat at the head of the conference table, and they gathered around.
'Okay, boys. It's not time to haul ass and head for Brazil. Not yet, anyway. We confirmed this morning that he has talked extensively to the Fibbies, that they have paid him a million cash, that they have promised another million, that he has certain documents that are believed to be fatal. This came straight from the FBI. Lazarov and a small army are flying into Memphis as we speak. It appears as though the damage has not been done. Yet. According to our source—a very high-ranking Fibbie—McDeere has over ten thousand documents in his possession, and he is ready to deliver. But he has only delivered a few so far. We think. Evidently, we have caught this thing in time. If we can prevent further damage, we should be okay. I say this, even though they have some documents. Obviously, they don't have much or they would've been here with search warrants.'
DeVasher was onstage. He enjoyed this immensely. He spoke with a patronizing smile and looked at each of the worried faces. 'Now, where is McDeere?'
Milligan spoke. 'In his office. I just talked to him. He suspects nothing.'
'Wonderful. He's scheduled to leave in three hours for Grand Cayman. Correct, Lambert?'
'That's correct. Around noon.'
'Boy, the plane will never make it. The pilot will land in New Orleans for an errand, then he'll take off for the island. About thirty minutes over the Gulf, the little blip will disappear from radar, forever. Debris will scatter over a thirty-square-mile area, and no bodies will ever be found. It's sad, but necessary.'
'The Lear?' asked Denton.
'Yes, son, the Lear. We'll buy you another toy.'
'We're assuming a lot, DeVasher,' Locke said. 'We're assuming the documents already in their possession are harmless. Four days ago you thought McDeere had copied some of Avery's secret files. What gives?'
'They studied the files in Chicago. Yeah, they're full of incriminating evidence, but not enough to move with. They couldn't get the first conviction. You guys know the damning materials are on the island. And, of course, in the basement. No one can penetrate the basement. We checked the files in the condo. Everything looked in order.'
Locke was not satisfied. 'Then where did the ten thousand come from?'
'You're assuming he has ten thousand. I rather doubt it. Keep in mind, he's trying to collect another one million bucks before he takes off. He's probably lying to them and snooping around for more documents. If he had ten thousand, why wouldn't the Fibbies have them by now?'
'Then what's to fear?' asked Lambert.
'The fear is the unknown, Ollie. We don't know what he's got, except that he's got a million bucks. He's no dummy, and he just might stumble across something if left alone. We cannot allow that to happen. Lazarov, you see, said to blow his ass outta the air. Quote unquote.'
'There's no way a rookie associate could find and copy that many incriminating records,' Kruger said boldly, and looked around the group for approval. Several nodded at him with intense frowns.
'Why is Lazarov coming?' asked Dunbar, the real estate man. He said 'Lazarov' as if Charles Manson was coming to dinner.
'That's a stupid question,' DeVasher snapped, and looked around for the idiot. 'First, we've got to take care of McDeere and hope the damage is minimal. Then we'll take a long look at this unit and make whatever changes are necessary.'
Locke stood and glared at Oliver Lambert. 'Make sure McDeere's on that plane.'
Tarrance, Acklin and Laney sat in stunned silence and listened to the speaker phone on the desk. It was Voyles in Washington, explaining exactly what had happened. He would leave for Memphis within the hour. He was almost desperate.
'You gotta bring him in, Tarrance. And quick. Cozzo doesn't know that we know about Tarry Ross, but Ross told him McDeere was on the verge of delivering the records. They could take him out at any time. You've got to get him. Now! Do you know where he is?'
'He's at the office,' Tarrance said.
'Okay. Fine. Bring him in. I'll be there in two hours. I wanna talk to him. Goodbye.'
Tarrance punched the phone, then dialed the number.
'Who are you calling?' Acklin asked.
'Are you crazy, Wayne?' Laney asked.
'Just listen.'
The receptionist answered the phone. 'Mitch McDeere, please,' Tarrance said.
'One moment, please,' she said. Then the secretary: 'Mr. McDeere's office.'