rested on her pillow. He stared at Ronica white-faced, his hand clutching at his breast. His mouth worked, but no sounds came out. His eyes traveled to the club in her hand and widened even more.

'Oh, sit down,' Ronica exclaimed in exasperation. She tossed the club to the foot of the bed and took her own advice. 'What are you doing here?' she asked wearily. She was sure she knew the answer.

'You're alive,' Cerwin said softly. He lifted his hands to his face and rubbed at his eyes. Ronica knew he sought to hide his tears. 'Why didn't you… Is Malta safe, too? Everyone said…'

Cerwin sank down to sit beside his rose on Malta's bed. He set his hand gently on her pillow. 'I heard you had left the ball with Davad Restart. Everyone knows his coach was waylaid. They were only after the Satrap and Restart. That is what everyone says, that they would have left you alone if you had not been traveling with Restart. I know Restart's dead. Some claim to know what became of the Satrap, but they are not telling. Every time I asked about Malta and the rest of you…' He faltered suddenly, and his face flushed, but he forced himself to go on. 'They say you were traitors, that you were in on it with Restart. The rumor is that you planned to turn the Satrap over to New Traders who were going to kill him. Then the Bingtown Traders would be blamed for his death, and Jamaillia would send Chalcedean mercenaries in to take over our town and deliver it to the New Traders.'

He hesitated, then steeled himself to go on, 'Some say that you got what you deserved. They say terrible things and I… I thought you were all dead. Grag Tenira spoke up for your family, saying that was nonsense. But since he left on the Ophelia to help guard the Rain Wild River mouth, no one has taken your part. I tried, once, but… I am young. No one listens. My father gets angry with me for even speaking of Malta. When Delo wept about her, he confined her to her room and said he would whip her if she even uttered her name again. And he's never whipped Delo before.'

'What is he afraid of?' Ronica asked bluntly. 'That folk will label you as traitors for caring what became of your friends?'

Cerwin bobbed his head in a sudden nod. 'Father was not pleased when Ephron took Brashen on after our family had disowned him. Then you made him captain of the Paragon and sent him off as if you actually believed he could save Vivacia. Father took it that you were trying to show us up, to prove that you straightened out the son he threw away.'

'What utter nonsense!' Ronica exclaimed in disgust. 'I did nothing of the kind. Brashen straightened himself out, and your father should be proud of him, not angry with the Vestrits over that. But I take it that he is satisfied to see us branded as traitors?'

Cerwin looked at the floor, ashamed. The dark eyes he finally lifted to hers were very like his older brother's. 'You're right, I'm afraid. But please, torment me no longer. Tell me. Did Malta escape harm? Is she hiding here with you?'

Ronica considered for a long moment. How much of the truth should she entrust to him? She had no wish to torture the boy, but she would not endanger her family for the sake of his feelings. 'When last I saw Malta, she was injured, but not dead. Small thanks to the men who attacked us and then left her for dead! She, her mother and brother are hiding in a safe place. And that is all I'm going to tell you.'

She didn't admit that she knew little more than that herself. They had gone off with Reyn, Malta's Rain Wild suitor. If all had gone as planned, then they had reached the Kendry in safety, and escaped Bingtown Harbor and then sailed up the Rain Wild River. If all had gone well, they were safe in Trehaug. The trouble was that very little had gone well lately, and there was no way for them to send Ronica word. All she could do was trust to Sa that she had been merciful.

Relief welled up in Cerwin Trell's face. He reached to touch the rose he had left on Malta's pillow. 'Thank you,' he whispered fervently. Then he spoiled it by adding, 'At least I now can cling to hope.'

Ronica repressed a grimace. She could see that Delo had not inherited all the melodramatic tendencies in the Trell family. She changed the subject firmly. 'Tell me what is happening in Bingtown now.'

He looked startled by the sudden request. 'Well, but, I don't know that much. Father has been keeping our whole family close to home. He still believes this will all blow past somehow, and then Bingtown will go on as before. He will be furious if he discovers I've slipped away. But I had to, you know.' He clutched at his heart.

