seen either for some time. The fire-escape window was locked and the fire-escape didn't look like it had been walked on recently.” He turned his hands over, palms up. “I guess that's the Crop.”

“No fingerprints?”

“Hers, some belonging to the people that clean up the place, near as we can figure. Nothing any good to us.”

“Nothing out of her friends?”

“She didn't seem to have any—not any close ones.”

“How about the—what was his name?—Nunheim who identified her as a friend of Morelli's?”

“He just knew her by sight through seeing her around with Morelli and recognized her picture when he saw it in the paper.”

“Who is he?”

“He's all right. We know all about him.”

“You wouldn't hold out on me, would you,” I asked, “after getting me to promise not to hold out on you?”

Guild said: “Well, if it don't go any further, he's a fellow that does some work for the department now and then.”


He stood up. “I hate to say it, but that's just about as far as we've got. You got anything you can help with?”


He looked at me steadily for a moment. “What do you think of it?”

“That diamond ring, was it an engagement ring?”

“She had it on that finger.” After a pause he asked: “Why?”

“It might help to know who bought it for her. I'm going to see Macaulay this afternoon. If anything turns up I'll give you a ring. It looks like Wynant, all right, but—”

He growled good-naturedly, “Uh-huh, but,” shook hands with Nora and me, thanked us for our whisky, our lunch, our hospitality, and our kindness in general, and went away.

I told Nora: “I'm not one to suggest that your charm wouldn't make any man turn himself inside out for you, but don't be too sure that guy isn't kidding us.”

“So it's come to that,” she said. “You're jealous of policemen.”


Macaulay's letter from Clyde Wynant was quite a document. It was very badly typewritten on plain white paper and dated Philadelphia, Pa., December 26, 1932. It read:

Dear Herbert:

I am telegraphing Nick Charles who worked for me you will remember some years ago and who is in New York to get in touch with you about the terrible death of poor Julia. I want you to do everything in your power to ((a line had been x'd and m'd out here so that it was impossible to make anything at all of it)) persuade him to find her murderer. I don't care what it costs—pay him!

Here are some facts I want you to give him outside of all you know about it yourself. I don't think he should tell these facts to the police, but he will know what is best and I want him to have a completely free hand as I have got the utmost confidence in him. Perhaps you had better just show him this letter, after which I must ask you to carefully destroy it.

Here are the facts.

When I met Julia Thursday night to get that $iooo from her she told me she wanted to quit her job. She said she hadn't been at all well for some time and her doctor had told her she ought to go away and rest and now that her uncle's estate had been settled she could afford to and wanted to do it. She had never said anything about bad health before and I thought she was hiding her real reason and tried to get it out of her, but she stuck to what she had said. I didn't know anything about her uncle dying either. She said it was her Uncle John in Chicago. I suppose that could be looked up if it's important. I couldn't persuade her to change her mind, so she was to leave the last day of the month. She seemed worried or frightened, but she said she wasn't. I was sorry at first that she was going, but then I wasn't, because I had always been able to trust her and now I wouldn't be if she was lying, as I thought she was.

The next fact I want Charles to know is that whatever anybody may think or whatever was true some time ago Julia and I were at the time of her murder and had been for more than a year not anything more to each other than employee and employer. This relationship was the result of mutual agreement.

Next, I believe some attempt should be made to learn the present whereabouts of the Sidney Kelterman with whom we had trouble some years ago inasmuch as the experiments I am now engaged in are in line with those he claimed I cheated him out of and I consider him quite insane enough to have killed Julia in a rage at her refusal to tell him wheTe I could be found.

Fourth, and most important, has my divorced wife been in communication with Kelterman? How did she learn I was carrying out the experiments with which he once assisted me?

Fifth, the police must be convinced at once that I can tell them nothing about the murder so that they will take no steps to find me—steps that might lead to a discovery of and a premature exposure of my experiments, which I would consider very dangerous at this time. This can best be avoided by clearing up the mystery of her murder immediately, and that is what I wish to have done.

I will communicate with you from time to time and if in the meanwhile anything should arise to make communication with me imperative insert the following advertisement in the Times:

Abner. Yes. Bunny.

I will thereupon arrange to get in touch with you.

I hope you sufficiently understand the necessity of persuading Charles to act for me, since he is already acquainted with the Kelterman trouble and knows most of the people concerned.

Yours truly,

Clyde Miller Wynant

I put the letter down on Macaulav's desk and said: “It makes a lot of sense. Do you remember what his row with Kelterman was about?”

“Something about changes in the structure of crystals. I can look it up.” Macaulay picked up the first sheet of the letter and frowned at it. “He says he got a thousand dollars from her that night. I gave her five thousand for him; she told me that's what he wanted.”

“Four thousand from Uncle John's estate?” I suggested.

“Looks like it. That's funny: I never thought she'd gyp him. I'll have to find out about the other money I turned over to her.”

“Did you know she'd done a jail sentence in Cleveland on a badgergame charge?”

“No. Had she really?”

“According to the police—under the name of Rhoda Stewart. Where'd Wynant find her?”

He shook his head. “I've no idea.”

“Know anything about where she came from originally, relatives, things like that?”

He shook his head again.

“Who was she engaged to?” I asked.

“I didn't know she was engaged.”

“She was wearing a diamond ring on that finger.”

“That's news to me,” he said. He shut his eyes and thought. “No, I can't remember ever noticing an engagement ring.” He put his forearms on his desk and grinned over them at me. “Well, what are the chances of getting you to do what he wants?”

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