He ran an arm over wet hair plastered to his scalp. 'Has she ever killed a man?'

'Men,' I clarified. 'And I never kept count.'

He nodded absently, gone away somewhere inside his head. I watched him a moment, then smiled again and turned to step over the wall.

'Wait,' he said. When I turned back, his expression was calm. 'Tomorrow morning?'

'Tomorrow morning is likely today. ' It was a not so subtle reminder that he'd dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night. 'Get a few hours' sleep, then we'll begin again. And this time, I suspect, you'll pay attention.'

He nodded, looked down at his wooden blade, nodded again.

I left him there debating his abilities, and took myself off to bed.

Life continued in that manner for the next tenday, as they reckon time on Skandi. I worked Herakleio to a standstill, pointed out his failures, guided him into small gains. Without years of study he could never match me, but he was a quick learner and not unwilling, once he decided to learn. His temper flared now and again and he was not beyond hurling curses at me when impatience led him into folly that I quite naturally took advantage of, but for the most part he kept his mouth shut and did what he was told.

Del, too, took part, though he shied like a wary dog the first couple of times she went at him with the sword. Me he accepted as a true challenge because I, in addition to being male, was on other levels a threat, but Del, despite his acceptance of her expertise with the blade, was yet a woman, and though Skandic men were not raised to believe women were lesser beings, neither were they raised to learn the sword from one.

Herakleio's natural tendency with Del was to take his punishment instead of fending it off, which occasionally led to some measure of hilarity on my part, playing spectator; a certain focused and relentless determination on Del's; and utter frustration on his. I recalled how Nihkolara had made no sound nor attempted to escape the blows rained upon him by the metri that first day. It seemed on Skandi that women in authority were permitted complete autonomy in a given situation. And while ordinarily that might be the kind of thing Del appreciated, it didn't much aid her when her express desire was for Herakleio to fight back.

The rhythm of hours, of days, of sessions settled into a comforting discipline. Herakleio and I warmed up together, performed ritual exercises designed to train the body's reflexes and control, sparred briefly; then I set about showing him techniques and maneuvers; then Del came in to test his comprehension of what I'd explained and demonstrated while I stood apart to make suggestions and comments. We trained during the day, but also at night with the torches lighted, so the eye would not be prepared only for daylight.

Occasionally I'd step back in and correct Herakleio's grip on the leather-wrapped hilt, or show him a maneuver that might offset whatever it was Del had just done to disarm him, but most of the time I simply watched and critiqued as the young Northern woman and the young Skandic man moved closer to the dance.

Then, of course, I made the mistake of shouting out for Del to correct one of her maneuvers.

It was growing late in the evening and the torches fluttered in the breeze. She shot me such an outraged and venomous glance that I was moved to immediate defense. 'Well, hey,' I said, 'there's no sense in letting you make mistakes either.'

Herakleio, having learned one thing, held his stance and made no assumptions as to whether this incident was unplanned, or specifically designed to catch him off guard.

'Was it a mistake?' Del asked coolly. 'Or merely a maneuver different from the one you might favor?'

As she lowered her sword to look at me, Herakleio realized it was a true disengagement. He stepped away warily, out of her reach, but did not relax completely.

'I favor whatever might help you win,' I shot back. 'You'd have lost with that maneuver. You left yourself wide open.'

'To whom? You?'

'To anyone with wit enough to see the opening.'

'Then come test me, Tiger.'


'Come on, Tiger. Show me. Test me.'


Herakleio asked, 'Are you afraid?'

'Stay out of this,' I said grimly, 'or you'll end up with more bruises than you already have.'

'But if she's right-if her maneuver is correct for her and merely different from one you might use …'

I glared at him. 'Ten days have made you an expert, I see.'

He didn't flinch; but then, he wouldn't. 'Ten days have taught me that each opponent may have his-or her-own individual style, and one had better learn to adjust one's own style to it at any given moment.'

Well, I couldn't argue with that. But I sure wanted to.

'Tiger,' Del said with admirable self-restraint. 'I'm not saying you were wrong. Only that I did it intentionally. With specific purpose.'

'That's all very well and good,' I returned, 'but you'd have ended up dead. Unintentionally dead, perhaps, but dead. And without specific purpose.'

'Then come show me.'

I glared at Del, then included Herakleio in it. 'I don't want to spar with you. Even with wooden swords.'

'Tiger, we have sparred many times! Even after the dance on Staal-Ysta, where we nearly killed one another.'

Herakleio, leaping head-first into stupidity again, said, 'I'd like to hear about that.'

I set my teeth and ignored him, speaking only to Del. 'The last time we danced was in the big rockpile in the Punja, when you wanted to lure Chosa Dei out of my sword.'

'Which I did.'

'Del …' I shook my head. 'We have danced two times with intent beyond conditioning one another. Once in the North on Staal-Ysta, because the voca tricked us into it-and both of us nearly died, as you pointed out. Then again a matter of two months ago, out in the desert, when Chosa Dei nearly ate me alive from the inside out.'

'Yes,' Del said.

'In both circumstances, it was far too dangerous for either of us. We're lucky we didn't die on Staal- Ysta-'


'-and lucky you weren't swallowed by Chosa Dei when he left my sword for yours-'


'-and each time the threat came to life only when we faced one another with blades.'

'Yes,' she said again.

I stared at her. 'Well?'

Del smiled. 'It means in each case that our skills have proved equal to luck.'

'I would like to see it,' Herakleio said seriously.

I rounded on him then, blistering him with every foul curse I could think of on the instant. I only stopped when I became aware of applause, and noticed both Del and Herakleio had turned away from me.

I shut up. There on the other side of the wall was the metri, being seated in a chair with Simonides' aid, and beside her two people: Prima Rhannet and her blue-headed first mate. The captain was applauding.

'Foul tongue,' she said, grinning. 'One might suggest it be cut out of your head.'

'Care to try?' I asked sweetly.

'Oh, no,' she returned, unperturbed. 'I think not. But you will be tried, and by the woman Herakleio is so intent upon seeing dance against you. Which means he must believe she is better.' Smiling, she gestured briefly at Nihko, who bent and lifted something from the ground at his feet.


He set them lengthwise precisely atop the wall, then took a single step away as if to repudiate any link to them. The message was clear: these were the swords the metri had hired them to find, so Del and I could enter the circle to settle my term of employment.

I looked at the metri. There was little resemblance to the ill woman I had seen in bed. Her hair was pulled off her face and gathered into a variety of plaits and loops, secured with enamel-and-gold pins. She wore a tunic

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