comfortable and talk.'

XVIII.The Fall-Guy

Spade, with his arms around Brigid O'Shaughnessy, smiled meagerly over her head and said: 'Sure, we'll talk.'

Gutman's bulbs jounced as he took three waddling backward steps away from the door.

Spade and the girl went in together. The boy and Cairo followed them in. Cairo stopped in the doorway. The boy put away one of his pistols and came up close behind Spade.

Spade turned his head far around to look down over his shoulder at the boy and said: 'Get away. You're not going to frisk me.'

The boy said: 'Stand still. Shut up.'

Spade's nostrils went in and out with his breathing. His voice was level. 'Get away. Put your paw on me and I'm going to make you use the gun. Ask your boss if he wants me shot up before we talk.'

'Never mind, Wilmer,' the fat man said. He frowned indulgently at Spade. 'You are certainly a most headstrong individual. Well, let's be seated.'

Spade said, 'I told you I didn't like that punk,' and took Brigid O'Shaughnessy to the sofa by the windows. They sat close together, her head against his left shoulder, his left arm around her shoulders. She had stopped trembling, had stopped panting. The appearance of Gutman and his companions seemed to have robbed her of that freedom of personal movement and emotion that is animal, leaving her alive, conscious, but quiescent as a plant.

Gutman lowered himself into the padded rocking chair. Cairo chose the armchair by the table. The boy Wilmer did not sit down. He stood in the doorway where Cairo had stood, letting his one visible pistol hang down at his side, looking under curling lashes at Spade's body. Cairo put his pistol on the table beside him.

Spade took off his hat and tossed it to the other end of the sofa. He grinned at Gutman. The looseness of his lower lip and the droop of his upper eyelids combined with the v's in his face to make his grin lewd as a satyr's. 'That daughter of yours has a nice belly,' he said, 'too nice to be scratched up with pins.'

Gutman's smile was affable if a bit oily.

The boy in the doorway took a short step forward, raising his pistol as far as his hip. Everybody in the room looked at him. In the dissimilar eyes with which Brigid O'Shaughnessy and Joel Cairo looked at him there was, oddly, something identically reproving. The boy blushed, drew back his advanced foot, straightened his legs, lowered the pistol and stood as he had stood before, looking under lashes that hid his eyes at Spade's chest. The blush was pale enough and lasted for only an instant, but it was startling on his face that habitually was so cold and composed.

Gutman turned his sleek-eyed fat smile on Spade again. His voice was a suave purring. 'Yes, sir, that was a shame, but you must admit that it served its purpose.'

Spade's brows twitched together. 'Anything would've,' he said. 'Naturally I wanted to see you as soon as I had the falcon. Cash customers—why not? I went to Burlingame expecting to run into this sort of a meeting. I didn't know you were blundering around, half an hour late, trying to get me out of the way so you could find Jacobi again before he found me.'

Gutman chuckled. His chuckle seemed to hold nothing but satisfaction. 'Well, sir,' he said, 'in any case, here we are having our little meeting, if that's what you wanted.'

'That's what I wanted. How soon are you ready to make the first payment and take the falcon off my hands?'

Brigid O'Shaughnessy sat up straight and looked at Spade with surprised blue eyes. He patted her shoulder inattentively. His eyes were steady on Gutman's. Gutman's twinkled merrily between sheltering fatpuffs. He said: 'Well, sir, as to that,' and put a hand inside the breast of his coat.

Cairo, hands on thighs, leaned forward in his chair, breathing between parted soft lips. His dark eyes had the surface-shine of lacquer. They shifted their focus warily from Spade's face to Gutman's, from Gutman's to Spade's.

Gutman repeated, 'Well, sir, as to that,' and took a white envelope from his pocket. Ten eyes—the boy's now only half obscured by his lashes—looked at the envelope. Turning the envelope over in his swollen hands, Gutman studied for a moment its blank white front and then its back, unsealed, with the flap tucked in. He raised his head, smiled amiably, and scaled the envelope at Spade's lap.

The envelope, though not bulky, was heavy enough to fly true. It struck the lower part of Spade's chest and dropped down on his thighs. He picked it up deliberately and opened it deliberately, using both hands, having taken his left arm from around the girl. The contents of the envelope were thousand-dollar bills, smooth and stiff and new. Spade took them out and counted them. There were ten of them. Spade looked up smiling. He said mildly: 'We were talking about more money ti-ian this.'

'Yes, sir, we were,' Gutman agreed, 'but we were talking then. This is actual n-ioney, genuine coin of the realm, sir. With a dollar of this you can buy more than with ten dollars of talk.' Silent laughter shook his bulbs. When their commotion stopped he said n-iore seriously, yet not altogether seriously: 'There are more of us to be taken care of nosy.' He moved his twinkling eyes and his fat hiead to indicate Cairo. 'And—well, sir, in short—the situation has changed.'

While Gutman talked Spade had tapped the edges of the ten bills into alignment and had returned then-i to their envelope, tucking the flap in over them. Now-', with forearms on knees, he sat hunched forward, dangling the envelope from a corner held lightly by finger and thumb down between his legs. His reply to the fat n-ian was careless: 'Sure. You're together now', but I've got the falcon.'

Joel Cairo spoke. Ugly hands grasping the arms of his chair, he leaned forsvard and said primly in his high- pitched thin voice: 'I shouldn't think it would he necessary to remind you, Mr. Spade, that though you may have the falcon yet we certainly have you.'

Spade grinned. 'I'm trying to not let that worry me,' he said. He sat up straight, put the envelope aside— on the sofa—and addressed Gutman: 'We'll come back to the money later. There's another thing that's got to be taken care of first. We've got to have a fall-guy.'

The fat n-ian frowned without comprehension, but before he could speak Spade was explaining: 'The police has-c got to have a victim—somebody they can stick for those three murders. We—'

Cairo, speaking in a brittle excited voice, interrupted Spade. 'Two—only two—murders, Mr. Spade. Thursbv undoubtedly killed your partner.'

'All right, two,' Spade growled. 'What difference does that make? The point is we've got to feed the police son-ic—'

Now Gutman broke in, smiling confidently, talking with good-natured assurance: 'Well, sir, from what we've seen and heard of you I don't think we'll have to bother ourselves about that. We can leave the handling of the police to you, all right. You won't need any of our inexpert help.'

'If that's what you think,' Spade said, 'you haven't seen or heard enough.'

'Nosy come, Mr. Spade. You can't expect us to believe at this late date that you are the least bit afraid of the police, or that you are not quite able to handle—'

Spade snorted with throat and nose. He bent forward, resting forearms on knees again, and interrupted Gutman irritably: 'I'm not a damned bit afraid qf them and I know how to handle them. That's what I'm trying to tell you. The way to handle them is to toss them a victin, somebody they can hang the works on.'

'Well, sir, I grant you that's one way of doing it, but—'

''But' hell!' Spade said. 'It's the only way.' His eyes were hot and earnest under a reddening forehead. The bruise on his temple was livercolored. 'I know what I'm talking about. I've been through it all before and expect to go through it again. At one time or another I've had to tell everybody from the Supreme Court down to go to hell, and I've got away with it. I got away with it because I never let myself forget that a day of reckoning was coming. I never forget that when the day of reckoning comes I want to be all set to march into headquarters pushing a victim in front of me, saying: 'Here, you chumps, is your criminal.' As long as I can do that I can put my thumb to my nose and wriggle my fingers at all the laws in the book. The first time I can't do it my name's Mud. There hasn't been a

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