'Of course, of course. What did you see on the way here? Why does your father keep you close to home?'

The boy knit his brows and stared down at his well-kept hands. 'Well, right now, the harbor is ours again. That could change any time, though. The Three Ships folk have been helping us, but while all the ships are fighting, no one is fishing or bringing goods to market. So food is starting to be dear, especially as so many of the warehouses were burned.

'In Bingtown, there has been looting and plundering. People have been beaten and robbed simply for trying to do business. Some say the culprits are New Trader gangs, others say they are escaped slaves out for anything they can get. The Market is deserted. Those who dare to open their doors to do business run many risks. Serilla had the City Guard seize what was left of the Satrap's tariff dock. She wanted the message birds kept there, so that she might send word and receive tidings from Jamaillia. But most of the birds had died in the fire and smoke. The men she posted there did intercept a returning bird recently, but she would not share what tidings it brought. Some parts of the city are held by New Traders, some parts by Old. The Three Ships and other groups are caught between. At night, there are clashes.

'My father is angry that no one is negotiating. He says that real Traders know that almost everything can be solved by the right bargain. He says that proves that the New Traders are to blame for everything that has happened, but they, of course, blame us. They say we kidnapped the Satrap. My father believes you were going to help kidnap the Satrap so they could kill him and blame it on us. Now the Old Traders squabble among themselves. Some want us to recognize Companion Serilla's authority to speak for the Satrap of Jamaillia; others say it is time that Bingtown shook off Jamaillian authority entirely. The New Traders claim that we are ruled by Jamaillia still, but they won't recognize Serilla's documents. They beat the messenger she sent to them under a truce flag, and sent him back with his hands bound behind him and a scroll tied to his throat. It accused her of treason and being a party to the plot to overthrow the Satrap. They said our aggression against the Satrap and his lawful patrol boats provoked the violence in the harbor and turned our Chalcedean allies against us.' He licked his lips and added, 'They threatened that when the time came and strength was on their side, they would show no mercy.'

Cerwin paused for breath. His young face looked older as he went on. 'It's a mess and not getting better. Some of my friends want to arm themselves and simply drive the New Traders into the sea. Roed Caern says we should kill any of them who won't leave. He says we must take back what they stole from us. Many of the Traders' sons agree with him. They say that only when the New Traders are gone can Bingtow go back to being Bingtown. Some say we should round up the New Traders and give them a choice of leaving, or death. Others talk of secret reprisals against those who dealt with the New Traders, and burning the New Traders out to force them to leave. I've heard rumors that Caern and his friends go out a great deal at night.' He shook his head miserably. 'That is why my father tries to keep me close to home. He doesn't want me involved.' He met Ronica's eyes suddenly. 'I am not a coward. But I don't want to be involved.'

'In that, you and your father are wise. Nothing will be resolved that way. It will only justify them in more violence against us.' Ronica shook her head. 'Bingtown will never be Bingtown again.' She sighed and asked, 'When is the next Bingtown Council meeting?'

Cerwin shrugged. 'They have not met at all since this began. At least, not formally. All the liveship Traders are out chasing Chalcedeans. Some of the Traders have fled the city; others have fortified their homes and never leave them. Several times the heads of the Council have gathered with Serilla, but she has urged them to delay calling a meeting. She wishes to reconcile with the New Traders and use her authority as the Satrap's representative to restore peace. She wishes to treat with the Chalcedeans, also.'

Ronica was silent for a moment. Her lips tightened. This Serilla, it seemed to her, was taking entirely too much authority to herself. What were the tidings she had concealed? Surely the sooner the Council met and formulated a plan to restore order, the sooner the city could heal. Why would she oppose that?

'Cerwin. Tell me this. If I went to Serilla, do you think she would speak to me? Or do you think they would kill me as a traitor?'

The young man looked at Ronica with dismay. 'I don't know,' he admitted. 'I no longer know what my own friends are capable of doing. Trader Daw was found hanged. His wife and children have disappeared. Some say he killed himself when he saw that fortunes were going against him. Others say his brothers-in-law did it, out of shame. No one talks much of it.'

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