if I need something to cheer me up. And besides – my mind's working fast – I'll be giving it all up tomorrow, won't I? It's like the beginning of Lent. This is my Shopping Pancake Day. I need to cram it all in before the fast begins.

With a surge of excitement I hurry towards the Barkers Centre. I won't go mad, I promise myself. Just one little treat to see me through. I've already got my cardigan – so not clothes… and I bought some new kitten heels the other day – so not that… although there are some nice Prada type shoes in Hobbs…

Hmmm. I'm no sure.

I arrive at the cosmetics department of Barkers and suddenly I know. Makeup! That's what I need. A new mascara, and maybe a new lipstick. Happily, I start to wander around the bright, heady room, dodging sprays of perfume and painting lipsticks onto the back of my hand. I want a really pale lipstick, I decide. Sort of nudey beige/pink, and a lip-liner to go with it…

At the Clarins counter, my attention is grabbed by a big promotional sign.

Buy two skincare products, and receive FREE beauty bag, containing trial-size cleanser, toner and moisturizer, Autumn Blaze lipstick, Extra Strength mascara and sample size Eau Dynamisante.

Stocks limited so hurry.

But this is fantastic! Do you know how much Clarins lipstick usually costs? And here they are, giving it away free! Excitedly, I start rooting through all the skincare products, trying to decide which two to buy.

How about some neck cream? I've never used that before. And some of this revitalizing moisturiser. And then I'll get a free lipstick! It's a complete bargain.

'Hi,' I say to the woman in the white uniform. 'I'd like the neck cream and the revitalizing moisturiser. And the beauty bag,' I add, suddenly petrified that I might be too late; that the limited stocks might have run out.

But they haven't! Thank God. As my VISA card's processing, the woman hands me my shiny red beauty bag (which I have to admit is a bit smaller than I was expecting) and I excitedly open it up. And there, sure enough, is my free lipstick!

It's a kind of browny-red colour. A bit weird, actually.

But if I mix it up a bit with some of my others and add a bit of lip gloss, it'll look really good.

By the time I get home, I'm exhausted. I open the door to the flat and Suze comes rushing up, like a puppy.

'What did you get?' she cries.

'Don't look!' I cry back. 'You're not allowed to look. It's your present.'

'My present!' Suze gets so overexcited about birthdays.

Well, to be honest, so do I.

I hurry into my bedroom and hide the Benetton bag in the wardrobe. Then I unpack all the rest of my shopping and get out my little silver notebook to itemize my purchases. David E. Barton says this should be done straightaway, before items can be forgotten.

'D'you want a drink?' comes Suze's voice through the door.

'Yes please!' I shout back, writing in my book, and a moment later she comes in with a glass of wine.

'EastEnders in a minute,' she says.

'Thanks,' I say absently, and keep on writing. I'm following the rules of the book exactly, taking out all my receipts and writing them all down, and I'm feeling really pleased with myself. It just shows, as David E. Barton says, that with a bit of application, anyone can gain control of their finances.

Come to think of it, I've bought quite a lot of moisturizer today, haven't I? To be honest, when I was at the Clarins counter, buying my revitalizing moisturizer, I forgot about all those pots I'd bought at Boots. Still, never mind. You always need moisturizer. It's a staple, like bread and milk, and David E. Barton says you should never scrimp on staples. And apart from that, I don't think I've done too badly. Of course I haven't added it all up yet, but…

OK. So here is my final and complete list:

Cappuccino – ?1.50

Muffin – ?1.00

Magazines – ?6.40

Egg and cress sandwich – 99p

Coconut bath oil – ?2.55

Boots moisturizers – ?20.97

Two cardigans – ?90

Evening Standard – 35p

Clarins neck cream – ?14.50

Clarins moisturizer – ?32.50

Beauty bag Free!

Banana smoothie – ?2.00

Carrot cake – ?1.20

And that comes to a grand total of ?173.96! I stare at this figure in utter shock. No, I'm sorry, that just can't be right. It can't be right. I can't have spent over ?170 in one day. I mean, it isn't even the weekend. I've been at work. I wouldn't have had time to spend that much. There has to be something wrong somewhere. Maybe I haven't added it up right. Or maybe I've entered something twice.

My eye runs more carefully down the list, and suddenly stops in triumph. 'Two cardigans'. I knew it! I only bought…

Oh yes. I did buy two, didn't I? Blast. Oh God, this is depressing. I'm going to go and watch EastEnders.


Endwich Bank


3 Fulham Road

London SW6 9JH

Ms Rebecca Bloomwood

Flat 2

4 Burney Road

London SW6 8FD

6 March 2000

Dear Ms Bloomwood

Thank you for your answer-machine message of Sunday 5 March.

I am sorry to hear that your dog has died. Nevertheless, I must insist that you make contact with myself or my assistant Erica Parnell within the next few days, in order to discuss your situation.

Yours sincerely

Derek Smeath




OK, I think firmly the next day. The thing is not to get freaked out by how much I happened to spend yesterday. It's water under the bridge. The point is, today is the beginning of my new frugal life. From now on, I'm

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